Religious fundamentalists are on the rise and that is bad for our societies. Most people will agree on this. Yet few examine who religious fundamentalists are. Obviously, such persons would want to stick to the fundamentals of their religion. They want to live a life that is advocated in their holy books and would please their God. Now, since religious fundamentalists pose a problem, does it mean that the fundamentals of religions are bad for our societies? Let’s look at the three biggest religions:
Concerning Christianity, fundamentalists believe that God has revealed himself in the Bible and sent his only begotten son to earth to save all mankind. They believe in the first commandment: ‘You shall have no other gods before me’. Therefore, all humanity has to believe in the God of the Bible and his only son, Jesus Christ. Those who do not do so, will end up in hell for all eternity. “Go out into the world, preach to all peoples and baptise”, is a central tenet of the Christian faith (Matthew 28.19, Mark 16.15) and fundamentalists consider it as their duty to convert as many ‘heathens’ as possible to Christianity by whatever means.
Concerning Islam, fundamentalists believe that Islam is the only true religion and Allah the only true God who wants the whole world to submit to Him (Q 8.39). Those who do not become Muslims will go to hell for ever. It is a central tenet and keeps recurring in the Quran. Fundamentalists see it as their duty to ‘cleanse’ the world of unbelievers either by converting or by taking literally verses in the Quran which exhort believers to “smite their necks.” (8.12)
Concerning Hinduism, fundamentalists believe that Brahman (other names are allowed and in use) is the one true ‘God’. However, Brahman is not a personal God who saves those who believe in Him and damns all others. Rather, Brahman is the most subtle conscious essence that permeates everything and everyone, never mind, which religion he follows or whether he is an atheist. “Atman is Brahman” or “one’s own Self is the Divine”, the Vedas proclaim.
Now, all religions claim that there is only one Highest, one ‘true God’ in English or one ‘Allah’ in Arabic or one ‘Brahman’ in Sanskrit. And of course there is only one Divinity – the almighty, all knowing Presence that is responsible for the existence of the universe. How can it be otherwise? Hindus, however, often don’t understand that Christians as well as Muslims are really convinced that “their” one true God saves only the brothers and sisters of their own faith and sends all others as heathen or infidels into hell. This conviction is indeed difficult to understand for humans with a normal reasoning capacity. Yet if one grows up hearing repeatedly that only one’s own faith is true and other people are bad because they don’t accept this, it may actually make sense. It happened to me as a child – it made sense that only we Christians go to heaven, because we have been chosen by God…
So we have a situation in the world where Christianity and Islam, each one about two billion strong, rival with each other: “Our God alone is true! If you don’t believe it, you go to hell.” And the other group counters, “No. Our God alone is true! And if you don’t believe it you go to hell.”
One could laugh it off if it were not so serious. Fundamentalists stick to this belief – and unfortunately, the official clergy of both religions uphold it, as well. It is naturally a cause for great friction in the world.
Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma, as it used to be called) does not take part in this one-upmanship. It is ancient. It was there long before Christianity or Islam appeared on the scene. In Hinduism, Brahman is not a male entity who watches over us from somewhere. It is inside everyone, conscious, living and loving.
It will always give another chance until everyone realises his true being and merges in Brahman, which may take many lives. The Hindu scriptures proclaim, “Humanity is one family”. “Brahman permeates the smallest as well as the biggest.” “Thou art That.” “Brahman is not what the mind thinks but That whereby the mind thinks.” “See God in everyone.” “Respect nature.”
And they lead us in prayer: “May we be protected together, may we be nourished together, may we work together with great vigour, may our study be enlightening, may no obstacle arise between us.” “Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.” “May everyone be happy”, and so on.
Many Hindus, too, don’t know these fundamentals of their religion and believe it is all about rituals, worshipping their favourite aspect of God to get their wishes fulfilled and celebrating festivals. They don’t realise that Hinduism is the only religion that is all inclusive. It does not set one group of people against all the others. It is also not opposed to science and does not only allow using one’s intelligence but encourages to do so.
Maybe that is the reason why in the west, Hinduism is sometimes even missing when the world religions are listed, as for westerners, a religion is apparently not a religion if it is not based on unverifiable dogmas, especially the one that sets it apart from other religions and which is so harmful for a harmonious living together of all humanity. Is it not about time for us in the 21th century to scrap such unverifiable, harmful fundamentals that set up one group of people against another group?
The best option is to follow the Hindu fundamentals. So let’s be Hindu fundamentalists who see Divinity in everyone, also in animals and in nature. Our world would benefit.
by Maria Wirth
Very concise and to the point article.
Good job
I think this website drives your point home.
Proof the Jews come from Vedic India
perfect solution to the world’s wars … i always wanted to express these views. hinduism or sanatan dharm is the only solution… it gives message of peace.
where are you marie
The article is quite enlightening. I have been raised in a hindu household with many festivals and most of all I loved to listen to the Mahabharata and Ramayana Epics. I still do. My journey through life has not barred me from praying in the Church, Mosque, Temple etc. One has learnt to accept all faiths and what does that make me!? What has been reflected in the article is quite true and I believe a Faith with no boundaries is truly the answer to all our ills. Faith based on Humanity with One Almighty irrespective of religion is the answer.
May be all Hindus do not understand what is really Hinduism but the upbringing in Hindu family is so different that right from our childhood parents educate us that The Allah and Christ are the name of Gods in other religion and they are like our Gods. I have been to many churches and mosques and my hands got automatically folded with respect for the God of either church or mosque. I know very well that Hindus are called Kafirs i.e. non believers by Muslims but we also know that Hinduism is a old religion more than 5000 years old and it had a great tradition of “Shastrarth” discussion among learned people and this is how you were allowed to have different view than the established belief or dogma. This is how new ideas came to Hinduism and was encouraged by great thinkers and Rishis. Writing comment on religious matters or treatise was considered great achievement. In other religion it is unthinkable there may be so many Fatwas or dictates from church that you won’t be able to survive. But I am hopeful with the passage of time other religion will also embrace many great ideas beneficial for human beings but it takes times after all Hinduism has taken more than 5000 years to reach this stage. Arvind
Cudos to Maria. for expressing the meaning of ‘Fundamentalsim” so well and urging the Hindus to accept the name without feeling any alienation from others. Any one who follows his Religion sincerely after proper study & reasoning is a Fundamentalist and i am glad I am one.
