There is probably no other country where members of other religions were as safe as in India. Hindus always gave shelter to those who were persecuted in their homelands. Jews gratefully acknowledged that India is the one country where they were never persecuted. Syrian Christians under their leader Thomas of Cana (Thomas the Apostle did not come to India) were given refuge in the 4th century. Parsis came in the 10th century to escape the Muslim invaders in Persia. And in 1959, some 100,000 Tibetan Buddhist refugees found shelter in India – only 12 years after the British had left the country, divided and poverty-stricken.
In contrast, the rich USA with an area three times the size and only a quarter of India’s population allowed only in 1991 one thousand Tibetan families to enter.
Indians never hesitated to accept those who were in trouble and who wanted to preserve their faith because they did not distinguish between human beings on religious lines. Their attitude was that all belong to one big human family and all have the same divine essence in them. For them “religion” was not an identity but a natural, ideal way of life.
So what happened that nowadays there is a lot of talk that Christians are under attack in India? Have Hindus become intolerant?
No. Hindus have not changed. All the so called attacks on churches which were hyped up recently on many TV channels turned out to have been minor crimes unconnected with “Hindu extremists”. In other countries they would hardly find space in the local paper. Why were they flogged for days on TV channels? Why were Christian spokesmen given plenty of airtime to falsely blame the “Hindu right” and claim that Christians are under attack? There seems to be an agenda by the Churches and it would need to be investigated why so many TV channels obliged.
A smashed glass pane outside one church, a fire due to short circuit in another church, a theft of 8000 Rupees in a convent school, stones thrown by a mixed group of Hindus and Muslim surely don’t warrant hours of hyped coverage.
Yes, there was also the break-in into a convent school in West Bengal, where not only 1,2 million Rupees were stolen but a 72 year old nun was allegedly gang raped.
This was shameful no doubt and this news reached in no time all corners of the world. It fitted well into the image that had already been crafted over the last 2 years – of India as a rapists’ nation. The Vatican radio spoke of India’s shame which went viral on the internet.
It turned out that Bangladeshi Muslims, probably encouraged by the Pakistani secret service, were behind it.
Typically, the media fell silent. The BBC ran a scroll that an arrest has been made in the nun gang rape in India. They didn’t mention that he was a Bangladeshi Muslim. Neither the Vatican, nor the cardinal or the bishop apologized for their wrong, greatly publicized pre-judgment of the case that it was connected with the Hindu re-conversion drive of RSS and VHP.
The campaign of media and Christian representatives against “Hindu extremists” is not likely to end soon. New incidents will come up and the Christian spokesmen will again peddle the “truth” that under Narendra Modi as Prime Minister the Hindus are emboldened to “attack” Christians in hate crimes and that Christians feel helpless and insecure. The TV anchors will continue to prod them: “Do you feel unsafe in India?” and all Christian spokesmen will again reply “Yes” and claim that hate crimes have increased since Modi came to power.
There are other voices, too, who do not take part in this back stabbing of their Hindu brothers and, probably closer to the truth, blame the Christian clergy for trying to sow discord between communities. Yet those Christians, like Robert Rosario or Hilda Raja, are not likely to get an invitation to represent the Christian side, because they wouldn’t further the agenda to portray Hindus in poor light.
Mainstream media has tremendous power to shape opinions. Churches have tremendous financial and political clout. Both obviously cooperate to portray Hindus as intolerant and hateful of other religions – contrary to facts. There is a third power that wants India to get a bad image the world over, at least as bad as its own image is. It is Pakistan. The Sunday Guardian of 21th March exposed that the Pakistani secret service increased its budget six-fold to achieve the goal that India is put into the same bracket with Pakistan on human rights issues and downgraded by the US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).
This goal has already been achieved in regard to projecting India as a rapist country. In the west, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are now seen as being on the same level. In fact, India stands out negatively: it is openly thrashed for its ‘anti-women attitude’, while it is politically incorrect to thrash Muslim countries. The German professor who quoted India’s rape culture as reason to reject an Indian shows the huge damage that this false portrayal of India has done.
Unfortunately, India did nothing to put the issue into perspective when the maligning campaign started, and it seems that India again does nothing to prevent an equally damaging, also false perception that Hindus are prone to hate crimes against Christians. Sometimes I wonder whether Indians are even aware how detrimental to India’s image abroad the media campaign has already been.
At least the government, if not the public at large, would know that India is neither in the top league of rape countries, nor are Hindus known for hate crimes and discrimination against members of other religions.
They would know that India has presently a population of 1270 million, and that it is unfair to compare absolute numbers of crimes with other countries. If the crimes that happen in the USA, Canada, in all European countries including Russia plus Australia were added up, then they could be compared with the number of crimes that happen in India. Can the media be made to give a balanced reporting on the issues it takes up? Does anyone remember the hype that media created about AIDS some 20 years ago? “India second only to South Africa” they screamed. Nobody mentioned that India had 1000 and South Africa 50 million inhabitants.
If the media were fair, they would discern that the charge of 160 hate crimes against Christians in the last 10 months, especially when those include theft and a stone thrown by a drunkard, is no reason to shout “Christians don’t feel safe in India”? Why do they play into the hands of the west which will be pleased to get a stick to beat India with?
In England, there were over 1,000 hate crimes only against Jews in the last year. This would equal over 20,000 hate crimes in India if it is put in proportion to the population. In USA, several Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims were killed only because they were Sikhs, Hindus or Muslims. Should the USCIRF not put the US and Europe on its watch list, before it even thinks of condemning India?
There are several indicators that clearly show that Christians are not persecuted in India and are even pampered:
The percentage of Christians keeps increasing. Their places of worship multiply manifold and are free from government interference, unlike Hindu temples. Many Christians are in high positions. Missionaries have the guts to openly declare that they want to plant hundred thousand churches in India and “evangelize the whole country in this generation” (from a Christian youth magazine called “Blessings”). Christians and other minorities are privileged and get special benefits like scholarships, etc. Christians can teach the catechism in their schools to Christian students, while ethic teachers in those schools must not mention Sri Krishna, or Hindu philosophy to Hindu students. Compare this with the situation in Pakistan and it becomes evident that the “operation equal blame” depends entirely on spreading falsehood and manipulating the world opinion.
How to counter this mischievous agenda? Certainly not by going on the defensive and giving special attention to Christians. “Justice for all, appeasement for none” is the way to go. The nun gang rape has been carried to the eight corners of the world as a ‘communal crime’ because the victim was a Christian. How would the kin of a Hindu girl feel who has been raped and maybe even killed by Muslims or Christians, yet neither the media nor even the police take any interest in the case, because it is not communal enough when Hindus are at the receiving end? Crimes need to be treated as crimes and religion should be out of consideration.
Hindus have no reason to be defensive. Spokesmen are dishonest when they claim that Christian are unsafe in India. It will be difficult to find any other country where Christians in minority are as safe and pampered, as among Hindus. If someone needs to be on the defensive, it is the Christian clergy and they may know it. Maybe that is the reason why they act as bullies in tune with the dictum ‘attack is the best defense’. They will stop playing the bully only when they perceive their opponent as strong.
Strength here doesn’t mean to bully back. It simply means to be clear, stick to truth and stick to dharma. It also means not to be afraid to point out the adharmic, divisive aspects in Christianity.
We live in the 21st century when science has discovered that there are different levels to reality. The apparent variety in this universe is based on uniform oneness. Our deepest essence is made of the same stuff, as it were. The Indian rishis knew this, ages ago. Where then is there place for a huge fire where billions or maybe trillions of heathens will burn for eternity after the Day of Judgment?
What is more of a hate crime: when a stone is thrown at a church by a drunkard or when respected clergy declare without any proof that Hindus are damned to eternal hellfire if they don’t become a member of the Church, and when they brainwash Christian children to believe this? Will TV anchors be outraged at such discriminatory, baseless allegation which can lead to real hate crimes? Will Hindus (and other heathen like Buddhists, atheists, etc.) demand an answer from the Churches?
Christians who originally came as refugees, and later went berserk during the Goan Inquisition, are now on a well-planned mission with huge funds from the west to change the broad-minded attitude of Hindus from “We revere ALSO Jesus” to a narrow-minded “We revere ONLY Jesus”?
Contempt and intolerance for other religions is inbuilt in Christianity. Its goal is clear: all must follow Christ. Hinduism must disappear. If they say something else in Interfaith Dialogues, it is deception. The spread of Christianity is not in India’s interest. It is not in humanity’s interest either.
Hinduism unlike Christianity and Islam, has no agenda and never had an agenda to wipe out other religions. In India, there always were innumerable paths to the one truth. It is India’s job not only to honour their valuable heritage and educate their own people and the world about it, but also prevent their people from being deceived, threatened or allured by unfair means to a divisive ideology.
The Churches don’t succeed anymore to enforce belief in unreasonable dogmas among Christians in the west, yet their financial and political power is mind boggling. They have plenty of funds to defame Hindus and Hinduism the world over. India is no equal in this fight, as most of her own media seems to have switched sides.
Maybe the Prime Minister himself needs to point out on his visit to Europe that Christian Churches are on a massive conversion spree in India because they have this strange and baseless notion that otherwise Hindus go to hell. They should relax. Hindus won’t go to hell. Most Europeans will agree with him.
However, I don’t know how much damage the media campaign “Christians are under attack” has already done. I just checked with a cousin in Germany. Yes, he heard already that there were attacks on Christians in India…
By Maria Wirth
by Madhav Nalapat. (it’s not “part-of-isis”, but “part-of-isi” operation)
by Sankrant Sanu on huge conversion project
by Rupa Subramanya
It is interesting read. Why is the main stream media reporting is with full bias and against Hinduism. The more and more this kind of reporting happens, people at large will loose faith in the Press. We have to remember what Peter Drucker once said. The problem with propaganda is not that people will not believe propaganda , they will not believe any thing.
Read the truth abour mainstream media
Now can you understand why media instigages vicious propaganda only against Hinduism and Hindu Saints?
Maria ji,people should realize that it’s the Krishna cinsciousness in your soul which is making you stand bravely for Dharma,i can understand maria Ji
Whats the Beef about Beef
False God is my N word Bitch!
Julio Sir, every intelligent and informed Indian carries a huge respect for you…for the wonderful things you have done for India, in Punjab and in Bombay in the past during your active service period….. please do not feel a stranger in your own country….only advise the christian religious zealots not to indulge in conversions of poor indians anywhere in India…….
Westerners have been studying Quantum Physics and embracing Sanatan Dharma. Agniveer and other Hindu organisations are creating awareness among educated Indian youth.
this might be of interest –
I don’t understand why Narendra Modiji & BJP Government is not exposing all this? Even impartial Christian can understand what is right & wrong then why India has to tolerate such a nonsense propaganda? All countries has their official state religion then if India wants to call Hindu as state religion then what’s wrong and then India is termed as Non Secular country?
One word:Great and Beautiful.
But is any one listening, at least by chance??????
That is some impressive denial.
There’s no denying that there are plenty of attacks against Christians and other minorities. Pretending it doesn’t happen doesn’t help anyone, including yourself.
where has the true hindu disappeared who was all inclusive ? why is the real hindutava not portrayed in media. why cant we hear the words of vivekananda who said, no one has to convert…hindu must remain hindu, christian a christian muslim a muslim. because all would reach to the same goal…y cant we realise this and respect and love every person in spirit as the one divine child with different hues and colors… you have rightly pointed out maria….no one is under attack its the play of words..
You got to read Fredrich Nietzsche’s “Anti Christ” to understand this pathology.
Excellent article as always, Maria. It is nothing new in what the west is doing to degrade the once pristine empire of the world. We can only write about it, they on the otherhand might read it, but the outcome will continue be their continuous degradation of our culture. They are envious of our God (Brahma, our language (sanskrit), our culture (Sanatan Dharma) and our history. But in their dire attempt to destroy us, they will eventually suffer defeat, because the wisdom of the Rishis of yore will never die.
“If there should be a conference among the most imaginative minds they will agree that almost all institution of learning are only nurseries of prejudice, corruption, barbarism and pedantry.”
This is what the west if built on.
[…] Source […]
Its true reality and she have written in articles , the Hindu Intellect should also spread the real happening in India and mittigate the falsehood theories of the churches and media
… Ganesh S Shetty
The biggest enemy of Hindus is the English speaking elite indian media. They are the cause of our bad publicity,falsehoods and totally untrue news about Hindu and India
You deserve my heartfelt thanks for writing this truthful blog against the church and the intellectual dishonesty of indian media
Well researched article well explained too
Christians all over the world have done mission work, like spread of education, health support, helping the poor. in India, they created jobs, put Railways in order
I think you are completely wrong;you have to read Rajiv Malhotra`s Breaking India to know the truth.Christianity may preach peace and love, but what the missionaries did (and are doing) is strictly in-human and unethical.(from personal experience)
Thank You
Maria O Maria where did all the converted Christians hide during the many census of India. Does it not surprise an intelligent person that the Christian growth rate was always less than the Hindu growth rate and that their population has not increased but reduced to below 2% even though the missionaries built so many Churches evangelising or threatening to (quoting from your writeup Missionaries have the guts to openly declare that they want to plant hundred thousand churches in India and “evangelize the whole country in this generation”) but to no avail. What kind of downright stupid arguments are you making? Have some respect for your fellow citizens and don’t make us a laughing stock among netizens.
Where did u get this info from??
Ours is Sanathana Dharma. It is not based on the birth of Sri Rama or Sri Krishna or any particular Avatar. As it is our philosophy to live in tune with Nature, we don’t harbour any ill will to people of other faith. But the matter doesn’t stop there.
MAIN OBJECT: These missionaries faith do not really care a damn about the salvation or spiritual aspirations of these converts. Theirs is purely a business venture. Their main aim is to convert people to their faith, increase their numbers, take control of a small region first, then expand their hold in the political system and finally have major hand in the decision making process of the country. Once they establish themselves securely, they will enact legislation to suit their personal business needs.
MODUS OPERANDI: At the global level, they are projecting us as a poor country and sending money in the guise of aid. Their aim is to use these funds to invest in land in order to take control of the natural resources. Since foreigners are not allowed to make capital investments in our land freely, what is the way out? They use our own native, gullible people and invest the money in land & buildings and other infrastructure in their names. To this end, they convert the people to their religion first and then route their investment so that they can have a vice like grip on these people to indirectly control their investments.
STRENGTH & SUPPORT: With these infrastructure investments, they establish various business/trading houses for import/export and take back their returns in a clandestine way by engaging in hawala/money laundering deals, by pulling wool over the eyes of the public and the law. Since they have a well established network of pseudo-secularists right upto the very top in all government office, they are in a position to pull out anything in their favour.
WHAT IS THE LOGIC: Some days ago there was a report in the papers that our Foodgrain Stock has twice exceeded the prescribed Buffer Limit. This clearly shows that we are not in need of any food for the people as all the granaries are overflowing and fresh godowns have to be built to stock this years’ surplus. In contrast, countries like Sudan and Somalia are facing the severest famine and drought conditions that most of the people are like walking skeletons. Why these missionaries are sending funds to uplift the “POOR” of our country where the granaries are overflowing with surplus food grains, when they can divert their funding to help the REALLY NEEDY, MALNOURISHED PEOPLE in countries like SUDAN and SOMALIA? Because if they INVEST in those countries, there are no resources to take control and as such no RETURN ON INVESTMENT. But here, our Bharat was the richest, is still the richest and ever will be the richest country in the world and shrewd business minded people will start their shop only here as has been repeatedly happening for over a thousand years, isn’t it?
[…] Christians are not under attack in India. […]
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Great write-up! Please keep up the good work. Hinduism is a way of life -an ancient religion and don’t feel the need to expand it forcibly on people of other religion. Extremism in Hinduism is minimal and only incidental which are most often exaggerated in media.
Great piece. I am surprised no media channel airs these views. I also wonder whether the blame game is only limited to English media, and villagers are ignorant (for the best) and continue to live in harmony.
