Author: Maria Wirth

Did we ever notice that only Hinduism mentions the universe? The reason is that only Hinduism knows about the vast dimensions and the huge timeframes of the universe of which our earth is just a speck. Ancient cultures like Maya, Inka, Sumeria, and others may also have reached out to the stars, but they were all destroyed either by Christianity or by Islam, and Bible or Quran were enforced as “the truth”. Only Hindus have still preserved this knowledge which in all likelihood originated in India itself. There are still millions of valuable ancient texts in India, even though millions…

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This is a translation of my very first article which I wrote in 1981. I had sent it to a German magazine which I used to read during my psychology studies. They published it and later, two more magazines reprinted it. I was asked to keep sending articles. It helped me to stay in India… “Will you still be able to fit in with us in the West?” asked my sister in a letter (in 1981). I had shared with her some thoughts about life and death with which I had become familiar in India and which I felt made…

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Europeans have a horrifying record regarding human rights violations. Germany is well known for an unprecedented, systematic holocaust of Jews and gypsies right in the middle of Europe only 80 years ago. Yet Britain, France, Portugal and others were as brutal with equal or even higher number of humans killed in their colonies. Their victims count many millions and many of them were Indians. The Arabs, Turks and Mongols, too, have a horrifying record regarding human rights. The number of victims killed also goes into many millions, and many of them were Indians. The Muslims invaded India already over thousand…

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Anchors at Indian TV channels are generally intelligent and capable. However, when the topic involves religion, they often lack common sense or courage. Recently Rishab Gulati said on NewsX that he wants to explore how to bring the Indian Muslims, who had been brainwashed into hard Wahhabi Islam, back to a softer Sufi version. Rishab surely would know that all versions of Islam are based on Quran and he would also know that the stark division between believers, who are considered good, and unbelievers, who are considered bad, is fixed in this foundational text itself. So why would he not…

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Anyone who knows even a little about the mindset of Hindus knows that genocide is simply not in their genes. It never happened and it can never happen. Killing someone because he worships God under another name is for Hindus unimaginable and ridiculous. Sometimes I check the German TV channel Deutsche Welle (dw) to know what they want us to think. Unlike in India, most German news channels are government friendly. Yet it always amazes me, although India and Germany are on friendly terms, how negatively dw reports on India. So when on 17. April 2020 dw ran a negative…

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Recently, a young English woman, Melissa, who is active on Twitter as English_Bahen, came visiting me together with her Indian husband. We spent the whole day together, also went to a Shiva temple. They suggested, we record an interview for her YouTube channel “English bahen dil se”. They split the 30 minutes video into three parts, as they felt, nobody has a longer attention span nowadays than 10 minutes… If you have only 10 minutes, I would suggest you start with the second or last part, as they are probably most important for India. As usual, I am very frank.…

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आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी, मैं भारतीय नागरिक नहीं हूं, लेकिन मैं भारत का सम्मान करती हूं और मेरी इच्छा है कि इसकी संस्कृति पल्लवित हो और समस्त विश्व को सुवासित करे, क्योंकि यह संपूर्ण मानव जाति के लिए हितकारी है। भारत को छोड़कर, सभी प्राचीन संस्कृतियों को ईसाई या इस्लाम या कुछ मामलों में साम्यवाद ने नष्ट कर दिया है। भारत एकमात्र पुरातन संस्कृति है, जो अब भी प्राणवान है, लेकिन उसे भी लील जाने के लिए ये तीन नकारात्मक शक्तियां घात लगाकर बैठी हैं। कृपया मुझे एक सुझाव देने की अनुमति दें, क्योंकि मैं अंदरूनी तौर पर ईसाई…

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Dear respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji, I am not an Indian citizen but Iove India and want her culture to flourish and spread because it is most beneficial for all humanity. Except in India, all ancient cultures have been wiped out by Christianity or Islam or in some cases by communism. India is the last ancient culture standing but heavily under attack by those three forces. Please allow me to make a suggestion, since I know both Christianity and Hindu Dharma as an insider. The terms ‘Heathen’, ‘Kaffir’ and ‘idol worshipper’ are highly derogative and insulting, yet freely used…

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This question cannot be answered with a yes or no, because it depends if you have good reasons why you believe that your religion alone is the right one. If your belief is based on reason, intuition and experience than surely it is not wrong to say so and to try to make others see your point, too. Now there is one problem. The faith for which the term ‘religion’ was first used – Christianity and Islam – are neither based on reason, intuition or experience but only on blind belief. One can never know for sure if Jesus is…

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“Why Indians had to suffer so much for the last 1000 years when they were generally good-natured and did not attack others?” someone asked Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. It was a question which troubled me too. He replied on the lines that Indians had not done their job in analyzing their enemy. Why did Prithviraj Chauhan for example let Mohammad Ghori off in spite of knowing that he had not stuck to any rules of war? The young Indian raja obviously had not analyzed what made his attacker so unprincipled. He didn’t seem to be aware about the tenets of Islam,…

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