Very simple, well expressed article. And, you are correct most people have forgotten what Hinduism stands for. Totally enjoyed reading it.
Simple introduction to Vedanta.
Respected Maria, send your pp photo to the editor at . Our team like to tag your blog in our blog roll and publish some articles to our main page too.
Pankaj, Moderator, HE.
Essence of Hinduism has been very well put.
Since the original Hindu Philosophy is all inclusive, it does make it easy for the non intellectual types to invoke peace, gratefulness and equanimity through bhakti. Which, as a short cut has degenerated into rituals and for some at the expense of true understanding. That does need to be corrected and Mari’s simply put fundamentals help correcting such off shoots.
Thank u Maria for your simple but true explanation about Hinduism . The so called secular Hindu are helping in rise of hindu fundamentalism. Their day to day abuse to Hinduism is helping other hindu to unite and become hindu fundamentalist. Due to know after Nitish certification b y PM as a secuarist has help crore of hindu to become Hindu fundamentalist
I certainly appreciate the discourse regarding religious fundamentalism. As a Christian, specifically a Christian in the United Stated, even more specifically a Christian in the southern United States, I am confronted with fundamentalism daily. Be that through the conservative U.S. media’s coverage of Islam, or the basic day to day occurrences of Christian fundamentalism in my own church and community. I don’t necessarily agree with the statement that fundamental Christians are on a mission to convert non-believers by whatever means necessary. If that were truly the case, then we could at least call them devout! No, I think the conditions that permeate fundamental Christianity is simply ignorance and fear. Fear of the unknown that can only be conquered by true faith (faith in the most abstract sense mind you, be that a devout adherence to doctrine, or the complex acceptance of the existential), and ignorance towards the true principles of inerrancy, holiness, and forgiveness.
Maria, the only issue I have with your conclusion is that it’s predicated on human observation rather than principle. As a statement of reason, I can certainly follow this discourse and arrive at the same conclusion. For instance, if the goal is to observe, document, and prescribe the most efficacious means to ensure peaceful interaction through religion, then certainly, fundamentalist Hinduism is the correct answer. However, that’s not exactly the issue here. The issue is finding truth and acceptance through spiritual reconciliation (if we want to debate that premise, I would love to engage on that). Such a distance personal mission cannot be resolved through simple observation and reason.
At then end of the day, if the intent of this entry was to show how Hindu fundamentalism is the most peaceful form of religious fundamentalism in practice, then that end is acheived. However, in my opinion that’s akin to stating that crime is lower in Calgary than any other city, so we should all live there. It may be accurate, but not very helpful.
[…] Source: mariawirthblog […]
Josh, I know that westerners often cant believe that conversions are still going on and are not a thing of the past. The clergy in the west dont talk anymore about eternal hell for heathen, otherwise even more of their sheep would leave the Churches. I live in India and feel pained how much money flows here from abroad for the purpose of reaping a rich harvest for Christ. Please read Breaking India by Rajiv Malhotra. I can assure you that conversion is rampant and under the pretext of helping the poor, they uproot them. They work with deception, threat and allurement and try to instill fear and a feeling of superiority over the Hindus. Ultimately the converts land up becoming a miserable lot as an Indian ex Christian described them.
In this article I simply wanted to show that the fundamental tenet of being the only true religion of both Christianity and Islam is harmful and has nothing to do with finding the truth, and thats why fundamentalists have a bad name. So why not give up this fundamental tenet? Because it is helpful to achieve world dominion and the purpose of these religions is precisely this and not about finding the truth.
Hindu Dharma in contrast is a genuine enquiry into truth, beneficial for all, inclusive of all and most helpful for the individual to find the truth. If you are interested, I have more articles on Hindu tradition on
Wonderful indeed!

I just think we get too caught up in names…. let’s just be good, kind, happy people!
Have you read verse 62 of chapter 2. ?????? in the Holy Quran?
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English-Sarwar translation
However, those who have become believers (the Muslims), and the Jews, the Christians and the Sabaeans who believe in God and the Day of Judgment and strive righteously will receive their reward from the Lord and will have nothing to fear nor will they be grieved.
This is exactly the kind of dogma that Hinduism does not have. It allows diversity and different paths to “God”. Because of this you have the stark monotheism of the Brahmans, where the ultimate reality is beyond comprehension and is the “Universal Consciousness”. It is the individual who is responsible for making his spiritual and inner progress. On the other hand, there is the idol worship of the common man who needs a symbol of God or gods to worship and relate to. The next world is an unknown, so the focus is on making yourself and others happy in this life, through good deeds and righteous conduct. Everyone is encouraged to live without violence, be truthful, not steal nor be possessive and be in full control of his natural impulses.
Even if there is a paradise, God will presumably not discriminate by where in the universe you were born or which Alien sect you belonged to, and will reward ALL those who do good in this life. The greatest sin imaginable is to kill another human being – God’s greatest creation – for any reason. Because it means you do not trust in the power of God to judge and to punish.