During the last assembly polls in Uttarkhand the local paper reported that Christian representatives demanded from the Congress party to file a Christian canditate for the assembly seat in the area where i live because there are now 10 per cent Christians…
Look what happened in Andra Pradesh under Christian CM? 2 percent???
please read my letter to the Pope
Most Hindus are oblivious of what’s happening in rest of the world and how others view them and the Indian governments have almost never cared or shown sensitivity in this regard. The Indian media is no different, ignorant at best and criminally dishonest at worst, it is handled with kid gloves by politicians of all parties. You have mentioned the US Commission for International Religious Freedom USCIRF, which is headed by Katrina Lantos Swett, a Jew who converted to Mormonism, a modern Christian sect and a principal figure behind the visa ban for Modi.
The USCIRF has no representative from non-Abrahamic religions (Muslims have a single, token representative). Here we have a morally compromised The Hindu treating her as the ultimate purveyor of impartial justice and religious tolerance, plying her with leading questions:
She says: “In Delhi, five churches were attacked. There are reports that Hindu nationalists forced some Christians and Muslims to convert. There are reports of the majority-Muslim village of Azizpur in Bihar being attacked by more than 5,000 people and Muslims were killed and houses were set on fire. As you may recall just a few weeks ago earlier in February police detained a large number, I believe it was hundreds of Christians, who were demonstrating against attacks on churches in New Delhi. One of the gentlemen who were detained during the police arrests of these demonstrators was a very distinguished human rights activist, John Dayal, who actually had testified before the U.S. Congress just about a year ago, in April 2014. He testified before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission on the plight of religious minorities in India”.
Not very long ago, in a CNN blog she gave a series of misleading and slanted information, as just these two examples will make clear
1.” Anti-Christian violence followed the August 2008 murder of a Hindu leader in Odisha, even though Maoists claimed responsibility”. The AK-47 toting Maoist who killed the leader was a Christian Pana, a politically powerful group in Odisha who are usurping land, resources and tribal privileges from the animistic Kondh tribals, (whose rights that leader was trying to protect) and who revolted at the cowardly assassination by the Panas.
2. “Most notoriously, in February 2002 in Gujarat, Hindu mobs killed as many as 2,500 mostly Muslims, forced 100,000 to flee, and destroyed homes”. The number of killed in the riots was 1044 made up of 254 Hindus and 790 Muslims, as given in 2005 by the anti-Modi Congress led UPA in the Parliament, after a thorough investigation.
The very fact that she totally ignores Hindus killed and inflates the Muslim dead betrays the completely biased agenda of a powerful and vested Christian interest, cloaked in the vestments of a Senatorial body.
thank you for the detailed info on USCIRF
Most of the converts have been low caste Dalits who still claim to be Hindus officially to avail the caste reservation but are in practice christians. Declaring themselves as christians officially will make them lose the SC reservation. Missionaries convert Dalits criticising caste injustice in hinduism but ask them to retain the caste for reservation. In practise also, they are treated as Dalits now known as christian Dalits an oxymoron. That’s why you don’t see the figures in census. I personally know few who have done this. Missionaries in india are the biggest hypocrites. Even in my home state kerala christians feel proud and declare themselves to be descendants of converted Brahmins from 1st century by St. Thomas (this claim is disputed). Nevertheless they are proud of their Brahmin ancestry. The later fishermen lower caste converts have their own church and are not entertained by these Brahmin converts.
Christians are ofcourse under attack of hindu terrorism. I am an indian christian and have faced many incidents of hatred. The hindu parties like RSS (rashtriya swayamsevak sangh) and VHP (vishwa hindu parishad) are carrying out activities against christians in india. Last month few hindus calling themselves vhp and bajrang dal leaders attacked us and said that “go back to vatican or else become a hindu. If u don’t choose an option u will face the storm.” these were the words of those hindu extremists.
If I have to agree with what you are saying, the ownership of channel CNN-IBN is held by Ambani, a strong supported of Modi/BJP and Times have been a major channel to air the atrocities against Christians. Does he as a shareholder of CNN-IBN have no say to in the broadcast of the news aired by his channel? You mean that they has no control over his own channel? We also know that Times is also a BJP sympathizer. It shocks me to know that the media has no backbone and is dependent on only around 2000 christian religious leaders to make decisions on what news to be aired.
Maybe if this kind of thing does not happen people will you alone.. Take responsibility for you own actions my friend..
(iconoclasm (countable and uncountable, pluraliconoclasms
The belief in, participation in, or sanction of destroying religious icons and other symbols or monuments, usually with religious or political motives.)
Hallo Maria!
Ich lebe teils in Wien und teils in Tiruvannamalai. Da ich nicht mehr tatenlos zusehen wollte wie Indien in deutschsprachigen Medien behandelt wird habe ich einen eigenen Blog gestartet. Bitte wirf mal einen Blick darauf und schreib deine Meinung als Kommentar!
Kann es sein das wir uns kennen? Vor ca. 20 Jahren in Puttaparthi oder Vivekananda Yoga Kendra nahe Bangalore? Hast du mal einen Rollstuhlfahrer aus Österreich getroffen.
LG Shankara
Hey Hi….
Recently there ws a bomb blast in a Hindu temple …. But it was only reported by a regional news channel ..
I would really appreciate if u add that in your article … (search for Belur Mutt Attack) it happened in Kolkata
Yes, the Belur Mutt attack was completely ignored by MSM till afternoon. But social media kind of forced at least newsx to discuss it in the evening, including why events where Hindus are attacked are downplayed. Of course without the hype that is typical when there is even only a stone thrown by a drunkard at a Church. Other channels kept quiet… though it was not about a stone but 2 blasts.
Thanks for an enlightening article.,Ms.Wirth.Unfortunately,no Christian clergy has come forward to express regrets over inadvertent remarks against the current dispensation.The press is silent and that silence speaks of cowardice and hypocrisy.This article should find itself in the mainstream newspaper.Today there is one article,a news clip,in TOI has tried to some extent correct the systematic tirade against the current dispensation by comparing attacks on churches during the UPA govt.
very well explained mam
TV programs or individual efforts making a divide among people of India is not good for India. In fact unlawful by a law which is rarely put to use. Even this article whether with truth in it or not is not spreading peace. It is creating divide. Our country need to progress and any unproductive matter has to be dumped.Digging deep to find out others fault is not a civilized act. Should be buried deep.
Today all over the world we are witnessing socio-political conflicts and religious strife taking heavy toll of human lives. There is an urgent need for mankind to change his way of thinking and behavior if a major catastrophe has to be averted and human race being extinguished. Hence an all-embracing new ethical order based on scientific temper, reasoning and humanness, is the need of the hour. Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Righteousness) as defined by Swami Vivekananda is a way of life without strict dos and don’ts and containing spiritual values. People all over the world following different faiths like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism and also atheists and agnostics can adapt the Sanatana way of life to know the purpose of one’s life and realize the Ultimate Reality. See
it’s not digging deep to ind other’s fault but it is about truth. Truth needs to come out and be honoured. Your name is “Nailtruth”??
Ms. Maria you should know that publishing even true incidents or speeches is prohibited in India if it is spreading communal disharmony. I don’t know about your country. Please be aware of this fact. You have lot of information about India and Hindu culture and I do appreciate that. Please enlighten people on that. But going beyond that to attack other communities to appease some people is not in good taste and not even lawful.
[…] Source: Maria Wirth Blog […]
Please don’t be paranoid. Why would the Hindu press make false reports against Hindus? These attacks are being conducted by Hindu extremists, not Hindus in general. The vast majority of Hindus don’t like these attacks against innocent Christians. A majority of Hindus helped vote the BJP out of power in 2004 for the same concerns about religious intolerance.
it seems you don’t live in India and don’t know the situation.
Unfortunately, your propaganda somehow missed the following publications and the news they have reported:
The first major instance of mass violence against Christians broke out in the southeastern districts of Gujarat in 1998, “the same year that the BJP came to power in that state,” notes a 1999 report of Human Rights Watch. The report titled ‘Politics by other means: Attacks against Christians in India’ noted that between December 25, 1998, and January 3, 1999, more than 20 churches were burned or destroyed and scores of tribal Christians were assaulted, robbed and targeted by angry mobs of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal activists who invaded their houses in the Dang and neighbouring districts of Gujarat. The report also said: “Although the highest number of incidents took place in Gujarat, attacks have also been reported in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Manipur, West Bengal, and New Delhi.”
Members of a Hindu fundamentalist outfit stormed a church in Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur district terrorised people, and assaulted church members. The attack took place on Friday. The Hindu outfit alleged that members of the Christian community were converting Hindus.
The police have lodged a complaint against the attackers and are taking the help of CCTV footage o arrest them.
“We have registered cases against Dharma Sena leader Yogesh Agarwal, Raju Rai and others. Efforts are on to nab them.” H.C. Mishra, Superintendent of Police, Jabalpur said.
Somehow, Maria Ji has missed the fact that Hindus wrote the manual on how to discriminate against one’s fellow man, even going so far as to declare many of them to be “untouchable”.
Dr. Kulkarni, as a Christian whose ancestors were converted by Portuguese Jesuits in Goa hundreds of years ago, almost certainly using coercive methods, I have always opposed coerced conversions. While I happen to like my Christian religious ghar, with all due respects to my Hindu friends, I am not opposed to the ghar wapsi movement, as long as it is conducted lawfully, and does not use coercion itself. After all, Muslims and Christians have been practicing “ghar choddo” for centuries, often by the sword and other coercive measures.
Having said that, what Julio Ribeiro wrote has been corroborated by other credible sources as you can see in the links below:
Radhika, if “no one is under attack” how do you explain the following news reports?
Vijai, please note that Hindus wrote the manual on how to mercilessly discriminate against one’s fellow-man, relegating many of them permanently to the status of “untouchable” simply because of their accident of birth.
Please wise up.
Sharma Ji, the biggest enemies of Hindus are Hindus themselves. Hindus wrote the manual on how to mercilessly discriminate against one’s fellow-man, relegating many of them permanently to the status of “untouchable” simply because of their accident of birth.
Jatin-bhai – Unfortunately, all that tsunami of verbiage by Maria Ji, pales in the light of the facts as shown in the following two links:
Maria Wirth says I don’t live in India and don’t know the situation. Unfortunately, I know the situation better than she does as these two news reports would indicate:
Article is too soft and the Hindus should be altered about the need to become virat Hindu and not be sattivic. Yes, it is true that the Christians are powerful but that does not mean Hindus should not fight. Think of Lord Krishna and Hindus should become like Him Strategic Mind. Don’t forget Strategic Mind like Lord Krishna.
Thought provoking essay by Mrs. Maria.
Agree with the fundamental basics of humanity.
Don’t agree with certain general interpretations/conclusions against a particular religion.
Let me cite an incident I was witness to during my PG days in Manipal.
It was the days of Hindu -Muslim riots in Bhatkal. Our unit headed by my idol Prof.Benjamin Joseph was the admitting unit for the injured. One lady (who lost her kid ) adopted an injured kid who lost her parents in the riots. My prof found out this was a Hindu lady who adopted this Muslim child. That day’s ward rounds-discussion for us was only about human values. He said this lady teaches ALL of us something to remember for life. At his OP even a minister has “to wait or get lost”. But this lady was a VIP to him. No consultation fee and she’s allowed to walk in ANYTIME into his OP. And he receives her with respect. This is One Great Teacher respecting another “Great Teacher “.
Why am I saying this?
1) How can you do denounce Christianity when Prof. Benjamin Joseph is a Christian.
2) How can you denounce Hinduism when this lady is a Hindu.
3) How can you denounce Islam when this innocent kid loves his adopted mother to bits and just wants to live happily.
For heaven’s sake let’s dissociate crime and religion.
1) If Swami Premananda is a criminal punish him. He ceases to be a Hindu.
2) If you find a Jehadi punish him. He ceases to be a Muslim. When a group has got used to killing in the name of religion…..It’s only matter of time before they start killing in the name of a religion-sub-type…. look at the Yemen crisis. And I’m yet to come to terms with the peshawar massacre we saw….innocent children….
No words.
3) If you find a pedophile priest ( so called ‘father’) punish him. He ceases to be a Christian.
NEVER NEVER make generalised statements. Even if the accused is a Hindu in the nun case, RIP him apart. But ONLY him for THAT offence. If we had ‘religious’ discussion in the case of “India’s daughter ” the fight would have never been so strong as it was. In this case it should have been ’72-yr-old lady ‘ and not 72-yr-old ‘Christian ‘. The result of that stupid discrimination is that the case and media fizzled out on finding out that the accused was a non-indian non-hindu. The case would have full force like ‘Nirbhaya’s’ had it been on grounds of crime against humanity rather than crime against a religion. If it WAS a ‘Hindu’ behind the crime. … The media would have gone full blast again and provoked more communal tensions.
Not necessary. We have enough problems already. Simple let’s ALL unite against ALL crimes against humanity.
Friends let’s beware of all those
1) Politicians who surreptitiously play the communal card to preserve vote banks.
2) ‘Religious’ heads who issue narrow-minded orders to remain a ‘head’ for financial / political gains
3) Media personnel who whip up communal passions to win on viewer ratings and possibly monetary gains.
‘@Mariawrith, this is really avery good article. All these aggressions are happening because of cristian sole aim to convert ppl into christinarity. I have seen how they dupe inncocent hindus to convert into christinarity. They take a plastic cross and put in the water and another plaster of paris hindu god idol and shows to the crowd that cross have floated and the hindu idol have sinked. So cristinarity is the true religion this is how they convert uneducated people.
Why is media not exposing this, we all should apeak against this. When the news about nun rapiest was out why the news was not discussed during primetime ?
whay it only showed a ticker/scroll.
When mother teresa says she is serving the jesus and she converted people this is not communal? When mother teresa came to kolcata in 50s there was not a single christian in that region. now they have bought thousand and thousand of acres of land by these missionarios and ppl are converted. Is this not communal??
250 temples vandalised in Delhi during last one year but not a squeak from liberals. One theft in a church howls from Obama downwards on VHP
Regarding hindu census please note that the percentage of hindus it shows as 78%. This is fake. Please note that hindu percentage is gone down below 60%. India’s 45 % population is Schedule caste and Schedule tribes and most of them are converted christians but they are told by the church to declare themselves as hindus during census time because they will not get the Schedule Caste benefits if they delcare as christian. So guys christian population in india have rose from 2% to 10% over the last decade
‘@Mario Goveia: you mentioned about beef (only banned in one state). Please note we have not banned beef completely there is a disclaimer to that. During muslim Eid it is allowed to possess beef we have looked after all the interests.
Please respect the majority sentiments of the hindu people on this likewise you talk about the minority. To your refereal prok is banned in all the muslim contries why nobody comments on that?
Respect Hindu sentiments, dont test our tolerance, One day when we all hindus will be united to voice against the injustice. The day will come soon
Mr. Kannan, your last sentence shows that YOUR tolerance is only on the surface. This topic is about specific attacks by fringe Hindu fanatics on Christians simply for being Christians. Maria Wirth is spreading false propaganda based on all Hindus most of whom are tolerant and non-violent. However, there is a fringe element of violent Hindus, and then there are some like you here seen exposing yourself with your thinly veiled threats.
What does Mother Theresa have to do with the attacks on Christians by some Hindus just for being Christians, which is what Maria Wirth is trying to deny? In a free and secular society why shouldn’t people be free to change their religion if they wish? If it is done by coercive measures that is wrong and there are laws against that. As a Christian I am not opposed to the “ghar wapsi” campaign as long as it is done under the law.
Can you post some credible news reports that 250 temples were vandalized over the last year? Thanks.
Your information is bogus. According to the latest Census Hindus are 80.5% of India’s population:
As I said in another response to you, your tolerance is only on the surface, based on your thinly veiled threats in your last sentence.
