Author: Maria Wirth

 “I read your article on education in India”, a friend told me, “but there should be a follow up. It should be discussed in public and reach the officials concerned. Education in Indian schools has to change,” he stressed. He is, so to speak, an aggrieved party. Together with his wife he started coaching the children of their servant. Other kids were added and now they have some 10 children and a teacher coming every afternoon for tuition. “Why should they learn who invented the telephone?” my friend asked. The children themselves will probably defend it, wanting to get as…

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Indians have brains. This news has spread by now. I read about an Indian girl in a school in U.S. who complained that her American peers expected her to excel simply because she was Indian. There are statistics which show that NRIs in U.S. are doing exceptionally well, that their percentage in organizations like NASA or Microsoft is far above average. I used to think that the Indian education system has something to do with it. But recently I realized that Indians are brainy and successful in spite of their education. This may be too much of a generalization. There…

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