Now coming to the verse cited by you: It means the Jews following the path of Moses before Jesus came, will be rewarded on judgment day. Those Christians that followed the path of Jesus before Muhammad will be rewarded too. After Muhammad was sent down, everyone must follow his path in order to go to Heaven. In short, a human being’s eternal reward depends on which prophet he “believes in” finally. The Quran repeatedly makes it clear that there’s no hope for non-Muslims: 5:3 “Today I have perfected your religion and completed my favor to you and have chosen Islam for you”. .3:19..”.Indeed the right religion in the sight of Allah is Islam ..Islam is the truth and light, those who follow Islam follow Allah’s commandment and they will have their reward in the hereafter” .3:85 “For, if one goes in search of a religion, other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and in the life to come he shall be among the lost” etc .
It is very rational that in the west hinduism is not listed amongst religion, or mentioned in pass. as you rightly pointed, hinduism is not “religion” as per the definition of religion in the west. it is not a “way of life” as some people claim, that is a wrong definition. Paramacharya (Sri Chandrasekhara Saraswathi of Kanchi matha) mentions that if humans are let to live naturally, the tenets they form, the truth they find via meditation and self-introspection will be what “hinduism” is. thats all there is to it. “hinduism” is a natural fabric of life.
Why did not you mention about Buddhism? It is a big religion that changed many minds. Let me ask a simple question. Hinduism teaches that “AIM” is more important, and “how you execute it” does not matter. Even if your brother is the enemy, you should kill him (from the book of Gita). I think Jesus has taught to love even your enemies. Dont categorize whole christians under protestant christians – Still I think, they do not do “ANYTHING” for that (like killing even your brother or so)..!! And one of the Hindu major states in India ended up with killing Muslims in bulk (Gujarat Massacre, 2002). Appreciate your perspective, but your study is not complete, and misleading. I expect you wil get a lot of appreciation from Hindu fundamentalists..!! Best wishes..
This is so beautiful to read but i wonder why hindu women are raped everyday because they belong to outcaste ? why people are discriminated on caste basis ?I wish what you said was in reality .Please dont forget the resent Gujrat riots and the person who killed Gandhi said he was a hindu fundamentalist ? Reality is what we experience and theory is what is in books , your theory was good but the reality of Hindu fundamentalism is not what you say . A group of people are denied human rights and treated worse than animals . Caste murders are increasing day by day , what shall we say .
Buddha was a Hindu in todays terminology. Hindus consider Buddha as an avatar and Buddhism as one of the many streams of Sanatana Dharma (today called Hinduism). Buddhists however prefer to be a separate religion for whatever reasons though they are in the same league with Hinduism and not like the Abrahamic religions and their dogmatic, unverifiable belief systems.
Where does Hinduism teach that aim is more important than how you execute it? To follow your dharma is most important and this may entail fighting those who commit grave injustice. I grew up as a Christian and found the hypocrisy in Christian society painful. You write that you think that Christians don not do anything like killing ones own brother and it is all about loving your enemy. It is absolutely clear that Hinduism is the least violent religion in comparison with Christianity or Islam. Just think what happened in Germany only 70 years ago. This does not mean that there are no criminals in Hindu society, but they dont kill to please their God.
What I wrote is not a theory, it is about the proclaimed fundamentals of three religions. Crimes happen in every society and please dont forget that in India so many more crimes need to happen to be at the same level with even a big country like USA which has only one quarter of Indias population and 3 times the space. If holy books demand that the whole world has to believe what is written in this book and condone or even advocate killing if people refuse, that is not a good basis for a harmonious society. Just look at history and you may understand.
As far as I know and with my capabilities of understanding of Hinduism I would like to say
– The christian society has already dug a big grave for themselves, the reason being they love the sweet than the truth. This, one can analyze through the view of Hinduism bcos a person inside a well cannot see from top. I have done a keen study of Christian mentality over a long period of time n now I well versed with their thoughts.
– The muslim community is originally Hindu because Mohammed’s uncle was a Hindu priest in a temple called MECCA(old MAKKESHWARA). Hence they are to a large extent following lots of Hindu teachings but with a wrong approach(concept of infidels). Hence they have dug a grave for themselves bcos wrong doing invites worst to you.
– Thirdly, in the EGO FACTOR(“You shall have no other gods before me” and equivalent dialog in Muslims) both Christian and Muslim communities are hell bent to dilute and destroy the rarest of the rare teachings of “Best way to life” that is Hinduism. This is not a mistake but a BLUNDER. This behaviour of ego factor was highest and last seen in Ravana – a God’s(Lord Shiva) closest devotee which God himself had to destroy.
I would say only way left is that the intellectuals of these 2 religions(Christianity and Muslim) must admit, accept and ignore the wrong approach to God in Bible and Quran, only then the world will be saved else you know the bomb is ticking.
Jai Shri Ram.
Yet I can also say its hard to digest that the West has been learning things which are wrong and for so many years they have learnt it that it becomes extremely tough to give it up. The only way and damn easy way to come out of it is to simply swallow your own spit – no one points @ you, no one laughs @ you when you swallow your own spit.
Women are being raped all over the world but India has among the lowest rates of rape at 2/100,000 compared to most western countries. Ireland, a Catholic country has a rate of 10 ie five times. If you read more about rape in India and of so called outcaste women, that’s because Indian society does not tolerate rape and there’s an outcry each time a case is reported, unlike in the west. How many times have you seen an entire nation agitated by rape anywhere else in the world? Also most rape cases of outcaste women involve men from other backward and most backward castes – look up recent atrocities like Kherlanji, Mirchipur and Dharmapuri. Westerners automatically and wrongly assume that it must be the upper castes who must be involved, because of their inherent bias and racism, which does not allow them to understand an alien society, where the highest caste – the Brahmins who traditionally lived in poverty, were the sole defenders of the customary rights of the lowest Paraiyan outcastes against encroachments by the British and other castes in Madras.