Dr. Rao – Thanks for your sensible and balanced contribution to this scurrilous blog by Maria Wirth, filled with gross generalities, straw men and red herrings in her attempt to deny that there have been attacks on some Christians by some Hindus who certainly do not represent Hindus as a community.
Let’s not forget, the BJP would not have been booted out in 2004 based on concerns about, guess what, religious intolerance. They would not have been humiliated in the recent General Assembly elections in New Delhi by the insignificant AAP, which prompted P.M. Modi to suddenly wake up from his previous silence to condemn the attacks on religious minorities mostly in central and northern India. These electoral messages were only possible because the vast majority of Hindus are appalled by attacks on religious minorities by fringe Hindu elements, especially when the BJP leadership studiously looks the other way as Narendra Modi tried to do until flushed from cover by Kejriwal in New Delhi.
The evidence shows that most Hindus are peaceful, non-violent and tolerant. Having said that, it was Hindus who wrote the manual on how to discriminate against one’s fellow-man, even going so far as to designate some of their coreligionists as “untouchable”.
That is what i am trying to tell you its overstated
thats what when there is a mass conversions done by christians you say they should be allowed to change religions, when we hindus do it its communal. This is the game you sick sickulars christians play,
Here is the proof,
In any country if a relegion group is less than 4% it is considered as minority, but in india christian are way above 10%. You know minority are jains, parsis, buddhist in india they are not having any issue beeing a minority, whay the christians are having issues. i think its high time, Christians know to play the victim card very well to get sympathy.
Its closer to 20%
I am not blaming you christians. I belive in jesus his teachings. i too go to church. But i don like the way church preaches it.
You mean like this Mario?
What I’m trying to tell you is that your baseless speculation is bogus and paranoid.
Your information is False – Christians are 2.3% of India’s population:
Anyone who follows a caste system is not really a follower of Christ, who considered everyone to be equal to everyone else..
What you have written is false. I have said that everyone has a right to change their religion. What is wrong is to coerce someone who may be vulnerable or poor to change their religion. It was wrong when Muslims and Christians were forcing people to convert and it would be wrong for Hindus to do the same. However, there is nothing wrong with preaching one’s religion and letting others making up their own minds whether to join or not.
When you cite a report I suggest you read what it says first. Police Commissioner Bassi was talking about “burglaries” of temples, gurdwaras and mosques by un-named perpetrators – he was told by Home Secy.L.C.Goyal to stop the attacks on Christians, obviously by Hindu fanatics. .
If what proof i give you is making u feel paranoid and u feel it is baseless than how can i belive your facts?
80.5% of the population of India is Hindu. 13.5% are Muslim and 2.3% are Christian.
If you want to know Christianity, read the Bible and see what Christ said, not anyone else including those who speak in His name.
Anyone who calls themselves a Christian and believes in “caste” is not really a Christian. Christ taught equality and love, not discrimination and hate.
I am quoting demographic information based on legally conducted census studies by the Indian government. You are quoting paranoid bakwas. It does not matter what you choose to believe because we can see from your comments here that you have an agenda and don’t really care about the truth.
Yes..there is no “true” drunk Irishmen” either. LOL 🙂
No true Scotsman is an informal fallacy, an ad hoc attempt to retain an unreasoned assertion.[1] When faced with a counterexample to a universal claim (“no Scotsman would do such a thing”), rather than denying the counterexample or rejecting the original universal claim, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it by rhetoric, without reference to any specific objective rule (“no true Scotsman would do such a thing”).
There are drunk Irishmen just as there are beef-eating Hindus :-))
exactly. You said it. Similarly, Anyone who follows “untouchability” TODAY is no more a Hindu.
So may I suggest we stop discussing who prescribed untouchability and when and why…..
because. … next someone will say holocaust. ..
and another will say jihad…..
All of this discussion disturbs the moment we live in.
Instead of carrying the baggage of the past and provoking And disturbing our mental peace…
… let’s live in the present. Think positive. Generate positivity by disregarding discrimination (untouchability) and murder ( Holocaust / Jihad) by personal example.
Life is short. Give your best in the situation that you are in, to enable peace for all.
Like forgiving MF Hussain was a better option than getting upset about his paintings of goddesses.
Like forgiving Amir Khan for his satire on Hinduism with his movie PK.
Like forgiving the media who went on with the baseless ranting saying “attack on Christians” until they found out for example that the perpetrator in the 72 -yr – lady’s case was a non-hindu, non-indian.
Like forgiving Christians killing Christians under Hitler.
Like forgiving the Hebdo killers.
Its good to remember these things to avoid repetition.
But to insist on debating on them and blaming communities at large You are instigating repetition.
Live in peace. Give peace a chance. Om Shanthi.
mario goviea , you should stop spreading your gospel over here. if you keep on spreading baseless lies, one day we will actually damage a church and hurt you guys bad. Don’t take our tolerance for and opportunity to ridicule and humiliate us. Proud to be a heathen.
and stop your conversion, or else we will get more intolerant and that won’t be good for people of abrahamic faith.
hey don’t get me started on numerous hindus slaughtered by your church in Northeast India. If I start pulling links you won’t have the patience to go through it all. and yea we will reconvert back all converted Christians if you keep spreading lies about Hindus.
stop posting MSM links you uneducated illiterate ignorant hindu hating fool. We don’t believe MSM.
lol dats what you got, just these two link. Didn’t you parents educate you? What were they? Whores?
Mr Bose – Thanks for making my point beer than I have been able to – that while most Hindus are non-violent and tolerant, some, like you, are neither.
Mr Bose – Thanks for making my point beer than I have been able to – that while most Hindus are non-violent and tolerant, some, like you, are neither.
Mr. Bose – You keep making my point that some Hindus are fanatics – like you, for example.
Mr. Pathak – what you don’t seem to understand is that there are many who call themselves Christians who do not follow what Christ taught – which was love and equality. On the other hand, Hindu philosophers wrote the manual on how to discriminate and condemn people based on their birth, even calling some of them “untouchable”.
Most Hindus are non-violent and tolerant, but there are some, like Mr. Bose in this Comments section, who are. It is these fringe Hindus who are violent and intolerant who and have attacked innocent Christians just for being Christians.
That is what the topic is about.
Thanks for making my case for me better than I could by referring to those Hindus as “low caste Dalits who claim to be Hindus.” I hope Dr. K. Narasimha Rao is reading this. He thinks people like YOU, who follow the heinous caste system, are not really Hindus.
Dr. Rao – if you want to give peace a chance why are you confusing the recent attacks on Christians in India, which was the original topic raised by Julio Ribeiro, with the holocaust and jihad and everything else in history?
Maria Wirth is claiming that there were “NO attacks on Christians” which is clearly false.
Mr. Bose – you are a disgrace to the Hindu religion. Most Hindus are non-violent and tolerant, whereas you are neither.
if you are convinced some humans are attacked by criminals. Deal with it only at that level.
Human – criminal.
Don’t brand the criminals as Hindus. That’s where you are targeting the peace in India.
We forgive/punish the criminals on issues such as vandalising places of worship in India / USA
Please note – I’m not implicating any community.
Because criminals do not belong to any religion.
That’s the bottom line
Criminals deserve the same punishment irrespective of the religion to which they once followed.
“Once followed ” for the simple reason that they have disregarded the religion in order commit the crime.
I repeat….criminals have no religion.
Dr. Jyothi’s case was fought on grounds of crime against humanity and NOT against Hinduism. Which is why Humans of ALL communities fought for her family. Including the fight against the two counsels who supported the accused.
The poor 72-yr-old bengal lady’s also should have been fought on the same grounds and not on communal grounds. I feel sad for the victim that the media’s clamour for sensationalisation (which anti-climaxed on finding that the culprit was a non-hindu / non-indian too) hit the strength of the case, which should have been crime against humanity and Not community.
Dr. Rao, When the attackers are members of the Bajrang Dal attacking a Catholic Conference and vandalizing a Church as they did in Jabalpur it was not simply a common criminal act – it was a hate crime based on religious animosity and a violation of the Indian Constitution which includes freedom of speech, assembly and religion. Catholics have stopped coerced conversions years ago.
Please read the news report:
‘@ Mario,
i would request you now to stop repeating the same story over and over and ignoring valid questions. i gave you enough space to air your views. you have also flooded my mail inbox. yet i never got an answer to my reply to you.
maybe you can reply (please to the point) here just once. When you asked me what i say about the sadvi who allegedly said that Muslims and Christians should be forcefully sterilized, i wrote this to you:
dear Mario,
is anyone acting on what she said? don’t worry, it won’t happen.
Are you aware what kind of crap people say? And certainly not only HIndus. i guess you know that terrible uttarances have been made in India against Hindus. yet mainly Hindu crap is taken up and broadcasted all over.
how about the open (respectable?) “claim” that Hindus will burn eternally in hell? Do you believe in this Christian “doctrine”? If you do how will you look at your fellow Indians? If you don’t then you are more like a Hindu who worships also Christ
best wishes
as a reply one of those copied into your mail wrote to me that i am stubborn and old and he hopes for God’s blessing that i may see the truth.
Similar to what you wrote to Sri Bose: “disgrace to Hindu religions”. Why become personal when you run out of arguments? Just keep quiet and reflect. Since you don’t, you seem to have an agenda.
Well said,Ms.Wirth.
We have never read Manu Samhita but Muslims and Christians seem to read it all the time to refer to the same.I have had a colleague who was a Catholic and there was another Catholic girl who was very intelligent and pretty.Since they were quite friendly, our group of friends used to ask him if they are now a pair.He had very angrily denied it saying that his ancestors were Brahmans and that girls were Dalits.At least two women from our caste(though I do not believe in any caste,just to use a frame of reference–) who have married Dalits.One of these was a central minister and another was vice chancellor of Bombay University and also a Chairman of the Planning Commission.They had briefly mentioned this in their interviews to newspapers.So this horrible scourge of our society is if not disappearing,at least being taken care of except in the villages where the crimes continue.
Today Mr.Karat from the CPM had mentioned reservations being denied to Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims.What a strange briefing.These both religions DO NOT BELIEVE in this morbid practice of us Hindus.
I have also witnessed 3 marriages where the men are Hindus married to Muslims.The girls wanted to merge with the new families by converting to Hinduism.The men and THEIR MOMS( Moms-in-Law usually play a great and at times decisive role here in India) told them to hold on to their religions and let the marriages be truly secular adding also that it’s their happiness together that matters most and religions don’t matter.
Yesterday again some community indulged in a farce of having converted to Islam to retain their homes and then declared again that they will be Hindus after the local magistrate assured them that their homes will be safe.
Even I noticed the overwhelming barrage on your blog.By the way,have you read Manu Samhita?
Was there a single Manu,the savarni manu,who went by the varna arrangement of society? I am told there were many Manus(Law Makers).As per the Yogis,Brahmin is one who attains the knowledge of his self,Kshatriya is the one who strives hard to destroy his internal enemies ( 6 negative qualities) and attain self-realization,Vaishya is the one who makes a deal with himself about when and how he will try to attain this goal and Shoodra is one who enjoys only material pleasures and wishes to remain there.Vyasa who wrote Gita also was considered low class since his biological father,Parashar-a Brahman,had just had a brief relationship with Vyasa’s mother,Satyavati and had abandoned her.YET Vyasa attained self-knowledge and was considered a sage and thus a Brahman by his achievement.He never converted to any religion.
other than the Universal One.Probably because there were no other better(?) religions or because he was not a deserter .Regards,
see there is no point debating with you, when u r not robust enough to debate. thats the difference, that way even i can say. these priests is simply making mountain out of a mole. and playing the victim card well. Sickulars
This is the trick that this minority plays. even when there will be 2021 census it will still show it is 2.5. so that they enjoy all the benefits. When entire northeast,kerela tamil, goa ,bengal is converted by these missionires how can the percentage be just 2.5%. This is the trick the congress played during sonia in power.This is the right time that there is a hindu awekening and stop these christian community bully 1 billion majority.
where did i mention that i follow caste system. see this shows ur thinking is communal.
Dont get muslims here in between they never go and convert ppl like the way missionries do.
you know what is your mentality:
When christians convert people by luring its like there should be free to chose the religion
when people convert to hindu its like that is communal.
This is called hipocracy.
people should follow the truth that is hinduism not dogma that is christinarity
Mario read this, the church do not belive in rebirth.
This case does not have any hindu links.
Maria, please don’t continue with your embarrassing deviancy from the truth. We have already seen that your claims that no Christians are being attacked in India is false.
To begin with, it was I who alerted you to the evil suggestions of Sadhvi Deva Thakur and asked what you thought about the, Instead of condemning those Hitlerian sentiments you chose to try and deflect them by answering my question with a question as to who had followed her suggestion, and telling me that no one would, which was speculation that’s besides the point I was making about the evil tendencies of Hindu fanatics.
I replied that her suggestion was a new one and that it took Hitler several years from first wanting to exterminate Jews to actually rounding them up for slaughter. I also pointed out that the abhorrent suggestion to sterilize all non-Hindus came from a VP of the Hindu Mahasabha, the oldest Hindu organization in India, so it has to be taken seriously.
Thus I did respond to your question which you are denying as you deny anything you find inconvenient.
BTW, please don’t falsely accuse me of personal attacks I have not made. I did call Mr. Bose a disgrace because he was threatening violence against Christians which most Hindus would find disgraceful.
Mr. Bandoobandya – none of what you write can change the fact that Maria Wirth was being disingenuous when she denied that Christians are being attacked in India just for being Christians. The latest attack was in Jabalpur.
I am glad to hear that some urban Hindus are rejecting the Hindu philosophy which segregates Hindus by the accident of their birth and designates some of them as “untouchable”.
However, this heinous practice is alive and well in most of India.
Christ taught human equality and love for our neighbor, yet many Christians have committed horrible atrocities in His name, which he would not approve of based on his teachings and philosophy.
We need to distinguish between the radicals in every religion from the vast majority of people who follow a religion.
Maria Wirth does not do that when she denies the very existence of Hindu fanatics and confuses them with Hindus in general, most of whom are non-violent and tolerant.
There is no way to debate someone like you whose mind is closed like a steel trap and cannot even acknowledge the difference between the vast majority of Hindus who are non-violent and tolerant and the Hindu fanatics who are neither.
Violent attacks on innocent Christians are not a molehill to those being attacked – it is a mountain for them.
Please wake up and see the truth.
This discussion is not about “Hindus” but about “Hindu fanatics”.
Mr. Hindu – you are a disgrace to real Hindus when you write such NONSENSE, “When entire northeast,kerela tamil, goa ,bengal is converted by these missionires how can the percentage be just 2.5%”
How can you be so ignorant is something I cannot understand.
Even at the height of Portuguese rule in Goa, the percentage of Christians in Goa did not exceed 45%. That’s just in tiny Goa.
I don’t know whether you follow the case system or not. What I wrote was “Anyone who follows a caste system is not really a follower of Christ, who considered everyone to be equal to everyone else.:
If Muslims don’t convert Hindus then how did so so many Hindus become Muslims? In fact, Muslims were much more coercive than any Christians. In the old days you became a Muslim so that you could keep your head attached to the rest of your body. Please read this new report from jst yesterday
It also looks like you are having a hard time following what I have written.
I am not against anyone following whatever religion they choose as long as they do so voluntarily, without any coercion of any kind.
Abhi samjha na, ki nahin?
Mr. Hindu – what does this bakwas have to do with Christians being attacked by HIndu fanatics?
You’re getting awfully tiresome, repetitive and boring.
Maria, Please get your head out of he sand and be honest with your readers.