The inherent bias in the Abrahamic religions is the Homogenous outlook – One God, One Truth, One Book etc all relics of predatory, power and dominance oriented Tribal societies, because of which they are unable to visualise a Heterogenous but peaceful society where many deities and radically different points of view can co-exist. The Brahmins were loved and respected for their knowledge and selflessness by the common people, but the missionaries and the colonials thought the Brahmins had some magical religious hold over the people because of which the Indians refused conversion to Christianity, despite all kinds of incentives and threats. So the Brahmins were described as evil and the people as wretched, stupid and superstitious.
In reality, the Indian society was made up of thousands of autonomous but interdependent Jatis, which the Brahmins had conceptualised into their theoretical Varna system. It was the British who forced the theoretical Varna categories on the entire society beginning with the 1901 Census. They also started arbitrarily selecting groups of people as outcastes and depressed castes, so that their population went up from about 5 percent in the first Census to 16 percent in the 1931 Census. This was done with a view to counter the then nascent Indian National Congress, which was seen as a party of Hindu upper castes, as well as to divide and rule India through a veneer of provincial democracy that had been introduced in the 1890’s for the natives. The artificially imposed Caste was soon everywhere, with motive power provided by the twin engines of Colonial expediency and Missionary zeal. So the British created the cage, deliberately locked the people in it and now every half wit and his ignorant westernised cousin is hopping around in indignation and blaming the Hindus for this crime.
I must say this is an impressive article. Hinduism doesn’t have a handbook and the vedic books or the Gita asks one to find Ram (happiness and peace) in your every move. I must tell you that I have never been unhappy in my life. The reason is even though I have had many problems like financial, academic etc I followed the famous verse from Gita “Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma faleshu kadacha” translated : Just keep doing ur duty and dont expect the fruit. It has worked for me and will work for you. Bless you all irrespective of your religion, caste, sex, race. I pray to God he give everybody happiness and shower peace of mind and soul.
‘@ Kamal, Hinduism does not justify any means to achieve your aim. let me elaborate on it! It says Dharma is supreme and one must follow it, but at the same time one has the liberty to fulfill his karma as well.
Now one thing we all must understand is that while pursuing our Karma, it is not always possible to follow our Dharma, like for example in Mahabharta, Bhishma’s karma was to protect the throne, no matter who sat on it, even after knowing he was against Dharma himself i.e. Vasudev ShriKrishna, still he fought the battle, but never did he justify his side i..e Kaurvas, not just that another greatest warrior on his side Karna, though completely true to his side, knew as well that he was wrong and against Dharma, yet he fought the battle as well.. In the end, both are still regarded honourable due to the their inner realization of truth and following their Karma despite the fact that they actually fought against Dharma or Krishna..
As an hindu, i know Aim is important but as humans we are given the liberty to truthfully follow our duties and Karma, even if we sometimes ignore our dharma in doing so – as must now we clear to you in above example – so it’s the inner malicious instinct that damages universal harmony and our own poise, which only defines the means and ways we take up to achieve our aim; and not how they appear to naked eyes and an ignorant conscience, reason why there is harmony in multiple of paradoxes that Hinduism embodies like lord Shiva being sacred to both Devas and Raakshashas and Ravana still being praised for his wisdom and realization.
More and more in the west are begenning to thinl like Hinmdus..even religious christians.
In Newsweek Magazine
We Are All Hindus Now
I was surprised at a “Westerner” writing so clearly about Hinduism & understanding the basics. Then I read the answer given to Josh on 20 June 2013 which revealed that Maria Wirth lives in India. That explains her knowledge. I am most impressed by her simple and convincing reasoning. Full credit to her.
Its shame to see Hindus convert to islam and asked for 1/3 land .What they achieved after getting pakistan Now stooge for saudis . :Looks like converts lose the thinking power after conversion as adopted religion is close end and don’t give muslim to think beyond the book content. Want to live a progressive life all hindus convert to islam should come back to hindu fold. ONe thing convert should note saudi want locals to fight their war to destroy their own nation.
Great article. Exactly my thoughts. Have you heard that Islam also has roots from Sanathana Dharma? I do not have the links with me. But, I am sure you can find some information on the internet.
And, you are right about hindu philosophy. When I was a kid, I always questioned my parents, why do we wear tilaka, why do we do this, why do we do that. All I got was “my mom/dad told me, and I am telling you to do. This is our tradition”. Lack of true hinduism facts ofcourse. I wasnt convinced with their reply and I started reading over internet. I dont know alot but, I am now very proud to be a Hindu.
And, Just an FYI, you might have already know, Hindu/Hinduism is a word coined by Britishers for the people who lived nearby Indus river.
Maria rightly says, “Hinduism is a genuine inquiry into the truth, beneficial to all”. Today’s modern, scientific world needs progressive, broadly based religion/ spirituality to prevent man made calamities of gigantic proportions that we see all around us. We need people of Maria’s calibre, insight and sensitivity, perhaps 100 of them, to rally around, starting from the so called ‘educated’ of India, with their rousing call.
Maria, your statement Because it is helpful to achieve world dominion and the purpose of these religions is precisely this and not about finding the truth. demonstrates that you have misunderstood Christianity, and probably Islam, entirely. Christianity is not about sending non-believers to Hell or dominating the world. The core tenet of Christianity is that God loves each and every one of us. As in Hinduism, we acknowledge that our self-seeking individualism has resulted in us falling from perfection. Where Christianity varies from Hinduism is in the solution to that problem. You maintain that through Dharma and reincarnation you are given a second and third chance. Christianity teaches that we cannot restore ourselves and require Gods forgiveness which is made available through Christs sacrificial death. To state that, This conviction is indeed difficult to understand for humans with a normal reasoning capacity. demonstrates that your beliefs are just as dogmatically held (and unverifiable) as any Christian or Muslim fundamentalist.
You also make the common mistake, although I suspect that you know very well that it is untrue, in believing that Western society is in essence Christian, and any actions taken by Western countries are acts made by Christians. It was not Christians who did what happened in Germany 70 years ago.
Hi………a small correction… does not mean do karma without expecting the results, it only states that we have control only on the ‘karma’ (which is our responsiveness to life), the result (karma-phala), we have no control over it. This means that we should think about what can be done about a situation. It is only “what can be done about it” matters. Is there any other thing which is important or even otherwise, possible.
We have a choice of action (karma), but we do no have a say in the result, and this is the case even with the most sophisticated, advanced technologies like launching a rocket, testing in the lab etc. The scientist or researcher can ‘only do’ (karma) while the result (karma-phala) is not in his hands.
The choices in karma are;
1. Kartum – doing it
2. Akartum – not doing it
3. Anyata kartum – doing something different / doing it differently
Results to an action should always be expected, without expecting Arjuna to know / learn about what being said, even Krishna could not have done the karma of BhagwadGeetha.
But whatever be the result, we should not be detested or be unduly emotional about which anyway none has the choice or control on. So the best way is always keep doing the karma, instead of waiting for the result (agitated and anxious).
We must always feel, behave, act etc. with full conscience, we must be aware and alert about our responses, actions. This is the intention behind this sloka.
If that is so, then why each and every person (especially the muslim) keep talking about conversion, in every opportunity they get they keep on asking the other fellow to join their ‘way of god’ (Islam). Why are there Christian Missionaries organised at the level and structure of multi-national corporations only to convert (covertly) while openly they talk about education, upliftment, health etc?
Why can’t they accept all in the name and service of God?……….and do service irrespective of their color and religion much like how the Hindu organisations function?
Then why can’t they be as inclusive as the Hindus are? Why can’t there be at least one elected Hindu Minister in any of the Islam / Christian strong-holds………isn’t Christianity / Islam very loving / peaceful and inclusive as you are stating? Instead they have all in fact declared as a Christian / Moslem country.
Why is that all these countries have their national identity as Islamic or Christian? On the other hand, India has a secular identity, they have elected many a times minorities, Presidents were Moslem , Prime Ministers were Sikh (another minority) and the Chair-woman of the ruling party is a Christian-Italian. All these are in a country which has 80% Hindus who are classified as backward, fundamentalists, extremists and idol-worshipers. Evidence for all said can be provided, if interested.
There is no such thing as Hindu fundamentalism because there is no such thing as Hinduism. Hinduism as a concept was created by Islamic peoples who didn’t understand the variegated religions in India were in fact different religions, i.e. Vaishnavism, Shaivism, etc. The British coined the term Hinduism following in the wake of the Muslims, although their scholars knew that it was an umbrella term denoting a wide variety of religions. For example Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism used to be included as Hinduism, but they protested so much that the western scholars relented and gave them their own separate categories outside of Hinduism.
Some people argue that they aren’t Hindu because they don’t accept the Vedic scriptures as divine, but that isn’t really true, at least with Sikhs who consider Bhagavad Gita divine; and secondly there are many Hindu sects which are not Vedic, they don’t follow Vedic scriptures and accept different scriptures (many Shaivites). This is why scholars prefer the term Dharmic religions rather than Hinduism, since Hinduism as a religion doesn’t exist, i.e there is no literal Hindu religion, the word and concept was created by Muslims to describe the people of India which they didn’t understand. Hinduism is similar to Christianity, in that there is no religions called Christianity–there are countless religions who incorporate the name of Christ into their religion–to some Christ was a human, to others a God, to others both, to others neither, to others a concept, etc.
In the Hindu world you can find all sorts of beliefs, worship of different Gods, etc. For example the idea of God as Brahman, as impersonal, is just one of many different belief systems found within the Hindu cornucopia. For example this verse from the Bhagavat Purana is believed in by the Vaishnava religion (65% of Hindus identify as Vaishnava):
vadanti tat tattvavidas: tattvam yat jnanam advayam
brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate 1.2.11
Tattvavidas, philosophers or knowers of the truth; vadanti, they say:
Tattvam yat jnanam advayam, knowledge (jnanam) of “the truth” (tattvam) is nondual (advayam);
iti sabdyate, they call it;
brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan,
This is the basis for the Vaishnava religion, which is the largest religion of those lumped together as Hinduism. The truth of reality is not just Brahman (brahmeti–the impersonal aspect of the divine, the all-pervading ground of being which is the basis for the physical universe and all souls).
It is also Paramatma (supreme all pervading conscious self, i.e. a person), and Bhagavan (literally–possessing fortune, i.e. the being who possesses Brahman and Paramatma, i.e the personality aspect of the divine).
The divine is a non-dual being, a singular being, who is simultaneously Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. Brahman: the all pervading substratum of the universe, like the water in the ocean; Paramatma: the conscious self of Brahman; Bhagavan: the personality or ego of Brahman and Paramatma. These are three aspects of a singular non-dual entity who is the blissful truth of existence (sat-chit-ananda).
This is why the Vedas teach that God is known by many names, Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, and countless others. These are all names of the same person who is simultaneously the ground of existence, the consciousness of existence, and the person controlling it all (Ishvara). The Yoga sutras state:
samadhi-siddhi? isvara-pra?idhanat
Samadhi-siddhi (the perfection of merging with the divine)
Isvara (literally–master, ruler)
Pranidhana (by meditating on)
The perfection of samadhi, is attained through meditation on Ishvara, the master of reality (God).
Thanks for your well informed explanation. You are right, Hinduism is a recently invented word, however it is used worldwide to denote the different streams of Hindu (Sanatana) Dharma, which do have commonalities and are distinct of the two big Abrahamic religions in crucial points. I started to use the term consciously, when I realized that Hinduism is usually presented in a poor light abroad, as if it was disconnected of its deep philosophy and valuable methods at self-purification. Kindly read Is Hinduism a religion, then my stand towards Hinduism or Hindu Dharma as I would prefer to call it, becomes clearer.