Here is a report of the latest attack on a Catholic Church in Agra:
Here is a report of the latest attack on a Catholic Church in Agra:
Try making a molehill out of this mountain:
Here is a report of the latest attack on a Catholic Church in Agra:
Mr.Mario,you are all the time obsessed with the Hindutwa forces attacking the churches.Why are you sending these clippings to us instead of approaching the police commissioner or deploying security guards at the premises.Have you never thought of the possibility of the opposition doing this to discredit the present govt.?Do you think,if Hindus were against Christianity,this would have happened even earlier( even long back)?.The administration remains the same barring a few transfers.The police are very much present.How after the Delhi elections the attacks there stopped?Even when the AAP govt.was not in place and they were busy fighting among themselves.Do not continuously mention the Jabalpur incident.Every incident is different.If you mention the Jabalpur or any such incident we will have to mention many others in Goa and elsewhere during the Portuguese period.You are trying to open the pandora’s box.Then you won’t be able to escape reality.Do not even mention the caste system.We do not read Manu SAmhita or others where inequality supposedly began.You seem to have some fixation about this.Women from our caste( only mentioning for reference,though I do not believe in that or even God) have married the so called Dalits.One of my uncles married a Goan catholic and converted to Christianity.We have never resented that.After his untimely demise,his wife was treated by all of us with respect and affection.The problem lies with you.You are literally obsessed with certain issues.You need counseling.Wake up before you are totally lost to yourself.Approach the police commissioner or the courts for justice don’t keep writing here.It is a useless waste of energy.
If that is what you think Ms.Wirth is doing stop reading this blog and responding.The actual Hindu philosophy is found in the Upanishads and not in Manu Samhita or elsewhere.The Upanishads clearly mention even before Christ was born that we are children of the Nectar that we call God.No one is superior and no one inferior.Why don’t you people read that.As I have already said,you have some problem.Get it treated.No one practices the real philosophy.That is a tragedy but why keep writing about it.Why not approach the police commissioners/courts of the said region wherever these attacks occur and deal with it.You have to also think of the other possibilities:The people opposed to the present Govt.might be doing this to deiscredit the Govt.and come to power.The splinter groups of RSS who did not want Modi but somebody else to lead them and follow their nefarious games also could be behind this.When AAP came to power and even when it had not assumed power and were busy with fighting among themselves,the church attacks stopped.How?Read between the lines.And don not keep writing here.This is assuming maniacal proportions.Do you have any grudge against the Hindus?Were your ancestors Hindus who were forced to adopt Christianity due to the caste system?If true,then it explains the deluge of letters you have been writing here since you have not healed and Christ has advised forgiving the evil.Where are you following that?
I’m not sending anything to you. I’m sending it to this dishonest blog that is denying that Christians are being attacked by Hindu fanatics. Read the original blog we are commenting on.
In the meantime we just had another attack on a Catholic Church in Agra:
You cannot have a blog that is denying the truth without response.
I have no grudge against Hindus, only against Hindu fanatics.
You don’t seem to know the difference.
BTW, just because a few upper caste Hindus have married Dalits or Muslims doesn’t change the 5,000 year old caste system still being followed over most of India. On the other hand, Christ preached equality and love for our fellow-man.
that is the trick that your church plays. they tell the poor converts to declare as hindu during census so that they enjoy the benefit of SC. this is happening everywhere
This is just more bakwas from you. If Christians were declaring themselves to be Hindus in the census they would be committing a crime and would not get SC benefits.
You must be a Hindu fanatic like Mr. Bose because you don’t acknowledge the difference between Hindus and Hindu fanatics who are attacking Christians, most recently in Agra after Jabalpur a few weeks earlier.
Maria Wirth does not want to acknowledge the difference either because she is a propagandist for Hindu fanatics and wants us to believe that all Hindus are the same.
Mr. Kannan, as long as you Hindu fanatics keep repeating your false narratives, I am forced to repeat my rebuttals and corrections to your bakwas. I did not start this exchange, Maria Wirth did by trying to misrepresent what was happening in India.
After Sadhvi Deva Thakur, VP of the Hindu Mahasabha, called for the forced sterilization of all non-Hindus, here is the latest attack on a Christian institution.
Please understand if any place is vandalised it’s a law and order problem. The guilty need to be punished IRRESPECTIVE of community / caste.
Even before a case is registered…. For you to shout “Fanatic Hindus” is like the media shouting “Wolf. ..Wolf. .” as in the poor 72 yr- old -lady’s case and the drunkard stoning a window.
The more you accuse ALL Hindus for ALL attacks ….. It only shows your intent on targeting the peace in India.
If you are really concerned about places of worship…..
and since Jesus said love all equally…..
Please care for ALL the 200+ attacks on temples / mosques / gurudwaras equally. And I salute you. That we have a truly secular person.
If you can’t may I suggest you stop this mindless ranting and do something more useful with your life.
If wolves were attacking innocent Christians I would call, “Wolf, wolf!”
What are you reading that you think I am accusing ALL Hindus?
I am repeatedly distinguishing between “Hindus” and “Hindu fanatics”.
Why are you confused between “Hindus” and “Hindu fanatics”?
Gandhiji was a Hindu. Nathuram Ghodse was a “Hindu fanatic”
You sound like a Hindu. Mr. Bose and Mr. Hindu sound like Hindu fanatics.
Abhi samjha ki nahin?
Finally, this blog was not about temples, gurdwaras or masjids, so why are you writing about them?
This blog was about Maria Wirth denying that there had been ANY attacks on innocent Christians.
Once again, what are you reading that you don’t understand the basics of this discussion?
Hilda Raja
[The writer was Head of the Department of Social Sciences, Stella Maris College, Chennai.]
I read Mr Julio Ribeiro’s ‘I feel I am on a hit list’ (Indian Express dated 16th March)
I did not react immediately because I wanted to let it sink and see if there was any foundation in what he stated.
To me who am 78 the whole accusation of his seems to have no foundation.
As of Julio Ribeiro – my ancestry also can be traced to Hinduism. While he agrees on this the question arises why we are Christians today. How did it happen? What kind of inducement-allurement and what strategy of proselytization were used those days for my ancestors to become Christians?
Unlike Julio Ribeiro I do not feel threatened-neither do I fear that I am on a hit list and I feel very much an Indian no matter who says what.
The point to note is that the Catholic Church to which Julio Ribeiro and I belong has a parampara of a persecution mania.
This is because we have inherited and are born through persecution. Not by the Hindus but by the Dutch, the Portuguese, the French and the English.
This is precisely why though Julio Ribeiro acquiescence that his DNA if tested, it will not differ markedly from Mohan Bhagwat’s. The same can be said of our Hindu ancestors. Then what happened down the line.
We must agree that there was persecution, forced conversion by the conquerors. It was a question of torture and death to which the Hindu ancestors were subjected to.
This is not fairy tales but recorded history when thousands of temples were destroyed, houses were ransacked and people were brutalized Those who indulged in this human rights violations were treated as Saints by the Vatican and raised to Sainthood .
But now we raise a hue and cry against ‘ghar Vapsi’
What was good for one is not good for another. It is not though these were in the hoary past. Even today most of the NGOs do indulge in this proselytization.
I wish the government of India ban all foreign funds.
If China could develop without such NGOs and the foreign funds why should India not?
I must bring the Vatican’s mind set in this context because it is relevant . When it comes to conversion it will go the extra mile . Look at what it indulged in during the regime of PiusXII. He did not hesitate to join hands with Hitler who attacked Yugoslavia. Hitler partitioned the country into the Catholic Croatia and the Orthodox Serbia
Then followed a massive ethnic cleansing The aryanisation process which separated the Jews,Serbs as undesirables. These were deported to concentrated camps. Children were not spared. The ethnic cleansing was done by the open support of the clergy-priests and nuns supervised and Vatican followed the ‘omerta” and looked the other way. Special death camps were set up for children. Several commandants and officers at these death camps were Catholic priests.
Francisan monks supervised the mass execution. This ethnic cleansing thus had the blessings of Vatican..There were monetary gains for the Vatican from the Holocaust in Croatia. In the certificate of conversion which was sold for a few hundred of dinars the Vatican netted millions. Vatican was well informed and yet the Pope maintained silence.
In fact not a single member of the clergy was held accountable.-though the commandants of the death camps were priests.
When after the war, Archbishop Stepinak was arrested for war crimes by the Yugoslav government Puis XII excommunicated everyone who had taken part in the trial.
Later the Archbishop was presented as the champion of religious freedom!
It is interesting that in 1998 Pope John II traveled to the Republic of Croatia to announce the beatification of Archbishop Stepinak
It must be noted that the Vatican abetted and colluded with Mussolini and Hiltler in all their brutality. It stood to gain both in terms of power and money. Yet we often hear the word ‘Fascist’ being thrown against the BJP and the saffron brigade.
This is part of the christian parampara of the Catholic Church to which Julio Ribeiro and I belong to. Yet we are scandalized by the ‘ghar Vapsi.
What about the Inquisitions held in India-in Goa .
With so much of baggage how can we point a finger to others-to the saffron groups and then pretend that we are being victimized and discriminated?
All rapes are abominable and need to be condemned in the strongest terms. But why only the rape of the nun-be it in Orissa and now in W,Bengal be internationalized? Why and how can the Vatican interfere and want to send a delegation?
In a population of nearly one and a quarter billion- human rights violations and inhuman acts are bound to happen. These need to be severely put down not politicized. It is the NGOs which create a kind of phobia . Foreign funds flow and towards this they organize dharnas and rallies. Any violation and discrimination is being attributed to the Modi’s government. But then these things had not suddenly surfaced. There is a long gestation period of discrimination-of injecting a fear psychosis. The politicians have communalized the communities.
India is known for its secularism-it is not because the Constitution made it secular. Even before the Constitution the hindus welcomed all religions. Butchery and compulsion and forced conversion were introduced and followed by the Dutch, Portugese the French and the English. Earlier the basic tenet followed by the inhabitants of this great country was Sanatana Dharma. Even today that is the guide and the dictum
I am 78 and thought it is time to speak out .
The ordinary people like me are happy and content –feel no persecution or discrimination and are not on the hit list.
Even if we are, truth cannot be hidden.
In fact it was the Church which had crucified TRUTH and continues to do so.
Perhaps there may be aberrations to this. It must not be forgotten that Julio Ribeiro was hounded by a minority community for the alleged human rights violations in Punjab. It was not the Hindus who were behind it. So may be JR has some deep seated fear within him. But then to generalize this personal fear into the whole fabric of the Indian populace is too far fetched
I want to appeal to the government of Modi to ban the foreign funds flow into this country. We should be able to manage with what we have. Why take a begging bowl to other countries and disrupt the peace within. If other countries can manage so can we.
I would like to mention about the good works done and which are being done by nuns. But then they have enormous assets. When the foreign invaders left this country they turned over all their land and houses to the churches. As if these are their grandfathers’ possessions. By all legal rights these should have been turned over to the government of India. So the Churches had at their disposal land and finances to start with. There is no accountability.
Look at the Minority education Institutions which run on their own rules and regulations. Why did the Constitution founders submit to such a request and enshrine it in the Constitution?
Is that not discrimination? I have studied from LKG to PG in Minority Institutions. Later I was a faculty in one of the elite colleges in Chennai. I know how they function. The least said about them the better.
Yes good work they do there is no denying but it has a price. Money flows into Vatican. There is wealth beyond measure in these Church allied institutions and in churches.
So when mammon triumphs where is TRUTH.
The same lenses must be used to scrutinize Mother Theresa’s work in India.
Dr Mrs Hilda Raja,
Ours is Sanathana Dharma. It is not based on the birth of Sri Rama or Sri Krishna or any particular Avatar. As it is our philosophy to live in tune with Nature, we don’t harbour any ill will to people of other faith. But the matter doesn’t stop there.
MAIN OBJECT: These missionaries faith do not really care a damn about the salvation or spiritual aspirations of these converts. Theirs is purely a business venture. Their main aim is to convert people to their faith, increase their numbers, take control of a small region first, then expand their hold in the political system and finally have major hand in the decision making process of the country. Once they establish themselves securely, they will enact legislation to suit their personal business needs.
MODUS OPERANDI: At the global level, they are projecting us as a poor country and sending money in the guise of aid. Their aim is to use these funds to invest in land in order to take control of the natural resources. Since foreigners are not allowed to make capital investments in our land freely, what is the way out? They use our own native, gullible people and invest the money in land & buildings and other infrastructure in their names. To this end, they convert the people to their religion first and then route their investment so that they can have a vice like grip on these people to indirectly control their investments.
STRENGTH & SUPPORT: With these infrastructure investments, they establish various business/trading houses for import/export and take back their returns in a clandestine way by engaging in hawala/money laundering deals, by pulling wool over the eyes of the public and the law. Since they have a well established network of pseudo-secularists right upto the very top in all government office, they are in a position to pull out anything in their favour.
WHAT IS THE LOGIC: Some days ago there was a report in the papers that our Foodgrain Stock has twice exceeded the prescribed Buffer Limit. This clearly shows that we are not in need of any food for the people as all the granaries are overflowing and fresh godowns have to be built to stock this years’ surplus. In contrast, countries like Sudan and Somalia are facing the severest famine and drought conditions that most of the people are like walking skeletons. Why these missionaries are sending funds to uplift the “POOR” of our country where the granaries are overflowing with surplus food grains, when they can divert their funding to help the REALLY NEEDY, MALNOURISHED PEOPLE in countries like SUDAN and SOMALIA? Because if they INVEST in those countries, there are no resources to take control and as such no RETURN ON INVESTMENT. But here, our Bharat was the richest, is still the richest and ever will be the richest country in the world and shrewd business minded people will start their shop only here as has been repeatedly happening for over a thousand years, isn’t it?
Robert Rosario a Konkani Christian, has been actively campaigning against the “exposition” by the Catholic Church in Goa of Saint Xavier’s body. This event takes place every ten years and is running from Nov 22, 2014 to Jan 4, 2015. Xavier’s place in history is highly controversial with historical evidence showing that he ordered the Goa inquisition that ran for over 250 years in which native Goa residents— Christians, Hindus and Muslims were brutally tortured and killed. Mainstream coverage of the event, from MidDay to the Times of India, has generally omitted the contested and controversial nature of this exposition. In a country where JNU students even take up the cause of mythological demons such as Mahishasura, it is strange that the story of very real human victims, Konkani-speaking people of India, is brushed under the carpet. We caught up with Robert in an interview to find the motivations for his campaign.
Q: Can you tell a little bit about your own background and history and how you came to be interested in this issue?
Robert: I am a Mangalorean Konkani Catholic. I am a social activist and was active in the Church also. For a long time I have noticed some mismanagement in the funds of the Church. I started digging I found something is wrong at the base. About inquisition I had heard of a long time ago but I did not know that Francis Xavier was behind it. We venerate and consider him a saint. I was shocked to find that Francis Xavier was behind it. I started digging and found there is enough evidence for this.
What happens is that every 10 years they open the body for this so-called veneration. I thought this is the right time, about a month back I wrote to the Bishop of Goa and requested him to stop this and send the body to Portugal. We have had enough of this. The history of this man is very bad, there are enough crimes on this account, he seems to be a very inhuman person and I quoted from histories written by experts. I copied to the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, their President, Vice President. Somehow they did not reply. I kept posting reminders, they never bothered to reply. I wrote to the Government of Goa and the Government of India.
» So what specifically did you find against Xavier? Of course, Xavier is venerated, there is even a big college in his name. What specific things did you find?
The Inquisition went on for 250 years, during this period, thousands were massacred, badly tortured. I am a Konkani Catholic from Mangalore. My ancestors were earlier in Goa, due to the inquisition they migrated to Mangalore. This is our history, it goes back to Goa. What was this inquisition? I had heard but I did not know that this man Xavier started it. I found a letter from 1545, this man writes to Rome and Portugal King that he wants to start a Holy Inquisition. Prior to that he was in Lisbon, he knew fully well what inquisition was. He was aware of the torture. Being fully aware of this, he writes to start the Inquisition in Goa, the cruelty was very much in his mind.
» But there are people who say that the inquisition only started after he died, so he shouldn’t be held responsible for all the crimes.
He wrote a letter to the Pope and the Portugal King knowing communication was slow, by sea route, he initiated the process, there are documents that he was taking hourly stock of what was happening, he was personally supervising it during his lifetime. And he initiated it, so he cannot be absolved of his crime.