Very interesting discussion. Maria has written in such a simple language that every point is clear in the first reading. Many others have also put in good thoughts. Good reading when many other blogs and sites are full of negativity and violence. Thanks Maria.
Shakespeare, women get, unfortunately, raped everywhere – the reasons are so many. To make castes responsible for rapes is very narrow, if not stupid, logic. In America, the champion of so-called equality, every 15 seconds a woman is raped…
Varnaashrama system is a scientific order of the society – opposite to the hodge-podge ellbow society of today.
Dear Maria,
It is very pleasing that someone from Germany is so deeply into studying and understanding Hinduism. I am a born Hindu, but never followed, never prayed, never read anything, never went to a temple, until I traveled outside of India and started realizing the need to go back to my roots. I follow Dr Rajiv Malhotra and Dr Subramaniam Swami very closely. Also, Baba Ramdevji, he is doing a great job with Yoga and Ayurvedic medicine. I think there isn’t anything like Divya Pharmacy in the world today, making medicines that have not side effects and holistically curing model illnesses. Also Shri Shri Ravi Shankarji is taking Hinduism to international scale and that too, as you would already know, we don’t have any conversion procedures defined in Hinduism, so you can’t really convert, you can only follow which is very peaceful. Prevents a lot of unnecessary wrong doing to make the numbers go up. Also, Sri Vajra Yogi Dasa. Swami Narayanananda (Dr. Jose Rugue) in Brazil ( is doing some great work in Ayurveda, Yoga and Hinduism. His story is also very fascinating. What really hurts is, for people so peaceful as us, when we talk about Hinduism in our own country, we are termed as fascist, racist and Hindu extremists by our own governments. The only thing we look forward to is that Abrahamic religions in India stop these hugely expensive conversion programs (Christianity – mostly coming from the US, may be a bit from the UK too) and the wrath of Islam and their frightening conversion procedures and highly expensive terrorist programs which have no benefits even for the terrorists and their religion itself. Also what hurts me a lot is what happened in Germany is not so grave if there can be serious research conducted on countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia where Hindus have been killed in millions, the number can easily be 5 times of the incident in Germany. Yet, no international body and no big country every criticized or raised a question because who cared about Hinduism and peace? It would be foolish to expect any kind of empathy from our Congress led government, they work only in favor of Abrahamic religions which is where their roots come from. But if people like you take up this job so seriously, I really see a ‘Ray of Hope’ for humanity as a whole in the future. Please keep up your good work, hope more young minds of India are awakened to protect our roots and the peaceful culture/religion we have created over the last 15000 years. We need a serious revolution in India itself where Hinduism could easily reach the brink of extinction in the next 50 years if proper steps are not taken.
I also wanted to point out a recent tele-serial aired on Indian Television named ‘Upanishad Ganga’ which to a great extent explains some of the basic tenets of Hinduism through short stories.
Not sure if this can be dubbed into German and aired on German television. It would be a great leap forward if this can be achieved. I am sure Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi wouldn’t mind dubbing his creation for the German and English audience.
I wish you are all the best with all the work you are doing. You have one more follower. It feels great to understand some of the concepts of our religion through your blogs.
Last 3 years, I have been trying to study and understand Hinduism, as and when possible, I have discussions with many of my European colleagues to make them understand the concepts of Hinduism and what is happening in India with Hinduism. But I admit, I am in anyway near to being an expert on Hinduism and I have a long way to go before I can constructively contribute to the resurrection of Hinduism in India. British schools have started experimenting by teaching Hinduism as a subject at their schools, we can copy this one more thing from Brits. Our people like it when it comes from outside, if someone inside the country suggests this, we are termed as Hindu extremists. Baba Ramdevji is experimenting with a Sanskrit-English model school for 500 students. I hope it achieves great success and this model is implemented all over India, mandatory for every citizen irrespective of religion. It will build India to heights which no country has achieved in the history of this world.
Somebody please send this blog to our English news channels anchors who always use the word “Hindu nationalists” or “Hindu fundamentalists” derogatorily.
An absolutely impressive article and thought-provoking discussion. The arguments in the article carry more conviction, I think, it comes from a “non-Hindu”, born in the West. I cannot enter into a religious discussion on the merits or otherwise of any religion because of my ignorance on the topic. But, the article made me feel relieved from the guilt I had at times been feeling because I never practised any religion. I am a born Hindu but hardly went to temples and rarely observed any rituals. My concept of God is very vague to me since I don’t have a very clear answer to many questions. But I always felt the God actually means good deeds and being helpful to others. Your article is the closest that I have read about my own feelings. Thank you Maria.
Your blog post is sadly, extremely misinformed and deeply, deeply offensive. You have made the mistake that a lot of other fundamentalists make: taking religious verses from the Qu’ran out of context and misinterpreting what they actually mean. I’m not a Christian, but speaking as someone who has a deep understanding of Islam and strong, genuine Muslims friends, I can say with 100% conviction that nothing, absolutely nothing, in Islamic ideology condemns all non-Muslims to Hell or guarantees all Muslims a spot in Heaven. No matter what household or faith you are born into, Islam teaches you to worship God, be a good person, and strive to live your life according to goodness and piety. At the end of the day, all of us are judged for our actions. Muslims do NOT get a free ride just for having been born into a Muslim family, and non-Muslims are not condemned simply because they were born into a non-Muslim family. Islam teaches that no matter what faith you come from or what path you follow, you should strive for guidance and righteousness and realize that the test and trials of life are meant to increase your faith, bring you closer to God, teach you powerful lessons in life, and test your faith, patience, and morals. Muslims are subject to the same exact test.
I appreciate you trying to defend the tenets of Hinduism, but you should understand that a true Hindu (or any true religious believer), never has to resort to inaccurately and ignorantly bashing other faiths in order stand up for their own faith. If you have conviction for the tenets and values that Hinduism propagates, strive to spread that message and express yourself in a way that is professional, respectful, and more importantly, AWARE, of the world around you. Before you resort to attacking a population of more than 1 billion Muslims or a faith which you have extremely little knowledge of, open a Qu’ran, do some research on Islam and Christianity, talk to a Muslim or Christian person and see how they have interpreted their faith. NOTHING in religion is EVER black and white-all religions have ENORMOUS gray area. Moreover, at the end of the day, religion is all about interpretation and how the adherent chooses to incorporate and mold those beliefs into his own personal value and preference set.
If you had done your proper research, you would have seen that the Qu’ran mentions God’s endless mercy and compassion literally dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of times. The Qu’ran explicitly states that ANYONE who has belief in God, does good deeds, establishes prayer, and seeks guidance will be among those who dwell in Heaven. The use of the terms “believer” and “unbeliever” do not mean respectively “Muslim” or “Non-Muslim.” That is an extremely simplistic interpretation of the terms that doesn’t take into account the context, purpose, message, and history of the Qu’ran and the times during which it was revealed. Furthermore, ask yourself this-if we all come from the same God, why would any religion on this planet put down non-adherents or condemn them to Hell for simply being born of a different faith? The word “Allah” means “God” in Arabic-the one and same God that you and I both pray to. Why would he condemn either one of us because we were born into two different families? Have you heard of the surah in the Qu’ran that says “There is no compulsion in religion?” Why would Islam give a person the choice of choosing to believe or pray or worship if, as you say, it’s only mission is to smite those who don’t turn to faith or condemn those who don’t automatically convert to Islam? Why would 1 billion humans actually believe in a faith that “condemns” more than half of humanity?
What makes a person Muslim or Hindu or Christian is their state of mind and heart and their actions. Hinduism has always propagated peace, tolerance, and being respectful of other faiths. You might want to think about that before you write another post like this.
I understand the pain and frustration you might be facing witnessing the horrendous actions of a corrupt few who shamelessly profess to be from the same faith as the majority of its other adherents. But sister, if you stoop down to their level, there is no difference between you and them in the end.
Could you please point out where I went wrong? What is extremely misinformed and deeply, deeply offensive? I copy it here again what I wrote:
Concerning Islam, fundamentalists believe that Islam is the only true religion and Allah the only true God who wants the whole world to submit to Him. Those who do not become Muslims will go to hell. It is a central tenet and keeps recurring in the Quran. Fundamentalists see it as their duty to make all of humanity accept Islam and often take literally commandments in the Quran like Strike terror in the hearts of unbelievers.
You say that you are not a Christian and you have good Muslim friends. And then you take offense regarding what I wrote above. If you are a Muslim, you would be aware of the insider versus outsider mindset that is inculcated in both Abrahamic religions. I did not write that Muslims have a free ride to heaven, and I know, like in Christianity, believers too, have to fulfill some conditions. So what did I write wrong? The Quran is explicit that Islam is the only true religion, like Christianity is explicit that Christ is the only way. So they advise Hindus to see this truth and convert or revert back (as it is also called) to Islam or Christianity. Please don quote now the Quran to everyone his own religion, if you read further, you know that it basically means, dont worry, if those other believers are so arrogant as not to accept the true religion( which one?) they are already doomed.
Since you are not a Christian and maybe also not a Muslim, then maybe you dont realize how harmful the insider versus outsider mind set is. Of course, friends won tell you about it. I know regarding Christianity, that Christians are briefed by their clergy and magazines, how to approach the Hindu middle class to have a chance to make them look favorably at Christianity.
I just got a chance to go through your true eye opening article. I am a Christian, baptized without my knowledge when I was an infant, after washing off my so called sins by birth (Jenma) and acts (Karma); inducted into Christianity and taught about the bible and the usual prayers.. It is just like a tender mango has been soaked into salt (for pickle!). After coming to age, I started thinking as to why should I believe the three mysteries which are unsolved for generations i.e.(1) Christ has died, (2) Christ has risen, and (3) Christ will come again! After understanding about the Hinduism, which our forefathers belong to, I started thinking why should we not adopt the same culture – the path our forefathers went through. To start with I am practicing vegetarianism – avoiding torture and killing of other lives for self life. Learning more and more about the Hinduism. It gives me internal pleasure! Like minded friends are welcome to share their views with me:
– Gnanam –
really glad that you see through the game of dogmatic religions. wished more Indians would realise the great value of their tradition and would honour their Rishis.
best wishes
What is very misinformed and inaccurate about your blog post is that you essentially advise Hindus to become “fundamentalists” by essentially misrepresenting the term “fundamentalist” in various parts of your blog post in order to make your point. When it comes to “fundamentalist” Muslims and Christians, you portray them as barbaric, blood-thirsty, and selfish human beings who are solely interested in mass conversion, harming non-Muslims/non-Christians, and spreading Islam/Christianity at any cost. Yet when you describe the fundamentals of the Hindu religion and advise Hindus to become “fundamentalists,” you describe Hindu fundamentalists as being peaceful, tolerant, etc. etc., basically telling them to go to the fundamentals of their Hindu faith.
I do not disagree with you that the fundamentals of the Hindu faith propagate peace and tolerance. But you’re missing some huge points here. First, ALL the major world faiths, in their fundamental core values and morals, spread the message of peace, acceptance, and love of God and humanity. Second, the word “fundamentalist” has an overwhelmingly negative connotation. When we call someone a religious fundamentalist, we use it to describe a person who has an extremist view of the religion. According to Merriam-Webster online, “fundamentalism” is defined as: “a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles.”