» How would you respond to people in the Church who say he did a lot of service for Christianity?
He has done a lot of conversions. If conversions are in the service of Christianity, then he has done it. But if you consider the humanity angle to it, he was the most inhuman person I find. Even Hitler had some humanity, he was worse than that.
» But what did he do in his lifetime that you would call not very human?
In the letter itself he writes, “People here are very bad, their god is black, these people need to be taught a lesson, Holy Inquisition is the only way.” In his mind he is a criminal, that mind is reflected in the letter.
I posted this on a forum. I had a friend who is doing his post graduate at St Aloysius College. He said this is available in the notes given by the Jesuits at Aloysius College, all this is mentioned in the notes, how he benefited Christianity, how he used the sword to convert people.
» You are saying this is well known to the Church?
They know it very well but they are hiding from us. Even when they say they tell from their point of view. They say (of the inquisition) that these people were so away from God that it was necessary to bring them to God.
» So you are saying that a number of ancestors of Catholics on the Konkan coast had to undergo this (torture)?
South to Goa they certainly migrated due to inquisition. It went on for over 250 years. Not only Catholics, there are Hindus, you find Konkani Hindus called Goud Saraswat Brahmins (GSB), there are Kudumbi, Scheduled Castes, and all Konkani-speaking people migrated from Goa due to the inquisition.
» You got no response from the Church. But what about the community, are they receptive?
They are shocked. We have been singing hymns of this great man, it is difficult to digest. Suddenly we learn, history says he is such a big criminal, but our priests never told us, they always said that he is such a big saint. Sometimes they blame me, there must be something wrong with your study. I confront them with evidence.
So are there reputed historians who have documented this?
Robert: Yes. Something interesting I will tell you – There is a Konkani paper, the official mouthpiece of the Bishop’s House of Mangalore, Raknno. It has published a long story, a novel, in three volumes, written by one Saldanha. Though the story is supposed to be kalpanic, the facts were related to inquisition and all the facts are related to the inquisition, these are showed in the story. And it is published in the official mouthpiece.
» So the story shows the inquisition… that this was a good thing or this was bad?
Robert: No. The entire story was from the inquisitor’s point of view, it was shown as good, rather as necessary. Because the pagans were to be taught a lesson. But it mentions all the torture, all the burning — this is mentioned. Three big volumes are there. How they were uncultured, needed to be taught a lesson. He has mentioned all the torture parts really clearly.
» So what is it that you would like as an outcome here?
Robert: The crimes are of such magnitude that you just cannot undo them, undoing or compensating is impossible. The Goa Inquisition was even crueler than the European Inquisition. The least we can ask is the symbol of crime, that is the body, the so-called body, of the man is lying there, and it exposed once is 10 years for so called veneration, that is like sprinkling salt on the wounds of the victims. At least stop that, you can’t undo the crimes of the man, at least stop this. Send the body back to Portugal. We are no more governed by Portugal. After 1961, we are independent. Till Portuguese were here, we couldn’t demand that. But after 1961, the day the Portuguese left, the body should have gone with them, why it remains here even after 53 years? We have always preached Ahimsa, this symbol of Himsa should no longer be in our country.
Dear Mario, JESUS is pure fiction. Even that character doesn’t know anything about christianity – the business enterprise set up to loot and plunder the entire world be deception.
St. Francis Xavier’s first priority in India through his own words ‘I want to free the poor Hindus from the stranglehold of the Brahmins and destroy the places where evil spirits are worshipped. The Brahmins are the most perverse people in the world…. They never tell the truth, but think of nothing but how to tell subtle lies and to receive the simple and ignorant people… They are as perverse and wicked a set as can anywhere be found, and to whom applies the Psalm, which says: ‘From an unholy race, and wicked and crafty men, deliver me, Lord’. The poor people do exactly what the Brahmins tell them…. If there were no Brahmins in the area, all Hindus would accept conversion to our faith’.
St. Francis Xavier wrote a letter to the Society of Jesus in which he said, ‘Following the Baptisms, the new Christians return to their homes and come back with their wives and families to be in their turn also prepared for Baptism. After all have been baptised, I order that everywhere the temples of the false Gods be pulled down and idols broken. I KNOW NOT HOW TO DESCRIBE IN WORDS THE JOY THAT I FEEL BEFORE THE SPECTACLE OF PULLING DOWN AND DESTROYING THE IDOLS BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO FORMERLY WORSHIPPED THEM’.
St. Francis Xavier did this in Quilon after the Hindu Raja of Quilon had given him a munificently large grant of land and other resources to build Churches in his territory. After taking this grant, St. Xavier converted Hindus into Christianity. After doing that he said that he was in a state of ecstatic joy! The same kind of savage joy was expressed by another equally savage temple destroyer Mughal Emperor called Aurangazeb who ruled from 1658 to 1707. So much for terrorist Christianity and terrorist Islam! So much for peace-loving and compassionate Christianity and Islam! So much for Christian Brotherhood and Islamic Brotherhood!
In order to promote conversions and create an atmosphere of mental terror, St. Francis Xavier and his missionaries saw to it that the Hindus were tortured by all possible means, particularly where the evidence against the accused (foisted cases for Inquisition and Conversion through fraud, force and inducement!) was incomplete, defective or conflicting. I have presented above the pictures/photographs of the tools, implements and other appliances carefully designed by St. Francis Xavier and his missionaries for the human and humane conversion of the Hindus of Goa through organized torture, fully backed by the might of the Portuguese State in the 16th century.
We can see that there were specially designed sharp instruments with spikes for cutting the ears of Hindus, for breaking their legs and shin, for disembowelling them over the rack, for breaking their jaws, for tearing their tongues and finally there was a specially designed Christian equipment (designed with Christian compassion of rigorous mercy!) for tearing apart the female breasts! I acknowledge my debt to Shri Maanoj Rakhit, a great Hindutva scholar from Bombay for helping me with the above rare photographs of the implements and tools of Christian torture in Goa during the days of the Holy Inquisition!
Very unfortunately thousands of Hindus who were tortured and killed by St. Francis Xavier and his missionaries have not left behind contemporary records relating to their sufferings, trials and tribulations. One of the most authentic records relating to the Holy Inquisition in Goa was left behind by a French Jewish Doctor called Dellon. About him, the savant Ferdinand Denis wrote: ‘Many voyagers painted with great energy the torments which the inquisition of Goa inflicted on its prisoners, but the most minute report, without contradiction and the most moderate in all respects was that of a French doctor called Dellon, who wrote a special treatise on this tribunal, of which he was one of the victims’.
The House of Inquisition (Divine Torments!) of Hindus was a subterranean grotto, so that others might not hear the cries of the wretched. Many a time, the Hindu victims died under torture; their bodies were interred within the compound, and the bones were exhumed for the auto da fe, and burnt in public. Those Hindus who were branded as convicts, and persisted in denying the facts of which they were accused, or who were relapsed, were obliged to wear another scapulary which was called Samarra, a brown cloth, on which the portrait of the victim was painted above flames, and surrounded by demons. Below this portrait were written down the name of the condemned and the crimes. But for those who accused themselves, after the sentence was pronounced, and who were not relapsed, a different Samarra was given: in these brown vests the flames were facing downwards, which was called ‘fogo revolto’.
After the distribution of the Sambenitos, five pointed bonnets or mitres of cardboard, all painted with demons and flames, and the word ‘feiticeiro’ (sorcerer) were brought and placed on the heads of the persons accused of necromancy. Standing up all night, at last at 5.30 a.m. the sun rose, and the bell of the cathedral started tolling. This was the signal for the population of Goa to wake up, and come to witness the august ceremony of the auto da fe, which was considered as a triumph of the Holy Office.
By daylight, each convict was ordered to march alongside a godfather, one of the officials assigned to each victim. It was a great honour to be appointed godfather for these ceremonies. Finally, covered with shame and confusion, tired of the long march, the condemned reached the church of St. Francis, which was decked with great pomp and circumstance. The altar was covered with black cloth on which stood six silver candleholders. On both sides of the altar there were two kinds of thrones: the right side for the inquisitor and his councillors, and the left side for the viceroy and his court. The convicts and godfathers were seated on benches. Once the sermon was concluded, two officials went up to the pulpit, to read publicly the proceedings of all the guilty, and to declare the sentences upon them. Generally all the Hindu victims were either put to death in all kinds of barbarous ways.
‘When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it’
— Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish author:
In order to accelerate the process of Christianising of the Hindus and the demolition of Hindu temples, one of the associates of St. Francis Xavier, Minguel Vaz, the then Vicar General of India appointed by the Pope in Rome, requested the King of Portugal as part of his 41 Point Programme to destroy all Hindu Temples in October 1546 as follows: ‘Since idolatry is so great and offence against God, as is manifest to all, it is just that Your Majesty should not permit it within your territories, and an order should be promulgated in Goa to the effect that in the whole island there should not be any temple public or secret. Contravention thereof should entail grave penalties that no Hindu should make idols in any form, neither of stone, nor of wood, nor of copper, nor of any other metal…. and that persons who are in charge of St. Paul’s should have the power to search the houses of the Brahmins and other Hindus, in case there exists a presumption or suspicion of the idols there’.
Consequently on March 8, 1547, the King of Portugal ordered his Viceroy at Goa that all the Hindu temples should be destroyed forthwith. Minguel Vaz even before the receipt of this formal order had commenced the operation of destruction of Hindu temples. Consequently there was a Hindu uprising and the Hindus succeeded in poisoning him to death. Following the example of Minguel Vaz, similar orders for destruction of Hindu temples were issued by Viceroy D. Antao de Noronha on 29 August 1556.
In March 1569, an order was promulgated by which, the income of the Hindu temples of Bardez and Salsete, which had been destroyed by the Jesuits, was transferred to Christian Churches. The Hindu inhabitants of that region were called and asked to disclose under Oath ‘information’ about the properties attached to the temples and upon their due compliance with this order, the entire temple properties were transferred to the Churches (Source: A K Priolkar – The Goa Inquisition, page no.85). At many places the temples were destroyed and the Churches were built in those places. Thus we can see that the Jesuit Inquisitors in Goa were only following the path of Muslim marauders like Mohammed of Ghori, Allaudin Khilji, Babur and Aurangazeb. Babur built his Babri Masjid at the site that became available after his planned destruction of the Sri Ram Temple at Ayodhya in 1528.
Likewise, the Jesuits of Goa also erected Churches on destroyed temple sites in hundreds of places throughout Goa from 1560 to 1812. For example according to the Imperial Gazetteer of British India ‘The Church of Cortalim is erected on the same site where formerly the idol of Mangesh was worshipped by the Hindus. Some missionary records refer to many famous Hindu temples being converted into Churches at these places’. According to Sitaram Goel ‘A magnificent Hindu temple in the Elephanta Caves was turned into a Chapel’.
Throughout Portuguese Rule in Goa, various Viceregal and Church Council decrees banished the Hindu priests from the Portuguese territories. The public practice of Hindu rites including marriage rites was banned. Only Christians were preferred in public employment. The Government ensured that the Hindus would not harass those who became Christians; yet at the same time and to the contrary, the Hindus were forced to assemble periodically in Churches to listen to Christian preaching or to the refutation of the Hindu religion. Perhaps because of all these anti-Hindu acts, Mahatma Gandhi wrote very clearly in his autobiography ‘The Story of My Experiments with Truth’: ‘I had started disliking Christianity. This was not without any reason. Those days Christian missionaries used to stand in a corner near the High School in Rajkot and used disgraceful words against Hindus and their Gods/Goddesses. I could not bear this’. In fact not only Gandhiji, no self-respecting Hindu can bear this.
Immediately after the establishment of Portuguese Rule in Goa, a number of ANTI-HINDU LAWS were enacted, and most of them, during the period of Holy Inquisition in Goa from 1560 to 1812. What is worse, all of them were strictly and often ruthlessly implemented to punish the Hindus and more particularly the Brahmins.
Very lucid and comprehensive explanation,Mr.Pourugusta.
Where did you read all this?Is there any very good edition of Manu Samhita?I have never read it and would like to know who this person was.It’s a debatable topic–whether there was a single Manu or Manu is a general term used to denote a law maker.Some spiritual people have held that the castes are based purely on the attitudes and inclination as also on intellectual capacity.So an outcaste( on account of his biological father Parashar abandoning him and his mother Satyavati) like Vyas could become a Sage.That was a great idea indeed.
‘Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world’. — Voltaire (French Philosopher, 1694-1778)
‘Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, find, imprisoned: yet we have not advanced one inch towards humanity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support error and roguery all over the earth’ — Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Dr.Rao,are the culprits in the Ranaghat NUN RAPECASE from Bangla Desh?If so why no Christian representative has expressed regrets about having criticized the Central Ruling Party?
The Jesuits staged an annual mass baptism every year on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25), and in order to secure as many neophytes as possible, a few days before the ceremony, the Jesuits would go through the streets of the Hindu quarter in pairs, accompanied by their Negro slaves, whom they would urge to seize the Hindus. When the blacks caught up a Hindu fugitive, they would smear his lips with a piece of beef, making him an ‘untouchable’ among his people. Conversion to Christianity was then his only option. This kind of barbarous treatment was specially reserved for the Brahmins!
The Goan inquisition is regarded by all contemporary portrayals as the most violent inquisition ever executed by the Portuguese Catholic Church. Its most virulent phase lasted from 1560 to 1812. The inquisition was set as a tribunal, headed by a judge, sent to Goa from Portugal and was assisted by two judicial henchmen. The judge was answerable to no one except to Lisbon and handed down punishments as he saw fit. The Inquisition Laws filled 230 pages and the palace where the Inquisition was conducted was known as the Big House and the Inquisition proceedings were always conducted behind closed shutters and closed doors. The screams of agony of the culprits (men, women, and children) could be heard in the streets, in the stillness of the night, as they were brutally interrogated, flogged, and slowly dismembered in front of their relatives. Eyelids were sliced off and extremities were amputated so carefully that a person could remain conscious, even though the only thing that remained was his torso and a head.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809), the American Statesman wrote: ‘What is it the Bible teaches us? — Rapine, cruelty, and murder’. Dr. Paliwal has documented the glorious Church record of rapine, cruelty and murder in Goa from 1510 to 1960.
‘The Christian God is cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust.’ – President Thomas Jefferson
‘Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it’. – Charles Dickens.
‘His Majesty the King has ordered that there shall be no Brahmins in his land and that they should be banished.’
‘In the name of his Majesty I order that no Hindu can or shall perform marriages.’ ‘The marriages of the supplicants are superstitious acts or functions which include Hindu rites and ceremonies as well as cult, adoration and prayers of Hindu temples.’
‘I order that no Hindu temples be erected in any of the territories of my king and that Hindu temples which already have been erected be not repaired.’
No one should mistake that the above extracts—savagely anti-Hindu and anti-pagan—have been taken from the Royal Decrees of Balban or Allaudin Khilji or Aurangazeb. Anyone familiar with the brutalisation of Hindu customs and practices, indeed Hindu faith and belief for nearly 10 centuries, can easily be misled to take this view. The wickedness with which suppression is prescribed in these decrees, the callous disregard that is advocated for the other’s feelings and sentiments, the cruelty that is so palpable in both thought and action, suggest that these firmans could have been issued by one of the ‘shadows of God’ who stalked this land, laying to waste Hindu lives and property during 10 centuries of Muslim rule in India. But these are not extracts taken from firmans issued by the known anti-Hindu Muslim rulers.
They have been taken from firmans issued by the Portuguese who ruled Goa from 1510 till 1960 and recognised no religion other than Christianity as the legitimate means of communion with God. It was no secular rule that they imposed, but a ruthless system of pillage disguised as trade and a cruel administration for whom the heathens, especially Brahmins, unless they embraced Christianity, were nothing more than ‘supplicants’ to be crushed into submission or exiled into oblivion.
‘The horrors inflicted on Galileo Galilei by the Inquisition — the Vatican has only recently admitted that the Church was wrong and Galileo was right — are well known. Not that well-known, and tragically so, are the horrors inflicted by the Goa Inquisition. Every child reads about Galileo’s trial and how it is symbolic of the triumph of science over blind faith. But there is no reference — indeed, all reference is scrupulously avoided — to the brutal attempts of the Church to triumph over Hinduism by seeking to destroy all that was Hindu in territories conquered by the Portuguese in India’.
Will Pope Benedict XVI, who talks so eloquently about the ‘carnage’ in Orissa today, dare to come forward to apologise for the Portuguese Inquisition against the Hindus in Goa from 1510 to 1812? And this silence is not because there exist no evidence: There exist, in full text, orders issued by a succession of Portuguese Viceroys and the Governors from time to time. There exist, in written records and travelogues, penned not by the persecuted but by the persecutors, full details of the horrors perpetrated in the name of Christ.
Governor of Goa D Constantine de Braganca issued an order on April 2, 1560, instructing that Brahmins should be thrown out of Goa and other areas under Portuguese control. They had a month’s time to sell their property — it is obvious who gained from such distress sale. Those found violating the Viceregal order, it was declared, would have their properties seized. Another order was issued, this time by Governor Antonio Morez Barreto, on February 7, 1575, decreeing that the estates of Brahmins whose ‘presence was prejudicial to Christianity’ would be confiscated and used for ‘providing clothes to the New Christians’.
Hindus, who dared to oppose the religious persecution by the Portuguese administration or the Christian clergy, were punished, swiftly and mercilessly. Those who were fortunate got away with being banished from Portuguese territory. The less fortunate had their property seized and auctioned — the money was used, in large measures, for furthering proselytisation. The least fortunate were forced to serve as slave labour on the galleys that transported loot from Indian shores to Portuguese coffers.
In 1538, King Joƒo III, the King of Portugal pleaded to the General Ignatius de Loyola in Rome, that he should send missionaries for the Orient. Promptly Francis Xavier was sent to Portugal in 1541. It was Francis Xavier who established the Inquisition in Goa like that established earlier in Spain and Portugal of which he had sufficient first hand experience of persecuting thousands of Jews and Muslims. And so on May 16, 1545, he requested the King of Portugal to establish Inquisition in Goa in these words: ‘The second necessity for the Christians is that Your Majesty establish the Holy Inquisition in Goa because there are many who live according to the Jewish Law and according to the Mohammedan Sect, without any fear of God or Shame of the World. And since there are many Hindus who are spread all over the fortresses, there is the need of the Holy Inquisition, and of many preaches, Your Majesty should provide such necessary things for your loyal and faithful subjects in India’.
St. Xavier did not see his wish fulfilled, but in the year 1560 the King of Portugal sent the first Official inquisitors Aleixo Dias Falcƒo and Francisco Marques, to India and they established the Inquisition in Goa. This Inquisition was finally abolished only in 1812, and the connected files relating to several crimes were kept first in Goa, and later sent to Lisbon.
The ‘Holy Office’ (Inquisition), as it called itself, officially started its work in1560 in a palace, which had been the residence of the Portugese Governors of Goa till 1554. The palace was suitably modified with a chapel, with suitable arrangements for confinement and all forms of torture of the heathens and infidels. Dr. Alfredo DeMello has described the cruelties and the bestialities that went on in this building as ‘the nefarious, fiendish, lustful, corrupt religious orders which pounced on Goa for the purpose of destroying paganism and introducing the true religion of Christ (poor Jesus, if He only knew what was done in His name!), I have dwelt briefly on the Inquisition, which was introduced in 1560 and lasted until the year 1812, that is a span of 252 years, during which period it held its sway with a power that Stalin and other tyrants would have liked to hold. Stalin was a tyrant, murderer, but at least he was not a hypocrite. The Palace of the Inquisition was pointed out in awe by Goans, who called it ORLEM GORO, or Big House, with two hundred cells. The Inquisition in Goa, on account of its rigours, was reputed to be the worst of the existing inquisitions in the catholic orb of the five parts of the world, as felt unanimously by national and foreign writers’.
Alexandre Herculano, a famous writer of the 19th Century, mentioned in his ‘Fragment about the Inquisition’: ‘..The terrors inflicted on pregnant women made them abort…Neither the beauty or decorousness of the flower of youth, nor the old age, so worthy of compassion in a woman, exempted the weaker sex from the brutal ferocity of the supposed defenders of the religion…There were days when seven or eight were submitted to torture. These scenes were reserved for the Inquisitors after dinner. It was post-prandial entertainment. Many a time during those acts, the inquisitors compared notes in the appreciation of the beauty of the human form. While the unlucky damsel twisted in the intolerable pains of torture, or fainted in the intensity of the agony, one Inquisitor applauded the angelic touches of her face, another the brightness of her eyes, another, the voluptuous contours of her breast, another the shape of her hands. In this conjuncture, men of blood transformed themselves into real artists!’
Diago de Boarda, a priest and his advisor Vicar General, Miguel Vazz had made a 41-point plan for torturing Hindus in Goa. Under this plan Viceroy Antano de Noronha issued in 1566, an order applicable to the entire area under Portuguese rule: ‘I hereby order that in any area owned by my master, the king, nobody should construct a Hindu temple and such temples already constructed should not be repaired without my permission. If this order is transgressed, such temples shall be, destroyed and the goods in them shall be used to meet expenses of holy deeds, as punishment of such transgression’.
In 1567 the campaign of destroying temples in Bardez met with success. At the end of it 300 Hindu temples were destroyed. Enacting laws, prohibition was laid from December 4, 1567 on rituals of Hindu marriages, sacred thread wearing and cremation. All the persons above 15 years of age were compelled to listen to Christian preaching, failing which they were punished.
The Hindus in Goa were shocked to see the God of Christianity being more cruel than that of Mohammed and therefore, deserted the territory of the Portuguese and went to the lands of the Muslims, in spite of the fact they (Indians) had earlier received from them nothing but enormous and incalculable evils.
Dear Maria, Kudos to a great article. I see that there are some persons with an agenda to flood your blog with mindless rhetoric. You cannot speak logic to these brainless bandicoots. You can’t expect any relevant replies to the issues raised by you, since they haven’t any. They are blinded by their personal agenda and lack your true world vision, which is evident in your articles. Please continue the good work. Take care. Have a great time. We are with you.
Dear Mr.Pourugutsa,
Again an apt reference.Please send such references promptly to DailyMail as soon as such comments arise there.Our own journalists help them get such views about India and do not correct them later when the truth comes out.Why can’t the Christians deploy security personnel instead of playing victim?
Hilda Raja is either ignorant, delusional, or a stooge, based on this latest news report on top of reports about the attack in Jabalpur and all the other attacks on Christians by Hindu fanatics:
Thanks for your dissertation but it is all bakwas in the context of this discussion, which is about Christians being attacked by Hindu fanatics..
Christ taught love for our neighbors, Hinduism teaches discrimination and subjugation of “untouchables”.
Robert Rosario, like Hilda Raja, seems to have no idea what is going on in India based on numerous news reports in major newspapers of attacks on Christians by Hindu fanatics.
Dear bandoobandya,
Manu is not a name to signify any particular person. Just like the word CAPTAIN, which is used to refer to any person with a particular rank & cadre, MANU was one of the persons who held a particular rank based on his trait, knowledge and nature of duty in society. There were so many MANUS. Reading and understanding the MANU SMRITHI requires deep knowledge of our Hindu traditions, advanced sanskrit knowledge and a great intellect. Those who lack any of these and read it just like any ordinary literary work or novel, would fail to even remotely comprehend the vast treasure it contains.
The CASTE system has nothing to do with UNTOUCHABILITY as someone is ranting in this blog. CASTE SYSTEM is in existence in some form or other throughout the world and the greatness of our HINDU LAND, is that we are the pioneers in this CLASSIFICATION, which is very very essential for the harmonious living of all beings in the world. Our Sanathan Dharma does not breed inequality with the CASTE classification. It is highly complicated subject for these mindless morons to understand. Much cannot be written in this blog regarding this. Instead of reading any book on Manu Smrithi, it is better you chose a proper GURU to get cleared of our doubts in this regard.
My humble request is don’t ever be apologetic about your CASTE. Be PROUD of your CASTE.
With salutations to the GREAT MANUS,
-Ramasubramaniam Pourugutsa
Ramasubramaniam – Please don’t embarrass yourself like this. How can a Hindu even talk about mythical Gods and making money based on that. LOL!
Jesus and his family and his ministry and his brutal crucifixion and death were mentioned in concurrent Roman and Aramaic texts, so we know he existed.
What you may not believe is that he was the Son of God as Christians believe.
Ramasubramaniam – I hope you know that Christianity is based on what Christ taught, and not on what Francis Xavier did.
Ramasubramaniam – There’s a reason Christians are called Christians and not Xavierians – their teachings come from Christ, not Francis Xavier.
Ramasubramaniam – the topic is Maria Wirth FALSELY denying that Christians are being attacked in India, which has been documented by several Indian news reports. I have no idea what your comments have to do with the topic.
Then you admit FRANCIS XAVIER was an INFIDEL and NO SAINT. Still why all you Christians throng to see his SATANIC REMAINS still held in casket at Bom Jesus Church? Why do you venerate it. By such act, don’t you all turn INFIDELS by default. If you truly believe that you are following the preachings of CHRIST, what prevents you to start an agitation to throw the casket holding the RUTHLESS KILLER’S REMAINS into the DEEP SEA? Or at least remove it from the Church premises and sanctify the place in order to uphold the true preachings of CHRIST?
Maria is doing a great job and nobody needs your rantings here. If you have so much to say in this regard, why not start your own blog and post you blabber in it?
Mr. Pourugutsa – can you explain what all the bakwas you are writing has to do with the subject of this blog? Oscar Wilde seems to be ignorant of what Christ taught – he seems confused by what some people did who were not practicing Christians. Please comment on this news report which contradicts the FALSE claims of Maria Wirth:
Thanks Mr.Pourugutsa.I thought as well.However a particular Manu is being held responsible by some ranting nobody who appears to be changing his grouses.While referring to why doesn’t anybody think about deploying security at any Mission or Church or School run by any mission?This Agra mission was totally unguarded.There was no security despite these “repeated attacks on Christians”.Why can’t they use their own able bodied youngsters,who will be dedicated and devoted to the Mission/Church ?They want everything,including the security within the premises to be looked after by the police.Agra falls within the U.P. where one belonging to the Opposition.Ranaghat Nun Rape also was supposedly( since the investigations are still on) committed by Bangladeshis.Many questions remain.No power at the Centre will ever make a mistake twice and ensure its downfall.Detractors can and will try that to discredit the Govt.Why automatically and conveniently blame the Hindu Right Wing activists?Why the Delhi incidents stopped after the elections even when the AAP Govt.had not formed?Some day all these will be answered till then the Churches,Missions,Missionary Schools should protect themselves by deploying their own people so that no such incidents can take place.A simple solution without having to play victims.
Why do you constantly take refuge in reports by main stream media. If you really do have any substance upstairs, just write some article (let it even be a shitty one) on your own effort and post here. Further, don’t keep posting links in every one of your posts. If you have valid points, you explain in this blog in reply to Madam Maria Wirth.
She really has substance and you are in no way a match here in this forum. Better start your own blog and keep your rantings to it.
When you Christians spread like plauge throughout the world, there was no main stream media to showcase your atrocities. But your own people, in their own words, have recorded for posterity, the despicable, thoroughly inhuman and satanic acts they have committed. The irrefutable proof of these shameless acts by the Church which was spreading the MESSAGE OF CHRIST is well documented and preserved. I will be posting samples of these for your realisation that CHRISTIANTY IS THE CURSE OF THIS WORLD, till such time you quit this blog to spread your preachings elsewhere.
The historians consider the Goa Inquisition the most merciless and cruel ever developed. It was a machinery of death. A large number of Hindus were first converted and then persecuted from 1560 all the way to 1812!
Over that period of 252 years, any man, woman, or child living in Goa could be arrested and tortured for simply whispering a prayer or keeping a small idol at home. Many Hindus — and some former Jews, as well — languished in special Inquisitional prisons, some for four, five, or six years at a time.
The Portuguese tend to think of Goa as the glorious capital of the spice trade, and they believe — erroneously — that people of different ethnic backgrounds lived there in tolerance and tranquillity. They know nothing about the terror that the Portuguese brought to India. They know nothing of how their fundamentalist religious leaders made so many suffer.
“…The inquisition of Goa, distinguished itself on account of the greater rigors than those of the tribunals of the metropolis; thousands of victims died at the stake in flames.
-Joao Felix Pereira(19th century) in Historia de Portugal, 3rd edition, page 235
“..The inquisition, this tribunal of fire, thrown on the surface of the globe for the scourge of humanity, this horrible institution, which will eternally cover with shame its authors, fixed its brutal domicile in the fertile plains of the Hindustan. On seeing the monster everyone fled and disappeared, Moguls, Arabs, Persians, Armenians, and Jews. The Indians even, more tolerant and pacific, were astounded to see the God of Christianism more cruel than that of Mohammed, deserted the territory of the Portuguese…”
-Memoirs of Judges Magalhães and Lousada: (Vol 2,Annaes Marítimos e Coloniais,page 59)
“…The terrors inflicted on pregnant women made them abort….Neither the beauty or decorousness of the flower of youth, nor the old age, so worthy of compassion in a woman, exempted the weaker sex from the brutal ferocity of the supposed defenders of the religion..
..There were days when seven or eight were submitted to torture. These scenes were reserved for the inquisitors after dinner. It was a post-prandial entertainment. Many a time during those acts, the inquisitors compared notes in the appreciation of the beauty of the human form. While the unlucky damsel twisted in the intolerable pains of torture, or fainted in the intensity of the agony, one inquisitor applauded the angelic touches of her face, another the brightness of her eyes, another, the volluptuous contours of her breast, another the shape of her hands. In this conjuncture, men of blood transformed themselves into real artists !!
-Alexandre Herculano Famous writer of 19th century in his Fragment about the Inquisition
‘Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world’. — Voltaire (French Philosopher, 1694-1778)
‘Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, find, imprisoned: yet we have not advanced one inch towards humanity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support error and roguery all over the earth’ — Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
“nefarious, fiendish, lustful, corrupt religious orders which pounced on Goa for the purpose of destroying paganism and introducing the true religion of Christ”
The Goan inquisition is regarded by all contemporary portrayals as the most violent inquisition ever executed by the Portuguese Catholic Church. It lasted from 1560 to 1812 though in Europe it ended by 1774.
Those who carried out the atrocities in Goa were not following the teachings of Christ, believe me.
Many more Hindus have been subjected to humiliation by upper-caste Hindus over the last 5,000 years?
Major newspaper reports have credibility because if they were consistently wrong they would be exposed by others and be driven out of business.
Maria Wirth has no such controls. She can write any bakwas she wants under her freedom of speech. She has an axe to grind and is only believed by Hindu zealots like her.
This blog we are commenting on is a good example – where we can see her denying the truth that Hindus are being attacked by Hindu fanatics in India.
She cannot even acknowledge that there is a difference between most Hindus, who are non-violent and tolerant, and fringe Hindu fanatics like you, Bose and Bandoobandya who are neither.
Thank you. And thanks for the detailed info on the Inquisition.
Mario seems hellbent to create a distinction between Hindus of “extremists” and “tolerant”. Obviously he does not know the fundamentals of Hindu Dharma and equals it with the dogm religions.
He flooded the comments today with the same comment to all your comments and WordPress didn’t get it approved. So I left his comments (giving same links over and over) unapproved.
Dear Maria,
My heartfelt thanks for your kindly act. Please excuse me if I had gone overboard in my enthusiasm to counter Mario’s floodings in your blog.
I firmly believe that our Sanatana Dharma is the mother of all religions. But over course of time some of the offshoots have morphed into bizzare rituals with the absence of wisdom. As such, I have no specific grudge against Christianity or for that matter any religion.
I do not feel the necessity to explore other faiths simply because my dharma gives me the fullest satisfaction of existence and thorough understanding of the universe and of the speck of the world we live in. As the saying goes “VASUDAIVA KUDUMBAKAM”, the whole world is one family. LIVE AND LET LIVE is our policy and I expect people of other faiths to follow this in true spirit.
Wishing you all the best,
Ramasubramaniam Pourugutsa
Dear Oh My My Mario
You have definitely become the laughing stock in this blog.
First you ask me to believe in christ
Then you ask me to believe the main stream media
Now you ask me to believe you.
Are you the next incarnation of the holy spirit?
Aren’t you in to performing miracles yet?
If the people of the church commit atrocities, you say they are not true christians
If your priests and preachers turn heinous, you say they are not practising christians
What is your idea of christianity? Is it a professional degree? Sometimes you practice and then take a break and commit the crimes. Then rejoin duty and go for preaching? Don’t take refuge under jesus for all your tomfoolery.
We Hindus are not like you chameleons, changing colour every moment. We don’t take a break from our Sanatana Dharma. There is no True Hindu, Untrue Hindu, Practising Hindu, Retired Hindu, etc. We live in tune with Nature and respect all living beings.
Don’t keep carping on the same issue over and over again. The readers of this blog are really in disgust over your posts. My advise to you is to JUST TAKE A BREAK and become a non-practising blog-flooder.
Bye Bye
the more you harp on “Hindu Fanatism”… you betray the Fanatism in you.
Simple. Fanatism has no rationality. And you cannot categorise irrationality on communal basis. That’s where YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO HIT COMMUNAL HARMONY IN INDIA.
I cannot even bring myself to utter ‘Christian Fanatic’ . Because it would be an insult to all my Christian brothers.
Supplant your phrase “attack on church/christians ”
“attack on places of worship /humans”.
Next. .supplant your “Hindu Fanatics” with “Criminals “.
Once you do that you’d get support from across communities. Fight against evil becomes powerful.
On the contrary if you continue this mindless ranting. ..
1) you jump to conclusions with the media reports and hurl baseless allegations provoking articles such as ms.Maria’s
2) once you find that the truth is contrary to your allegations you bite the dust and become laughing stock
3) you are walking into the trap of divisive politics laid for obvious reasons
4) end up rubbing your brethren (of other communities ) on the wrong side.
You can see All of the above happening in
1) the case of a drunkard throwing stones on a church
2) the case of 72 -yr-old lady who was raped.
Remember INDIA fought for ‘India’s daughter ‘ In ONE VOICE OF HUMANITY.
But because of your communal overtures in the poor 72-yr -old lady’s case. .. the fight fizzled out. And you end up antagonising millions who also feel for her but stay away because of the baseless communal crap.
Diocesan News >
“Those attacking Christians are not real Hindus,” says Archbishop Oswald Gracias
posted Apr 2, 2015, 9:56 AM by Neil D’Souza [ updated Apr 2, 2015, 9:57 AM ]
While Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis gave the state police 48 hours to find the men who vandalised a church in Mumbai over last weekend, Cardinal Oswald Gracias said more needs to be done – and urgently.
“The government is not acting swiftly and strongly enough. I don’t want to say that the BJP has an anti-Christian agenda, but one cannot close one’s eyes to the fact that these attacks have multiplied after they came to power,” said Cardinal Oswald Gracias.
“If Prime Minister Modi wants to be an effective leader, then he should take his assurances to minorities to their logical consequences,” Cardinal Gracias added. “This is happening far too often, and we would be blind not to see the systematic attacks against Christians. I do not believe the BJP government wants this, but I fault them for acts of omission.”
“This is not India. These are stray elements. These are not real Indians, and certainly not the real Hindus. Vast majority of Hindus are tolerant, understanding and friendly,” Cardinal Gracias said.
The Cardinal, who is scheduled to travel to Rome later this month, said the spate of attacks on Christians in India is being discussed worldwide. “I am very embarrassed by what is going on in India. The image of India across the world is getting damaged.”
Didn’t know Bangladeshi Muslims are called “not real Hindus”.
Didn’t know drunkards are called “not real Hindus “.
This Bishop also needs some tutoring like you do on articulating issues in public for reasons I’ve just observed.
Bhutanese hindus were persecuted and expelled from Bhutan in the recent times. Some of them have been given asylum status here in the USA. The evangelical vultures have surrounded them and in the name of help,companioship and compassion the new immigrants have been asked to attend church and finally some of them were successfully converted. Some new converts started committing suicide as they could not adjust to the phenomenal shift in the cultural realm.
Hindus are being converted in tens of thousands by mullahs and evangelicals right within the borders of India.As some one said above, Juio Riebero was one such victim’s descendant. Goan hindus were the target of inquisition and thousands of hindus were killed by the Portuguese sometime ago.For 8 hundred years hindus were genocided by muslims and much later by the europeans. It is very remarkable that hinduism is still alive there now. Please read the abridged versions of Upanishads, only these scriptures explain the link between the man and Brahman. No other religious text has ever shown this depth of wisdom.
Surya – please calm down. I’m sure the Bhutanese students are mature enough to make up their own minds. Besides, it is illegal to force anyone to convert in America as it is in India now.
You are correct about the past when Muslims and Christians coerced Hindus in India to convert by various nefarious means including the sword.
However, you should know that the bad things some Christians do runs counter to what Christ taught – which was to love your neighbor as yourself. On the other hand, the dirty little secret is that Hindu philosophy wrote the manual on how to discriminate based on the accident of one’s birth, even classifying some Hindus as “untouchable” How reprehensible is that?
Because of Hindu philosophy most Hindus are tolerant and non-violent towards non-Hindus while being intolerant and demeaning towards other Hindus they consider to be “beneath” them.
The attacks on Christians in India are being conducted by fringe Hindu fanatics from the RSS and Hindu Mahasabha, most recently in Jabalpur and Arga (Google it and see for yourself). Thank God, these fringe Hindu fanatics are being opposed by most mainstream Hindus.
1) Glad you admit about the past atrocities against Hindus. It’s by and large forgiven. As long as you don’t repeat them.
2) Please get this “untouchability” out of your head, since umpteen Hindu scriptures call it a crime against humanity. One of the proponents of this fact to the world was Gandhiji, father of our nation.
3) “Hindu Fanatic ” is as good as saying “Fully Empty “, an example for oxymoron. Harping on oxymorons makes one a moron. Wake up.
Now read this link :
Read the second paragraph in the report again and again. Though the crime was unequivocally one of hate (in contrast to the ‘attacks ‘ here) see how the non-Hindus responded to undo the damage. That’s because the Hindus there did not scream their head off to blame another community like you are doing here. As I said don’t give fanatism a communal colour. This makes you hurl false allegations and disturb communal peace and eventually become laughing stock when you realise you had only drunkards and Bangladeshi perverts to deal with. And not Hindus as you were hoping for like the sensation-mongering media.
This is precisely what Ms.Maria is saying. No one is denying the ‘attacks’ here. It’s the communal colour that you are desperate to give is what is denied. Denied vehemently.
And see how well the media there highlighted the thoughts of little Gracie (it’s finding positivity in the midst of negativity). Here we have media doing the opposite – show only the negativity and assume – ASS/U/ME (making an ASS out of U and ME) – things to the detriment of communal peace.
Now after reading the report on new york temple attack, you come up with “Christian Fanatics” one continues to be a moron. But if you say only “Hindu Fanatics” and not “Christian Fanatics” it makes one a hypocritic moron.
Dr. Rao,
1. I never deny the truth, unlike Maria Wirth and the other Hindu fanatics commenting here.
2. While asking me to acknowledge the truth, you seem to be doing the opposite regarding the “untouchables” in the reprehensible and demeaning Hindu caste system of institutionalized discrimination. I promise I will get “untouchability” out of my head as long as there are no more Dalits. Remember, you asked me to be truthful, which is what I’m being here.
3. Once again, you have descended into fantasy by writing that “Hindu fanatic” is an oxymoron. Sadhvi Deva Thakur is an example of a Hindu fanatic. Jay Bhattacharjee and Swapan Dasgupta are journalists who are Hindu Fanatics. Examples of Hindu fanatics right here include Bandoobandya, Ramasubramaniam, Bose, and even Maria herself. You seem to be sitting on the fence but leaning on the wrong side right now.
4. While the crime you are citing in the US may be one of hate, are you so delusional that you are suggesting that the attacks on Christians by Hindu fanatics, most recently in Jabalpur and Agra were examples of love and brotherhood? Kamal hai, bhaisaheb! Yeh sahi nahin hai.
Denying the truth, as Maria Wirth has done, does not change the truth.
How can the truth the media is reporting be “negative”. The truth is what it is. Negative is the spin that you and Maria Wirth are putting on the truth and then trying to deny it.
It is YOU who are making an ASS out of yourself, not me, by ASS -U-MING that “Hindu fanatic” is an oxymoron when it is all too real, from those who killed Gandhiji to those attacking Christians today, to those trying to deny documented truth.
If you have been reading what I have written I have never denied that there have always been Christian fanatics – who converted Hindus by force starting with the Portuguese hundreds of years ago to some Protestant evangelists still doing so. I never deny the truth.
What I have also been saying is that what these so-called Christisns did was a violation of what Christ taught, whereas Hindus have been taught to discriminate against other Hindus for thousands of years. The Hindu fanatics take that teaching and apply it to Christians as well. THAT is the truth that you don’t like to admit.
5. From the P.M. of India to the C.M. of Goa, they have asked Hindu fanatics to STOP attacking Christians. So perhaps you and Maria Wirth should try and convince THEM that they are not telling the truth.
Dear Surya,
A dog has been barking at the Sun for so long. In what way the Sun’s glory is diminished? Only the dog is going to die a painful death, which it brought upon itself.
Let our Hindu state and all the Hindus be uncultured and our customs termed barbaric. Let it be so that we practice UNTOUCHABILITY. So, why people who level these accusations still stay in this wretched land.
Why not they abandon our shores and seek greener pastures, more civilized, where they practice TOUCHABILITY. Take for example Ethiopia where these people are TOUCHED AND BEHEADED.
Ethiopia says the 30 Christians shown being shot and beheaded in Libya on a video purportedly made by Islamic State militants were its citizens.
The video, in which militants call Christians “crusaders” who are out to kill Muslims, showed about 15 men being beheaded on a beach and another group of the same size being shot in the head in a patch of scrubland.
“Until There Came to Them Clear Evidence” — shows two groups of men, one in orange jumpsuits and the other in black, being killed at different locations in Libya. One group is beheaded on a beach along the Mediterranean Sea, while the other group is shot in Southern Libya, hundreds of miles away.
“All praise be to Allah: Muslim blood that was shed under the hands of your religion is not cheap,” the narrator says. We swear to Allah: the one who disgraced you by our hands, you will not have safety, even in your dreams, until you embrace Islam.”
Christians in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul were given the choice to embrace Islam or maintain their Christian faith and pay a tax. “The Islamic state has offered the Christian community this many times and set a deadline for this, but the Christians never cooperated,”
Isn’t it that HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. What the wretched SATAN FRANCIS XAVIER did to our people centuries ago, has come to haunt his wretched followers. This is only the BEGINNING OF THE END for them.
Only these dogs can bark, entrenched safely in the LAP OF OUR HOLY MOTHER BHARAT, who does not distinguish between her sons and the infidels, who are provided the FULLEST PROTECTION AND SECURITY they will find nowhere else.
I earnestly wish that this group, which is disgusted with our Bharat Desh, take a pleasure ONE WAY TRIP to Ethiopia and other countries, where they will be treated AS THEY DESERVE.
Mera Bharat Mahaan.
just to let you know, Sri Ramasubramaniam: Mario replied in his usual repetitive way… and wordpress didn’t approve it
Thanks to you, dear Maria. It is very considerate of you to update me on this. That person is really cranky and lacks real stuff. There is no meaning in debating with him on any issue. Just he has learnt to post the links to various MSM reports. Nothing more.
As to my act, I wish to state that my intent was not to enter into a wordy duel with him but use it as an opportunity to bring out the true history (for the benefit of other readers of this blog) of the sufferings of the earlier generations of this great land of spirituality, of how they had paid with their honor and lives just to safeguard and uphold the values of Dharma. It would have been easier for them to get converted but they chose the path of truth. Still I shiver every time I read about the horrors of the Goan Inquisition.
I feel that the present generation of youngsters should get to know the sufferings and sacrifices of our forefathers and not just while their time in entertainment and western attractions. You are really doing a great job here and I can only say that YOU ARE GOD SENT to open the eyes of the sleeping HINDU GIANT OF SPIRITUALITY.
When the Hindu Spirituality is revived, it would not lead to a war of the worldly forces but usher in an era of sublime peace and tranquility.
Hari Om.
Okay understood. Just Moron. Not a hypocritic moron. Thank god for that. Some counselling will be helpful. Take care Mr. Mario. 🙂
There is a plot to destabilise the social fabric in India. Muslims and christians both believe the vaccuum left behind as a result of the british efforts to denigrate Hinduism can be filled up by their religions. There is a huge population, and too much ignorance, which makes it perfect for anyone with money to lure the gullibles into conversion and grow in numbers.
This hype is deliberately created, and its a means to an end, to call for more sanctions and create more issues. here is an example of a ‘gentleman’ who makes his views very clear.
I wonder if the world has forgotten the sodomisation of children by pastors worldwide? I wonder if the people have stopped focussing on the aspects that prevent a woman from exercising control on her body, like she cannot take birth control pills or get an abortion even if raped. How are these aspects conviniently forgotten. How is it that the segregation in terms of denominations, Protestants and catholics etc, not considered equally bad? When people condemn each other to hell for not believing as they do? How is it not another xenophobic caste system? What about slavery? Shouldnt christians be equally ashamed for the horrors it has given rise to? Shouldnt they be ashamed? Why only hindus are expected to give up all that they believe in because of the caste system? I wasn’t aware of my caste until I reached 10th standard in which the form required me to fill it, that was the first time I found out. Maybe I am just lucky to live in a city.
I have literally come a long way from believing in the ‘secular’ passivity in the name of wanting utopia to now realising how deceitful and pathetic these attempts are. Hindus do have it worse given that even the media hypes such anti-hindu ideas without a fair balanced perspective thereby favoring an anti-hindu plot. India should be declared a hindu nation in my opinion, while the minority remain a minority, conversion by choice , not deceit or coersion. i would hate for India to be destroyed by such anti national forces.
I doubt anything will get through a mind brainwashed by propaganda and blind faith in a book. Unfortunately mind sets as closed as the ones induced by Abrahamic religions are full of hypocrisy and blind spots the size of Jupiter.
While they will admit the unfair conversion tactics employed by their fellow christians, they euphemise it to make it sound tolerable, rather than recognise the level of provocation and anger it causes in those who become aware of the problem. Its like throwing a stone when no one is looking, and shouting and pointing fingers when people retaliate. The tension was provoked by those very people, and if any ‘well meaning’ christians took the trouble to stop those fanatics who are currently using money and stories like ‘Jesus is Krishna reincarnated’ for the sake of conversion and gaining numbers, other hindus will definitely step in to contain the situation. Its easy to say ‘I am not denying that people are converting’ and yet passively support that effort. It is still wrong and therefore the various reactions by people offended as a result is something that is ‘invited’ by them. Since 1964 to 1996 all of 38 incidents of ‘violence’ against christians were reported, and the odds are most people would randomly be victims of such issues. The reaction started after that period when the agendas became more clear.
You (Mario) should read the various testimonies of people who believe they are doing ‘work of god’ in India by converting the ‘poor souls who need saving’. No shame or remorse. No doubt, only self-righteous appreciation for the mission of deceit.
here are some phrases apparently in favour of such attitudes
“Matthew 10:14-42 ESV
And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town. Truly, I say to you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah than for that town. “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synagogues, and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them and the Gentiles. …
1 John 5:19 ESV
We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
Such attitudes which completely demean the other person, who is not yet suspicious of your actions, to exploit their ignorance of your agendas , and use them as a tool for your own ‘salvation’.
Its condemnable and disgusting, and the more I hear about these deceitful tactics, the more I get polarised. I grew up with ‘all religions are equal’ and such ideas, until I realised how wrong I was, when I was told by a fanatic christian that I was going to hell. I couldnt believe why he would be so rude without any provocation. He went on a rant about hinduism and all of it centred around caste, when no one talks about christianity and the murders it committed in the name of it. Nothing about Indian philosophy, only dismissed it with the caste issue, thereby proving how biased he was. I looked more into christianity and Islam because of such encounters.
Such encounters have opened my eyes as to what they really think. And while I have spent time condemning violence and extremism of all kinds, even I had trouble not getting angry reading about all the evidence of christian missionary tactics. I am disgusted that without remorse or shame you continue to point fingers, euphemising all criticism and highlighting the incidents that favour your bias. True colors of a fanatic. It is impossible for you to use the logic that those people who convert others are violating the text and teachings, as it is part of the Nicene Creed, the conversion is part of the package. Also the system of their own sense of righteousness with the attitude that everyone else is wrong or misguided, which actually has no distinction from the Islamic ideology, and therefore this race of conversion will always perpetuate. Christianity has destroyed many indigenous religions in its quest for conversion. There is plenty of historical evidence to support the suspicions of all remaining religions as to what a person who claims to be a christian really believes. Because if the dominant pattern of thought excludes the validity of any and all other beliefs, then by the very definition, christianity becomes a form of tyranny seeking control and expansion. Thereby justifying resistance.
While many like the Delhi Police has sought to dismiss the Dilshad Garden Church fire as “electrical” and not as arson the reality is that almost 5 months after the event the forensic scientists of the Delhi Police have not announced the definitive or even most likely cause of the fire.
While no one accuses the present government of compplcity it cannot be doubted that the present government is a sympathiser of the Sangh Parivar. There have been numerous strident hate speeches against minorities including that by a BJP minister Sadhvi Niranjan Joshi who called all non Hindus ***tards who must have no say in the running of the nation. Sadhus, Sadhivis, Yogis and Babas who the sacred texts tells us are ascetics and renunciates are all flocking to elected office or running home remedy business empires.
The Constitution of India sought to be replaced by the Holy book the Bhagvad Gita according to senior government leaders.
Does it not look like India is heading down the equivalent path of Islamic Sharia State with the Koran at its centre OR worse like the theocratic state of Iran where mullahs rule over or over rule the Government.
When hate speeches by ministers receive only a rap on the knucles instead of the jail term they are due under the law it makes the minorities feel more than a little worried and for very good reason.
Jai, I guess you have become a victim of propaganda. For decades it was shouted that RSS is Hindu fundamentalist. Please learn about the fundamentals of Hindu Dharma. It is good to follow those fundamentals – as I replied to your comment on another article:
The fundamentals of Indian tradition in a nutshell:
all is permeated by the same Divine Essence (maybe best described as Sat-Chit-Ananda) – Live accordingly and try to discover it.
Pls see
What did RSS do what you object to?
What individuals say is of no consequence. Mad comments are made by all types of people, never mind whether they have Hindu, Christian or Muslim names.
It almost seems as if Christians WANT that someone throws a stone at a church, the way they jump on each incident blaming Hindu extremists BEFORE any enquiry.
You may have read that 3 persons were detained, all with Muslim names regarding teh Agra “Church attack”.
Did the Vatican radio apologize after calling the gangrape of the nun in WB as “India’s shame”? or the bishop connecting it with Gharwapsi before any enquiry?
Something is fishy, smells like an agenda to put the “Hindu government” on the defensive. Doesn’t it?
Yes,Ms.Wirth.You are spot on.
Couldn’t agree more Ms. Maria.
Well worded. Only true victims of false propoganda would attempt to see the truth. Not like our friend on board (Mr.Mario) who is adamant on twisting the truth and displays selective blindness and selective amnesia when it comes to the nun case and stray stupidity of drunkards.
1) read this:
Though this crime was unequivocally one of hate (unlike certain ‘attacks’ in India) there was hardly any uproar from the Hindus here.
Now, compare this with the noise made by US for unproven hate in the stone throwing and nun case. Sad.
2) you called for a jail term rather than rap on the knuckles for certain individuals’ hate speeches. Fair enough. I agree.
Now will you also call for the same jail term for all those who hurled allegations on the Hindus in the nun-case, especially when they did not even see the need to apologise when it was proven they were wrong….?
In both instances its nothing but propoganda with an ulterior motive of disturbing communal peace which will not be shaken as the perpetrators think, for reasons beautifully worded by Ms.Maria.
Madam Maria Wirth,
My salutations to you. Your words have been proved right once again.
The person responsible for the desecration of the church in Agra on Apr 16 is a rickshaw-puller named Haider Ali (22 yrs). He vandalised the church after the woman he loved apparently spurned him.
Ali used to meet his woman friend every day near the church. Every saturday, after their outing, the woman, a domestic servant, would light a candle at the church and offer prayers. Ali insisted on marriage but she told him that the marriage was not possible as they belonged to different faiths. She then stopped meeting him. He then got drunk and vandalised the church.
Ali is not a professional criminal but seemed to have committed the crime our of sheer frustration. He seemed to be feeling very guilty about what he did. He himself confessed that he was very sorry for his act. Ali was arrested on Friday.
Do we expect now that those people who raised an uproar over this issue, took to marching the streets and flooding the blogs with utter repetitive nonsense, tender their apologies for their act.
Now that it has turned out that the perpetrators in both the nun-raping and stone-throwing incidents belong to a particular religion, do these people have the guts to take a march, organise rallies, etc against that religion?
Nope. They are with an agenda and they will look for the next false opportunity to create the next turbulence against the Hindus. After all these are the once who fish in troubled waters. Hinduism is their target because Hindus don’t retaliate, at least, UNTIL NOW.
There goes another false allegation On the Hindu community.
Was sad to see a pic of a procession with CHILDREN in It. Are we being fair in planting the seeds of hatred at that age…. time for soul – searching.
Most Hindus don’t realise that the seeds, if not for hatred, than at least for contempt for “others” are planted simply by “teaching” the unverifiable doctrine that only the Church can save and all those who don’t get baptised will burn in hell forever.
i know from own experience that for children hellfire is real. they believe what they are told. and for most this belief continues even in adult life.
It would be a fit case for UNICEF to take up, but nobody wants to touch religion.
here is a link regarrding brainwashing of kids from own experience
As far as attitude towards non-believers is concerned there is no fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity. Christianity is probably worse because it conducts this kind of soft violence under camouflage of sugar coatings. In fact Christianity is sugar-coated Islam.
Sad if that’s true Ms.Maria. I doubt, however, if it can be generalised as you have, since I have quite a few broadminded friends among Christians and Muslims
Evangelicals spread visceral hatred about hinduism in more than one ways, please read what a pastor from USA religiously concludes about yesterday’s Nepal Earthquake:
“A former Los Angeles police officer and self-styled preacher, has sparked outcry by suggesting that Nepalis should not rebuild their “pagan shrines” and instead convert to Christianity.
Tony Miano, an outspoken conservative who has previously been accused of homophobia, triggered angry responses when he posted a series of messages on social media, expressing sympathy for the people struck by devastation in Nepal, but suggesting God was angry.”–pagan-shrines-10204868.html
This exposes the sick christians. I really respect Muslims atleast they will not go around doing this.
[…] Christians are not under attack in India. […]
Maria, I was watching an episode of the American TV serial, ‘Boston Legal’. One character, in the context of racial violence, says, ‘Jews were killed by Hindus.’ It could be poor research or the growing (false) perception about Hindus being intolerant.
I liked your article, not because i’m a Hindu, but because it shows how religious establishments use their clout to spread canards. Religion is for personal satisfaction and personal growth, and should not become a number game.
Sorry to cut in,Ms.Reddy.I feel very hurt as well.Is there anything anyone can do about this silly ,misinformed comment?Regards,
I am a Christian. But after reading the article and the comments, I feel that it is time for Christians to introspect. We unknowingly fall prey to Pakistani propaganda to shame our country when we jump the gun suddenly when our churches are attacked. I agree with the author of the blog when she says that Christians are safe in India, because I never faced discrimination. I respect Hindus and Hindus respect me. Also I never deny that my ancestors were Hindu.
How i wish that there are many like you…
It’s very easy to become emotional in these matters.However,the sooner we understand and accept that most of these church attacks had nothing to do with communalism.The recent attack in Agra was by a jilted,twisted lover.The Bengal nun rape was related to Bangla Deshi criminals.I feel sad that though our Christian brothers were very quick to condemn the Govt. in power at the center,did not exhibit the same promptness in regretting their comments once the culprits and their motives were clear.Why can’t the churches and missions have their own set of security personnel (Christians) and in adequate numbers?Mr.Rebeiro jumped the gun and he was the person who had once explained why his family had to convert way back in history.It seemed the order of the day to criticize the central also a fashion to ask for Mr.Modi’s intervention/explanation/assurance.What can be more childish than this?
Times Group (TOI) owned 80 % by World Christian Council
IBN-CNN 100% Baptist
The Hindu 100% evangelical
Star TV belongs to Peters Pontifical Church
………………..and many more!
This are the “truthfull, unbiased” sources you relay on?
The way you write and the amount you write in favor of christianity and against hinduism denying the truth clearly shows that the christiam brainwashing machinery has done a good job on you! WAKE UP AND LOOK BEYOND!
Are you a goan xian? Are you getting paid for writing here? Is it really so convenient when others do the thinking for you? Are you able to think for yourself or is it to late? The truth you think you own are just the lies of others! Start living concious and see things as thei are and not as you are tould that you have to see them! Good Luck!
Namaskaram Maria
Vatican does not only not apologise, they are still repeating the lies after knowing the truth!
You should be aware that during british raj the british and missionaries had many printing presses they used to maime and fake hindu scripts when making “translations”! Scripts like the Manu Smriti got perverted to make hindus selfhating. “Famous” Friedrich Max Müller confessed this in letters to his wife and colleagues. You can find and read this letters in the internet! Read what early chinese travellers (Fa Hsien and others) had to say about India and what the greek traveller Megasthenes wrote about “caste” system already 400 BCE! You will be suprised!
Yes, they have an agenda…
at least thanks to SM awareness about this agenda is growing. i just tweeted it, too.
Maria Writh, better read the biblical prophecies and their detailed fulfilment in later times. Many were written hundreds of years prior to the event and some even a thousand year prior to the event. No other book comes even close in making 100% accurate prophecies as Bible does. God says, He reveals the future through the prophets before it happens because that gives the proof that He alone is God and no other. So when Jesus says the church will prevail till the end, it will be so. When Old Testament (written before Jesus’s birth) says the church will grow and expands throughout the world, it will be so. When Old Testament and New Testament both says the church will have as its members from all peoples, tribes, nations and languages, it is so and will be so. No human power can resist the church. The more resistance the church faces the more powerful it becomes. That is its divine speciality since the church was founded. That is also the prophecy in the Bible. Any force that fights against the church will definitely be reduced to nothing in God’s fine time and none can have victory over the church. The church always goes in various stages. In today’s stage there is less attachment to the church in western world. This is just a stage of church. Always the church re emerges very powerful after a few decades of slowness. This is nothing new to the 2000 yr old church. It has happened many times and in much severe manner. But always a new era opens in the church where she changes the whole civilization itself for the glory of God. So when Bible prophesies that church gives glory to God in every generation, the church will give. Behold in coming decades a new era opens in the church and that is going to be amazing!
My all dear friends ,we all need to know the great writings of vedas and gita,this will give all of us a permanent joy and you feel like you have attained the real knowledge about this beautiful universe.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart. One of the best articles I have written on this subject. I shall make sure that all my christian friends read this.
thank you. please see also some other posts on the blog, like
Mr.Fernandes,It has been brought to the notice of the Inteeligence agancies in India that like Punjab,the Pakistani-supported terrorists are told to desecrate and damage religious places to create an atmosphere of hate.You might have read this is today’s TOI.
All my Christian brothers( I am A Hindu) should be informed through various organizations-not only in Goa but through your Christian Network( whatever means/connections you have country-wide) throughout India.Hindus don;t have anything against Christians anyway.Regards,
Very well put. clear and truthful. Sister Nivedita (Margaret Elizabeth Noble) has also pointed out that If I am not wrong about Lord Cornwallis that he was lying when he was trying to teach Hindus to be truthful. She produced an article from a Britsh journal and showed how the Lord speaks lies.She wrote in the statesman Cornwallis in filtered colors.
I agree with you. It may be the work of some Hindus or some others. Do you have the proof that they belong to RSS and VHP? Don’t just drag the name of an organisation without total proof based on the pressitude media. Yes untouchability and casteism is a bane for Hinduism. RSS is the only organisation where caste is not asked about. for them all are Hindus. Certainly there is a long way to go for Hinduism to iradicate casteism and untouchability. Deoras 3rd Sarsanghachalak of RSS firmly said that there is no sin bigger than Untouchability. RSS is a truly nationalistic organisation that is why its growing since its formation against all odds from the congress govt and the media slander. nobody can hold the truth for long.
Mahan,though your reply is not to me,I would like to add here that many activities the world over are taking place to (1) Denigrate (2) Dismember and finally (3) Destroy India and Hinduism.
This is given in a book by Rajiv Malhotra—Breaking India.All must read this book along with Mr.M.A.Khan’s Islamic Jihad.
I wish this message gets through to all patriotic Indians.Regards,
I would like to wish Ms.Wirth a Merry Christmas.
[…] vultures and soul harvesters, Rohith Vemula’s death will be spun as viciously as the ‘Churches Under Attack‘ and ‘Rising Intolerance‘ variety of false narratives which were used to […]
You are simply awesome mam………
[…] The old, worn out canard of the victim of rape, a “71 year old nun” as the presumed work of “Hindu extremists” comes out once again. Maybe the House Library, which these busy Lords seem to rely so heavily upon, is not only incorrect on the nun’s age, but is neither up to date on events, since the BBC had reported the religious identities of the arrested men in April last year[13]. Or perhaps the Lord has little compunction in twisting the truth to paint Hindus as the personification of evil. Here is a small contribution to the Library’s resources by someone who knows India intimately and has a foothold n both Indic and Christian cultures: Maria Wirth’s “Christians are not under attack in India”[14]. […]
Reblogged this on Hindu Internet Defence Force.
[…] Christians are not under attack in India […]
[…] there was little doubt. Repeated allegations of persecution of Christians in Bharat, though easily falsified, acquire a sense of truth given their repetition, not least by church representatives. It is to be […]
Well it is wrong to say that something which has in later centuries become a social norm of a person being born into some caste as being labelled as what was originally described as parts of a society (not birth based and it is described as such in Vedas where a boy states that he is from a particular section of society while his mother and father are from totally different sections of society…) I wish to not use the word caste which is a Portuguese word miss appropriated to represent the Sanskrit terms Jati and Varna. Hinduism is not based on caste by birth but it talks of Varna by occupation… And every society has classes of people by occupation like the bishop class, nun class, royal class, peasant class… Nothing new being talked in Hinduism
Thanks Maria ji, for the upright & straight forward article bashing MSM & pseudo Intellectuals
I am dismantled by the hypocrisy in these comment sections. PI don’t think people here are no where familiar with India, let alone Hinduism. Do these people know what is happening in India? India is #4 in religious violence as per Pew Research. And people are claiming this is fraud?
Hi Ms.Wirth, RSS is not only a Hindu fundamentalist group, but it is also a terrorist group just like ISIS or Boko Haram. Please do not encourage these kind of terrorist groups and bring more trouble to persecuted minorities and Dalits in India.