Additionally, in my personal viewpoint, fundamentalism and extremism are fueled by political biases and objectives for which the proponent misuses religion as the justification. Seen in this light, you don’t have to examine Hindu philosophy in agonizing detail to realize that it is a very broadly interpreted faith filled with verses and tenets that can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Bottom line? Hinduism is open to extremism, fanaticism, and fundamentalism as well, just like ANY other faith out there. Just look at some of the actions, statements, and undertakings conducted by groups in India such as the Shiv Sena. Are these people not using Hinduism to justify their own actions and beliefs? Are they not labeled by large sectors of Indian society as Hindu fundamentalists for their extremist and radical view of what constitutes appropriate Indian “values,” “culture,” and “faith?”
The point here is that a fundamentalist in any faith is extremist and sometimes radical. If we ALL started going to the TRUE fundamentals of our faith, we would all believe in tolerance, peace, and respect for others. This is not especially unique to Hinduism because ALL religions preach those basic same tenets. But in the modern world, the term “fundamentalist,” no matter what faith you are referring to, refers to someone who takes an extremist, literal interpretation of the religion, and there are fanatical extremists even among Hindus.
What is also offensive is that you quote verses from the Bible and Qu’ran without accurately giving a background as to the history, purpose, and context of a particular chapter or verse. When the Qu’ran has a verse saying “strike terror in the hearts of unbelievers,” it is NOT referring to non-Muslims or giving Muslims the right to kill innocent people who are not Muslim. A careful look into the background and context of the surah and ayah in which this verse appears will reveal that the verse was meant to give guidance to the Prophet Muhammad as to how to deal with ruthless enemies who had banished him and his Companions and repeatedly attacked him, how to deal with people who saw it as their main purpose to perpetuate the ignorance and social ills that permeated Arabia during the Prophet’s time. That is why I say that the word “unbeliever” does not simply mean “non-Muslim.” It is a strong word used to describe those who explicitly reject God’s message, wreak havoc on earth, and choose to live their lives in ignorance and without fear of their actions. While most of this is my own understanding, I have been backed up by numerous Islamic, Christian, and even Hindu scholars who support my interpretation and understanding.
If Muslim fundamentalists believe that this verse literally gives them the right to kill innocent people, then they are not even human, let alone Muslim. You cannot judge the entire faith of Islam based on a few crazy and evil-minded people who exploit the verses of the Qu’ran to justify their own perverse actions and political agenda. No where in the Qu’ran does it say that if you are not Muslim, you will go to Hell. Again, fundamentalists and extremists exploit these verses to carry out violent, demonic acts against innocent civilians, and Islam is merely a pretext under which they can carry out their own agendas.
Additionally, in regards to your “insider versus outsider” mindset, I definitely agree with you that several people of the Abrahamic faiths share that mindset. But here is my point-they are wrong. There is nothing in Islam that says you should treat someone differently or rudely or worse because they are Muslim, or that you should assume that just because they are not Muslim they will go to Hell. One of the central tenets of Islam is that you must never, ever judge. God loves all his children, regardless of whether they are Muslim or not, and in Islam, you are accountable no matter what faith you are a part of. A terrible Muslim will not go to Heaven over a genuine and devout Hindu, all other things being equal, just because the terrible person is Muslim by name. Islam does not say this at all.
Furthermore, yes, the Qu’ran does say that Islam is the true religion and right path. But think about this: what does “Islam” mean? The word “Islam” literally means “submission to God.” You can submit to God in ANY faith. In fact, Islam says that God sent prophets, or messengers, to all four corners of the Earth in order to guide people and spread God’s eternal message. In this sense, Islam is really just about a simple message, that has existed since time immemorial. In my personal opinion, you can be the most amazing Hindu who truly submits himself to God and does good deeds. If you are doing this, who’s to judge and say that your devotion and love for God isn’t “Islam” (submission to God)?
I’m Indian, and I know what is going on in India. It definitely makes me very, very sad, angry, and upset to see how people are using Islam and Christianity in terrible ways to gain mass conversions, judge others, and inculcate the mentality that Hindus are wrongly guided and must “revert” to the right path. The best advice I can give to you in this situation is to realize that religion is a personal, confessional experience open to your own, personal interpretation. In the end it is between you and your Creator. You cannot judge an entire faith based on how some people are misusing that faith or misunderstanding its principles. In the end, look to the religion, not to the believer to get a true sense of that faith. There’s no way that the vast majority of 1 billion Muslims in this world would truly believe that Islam permits them to convert others against their will, brainwash others into reverting, or kill innocent civilians. At the end of the day, it is a beautiful religion just like any other, and a true Hindu and a true Muslim actually have much more in common with each other than you may realize.
very nicely presented your “personal” thoughts on your “personal” religion.
1. Madarsa education turns you all into “extremist fundamentalists” and you are taught to lie to non-Muslims since your young age, many of my Muslim friends have confirmed that this happens quite often. I have lived in 2 of the most highly Muslim dominated cities of India and I know this for a fact.
2. Don’t talk about Hindu extremism at all, it is merely a reaction to the “extremism” (barbaric, blood thirsty, ghastly) actions of Muslims and Christians in India.
3. Do you realize that you are cannot be a Muslim because you come from a Hindu culture, do you or your parents or grandparents identify yourself of Hindu decent and not Arab decent? Or do you still live in the delusional world that you are a descendant of a pervert prophet and you have the right to carve a new country out of India for yourself?
4. Do you know the state of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh? What have your Paki and Bangladeshi brothers done to Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist/Jain citizens of their country? Has any one of you of any organization or any Mullah or any Madarasa ever raised your voice against the drastic unbelievable fall of non-Muslim population in Pakistan (10% in 1947 to less than 1% today) and Bangladesh (32% in 1971 to less than 3% today? Look at your brothers and sisters copulating at an unbelievable rate in India going from 6% in 1947 to 16% today and you still call yourself a minority and beg for more freebies from the government as if you don’t get enough?
5. Have you people ever thought about going back to your original culture Hinduism where you belong to and live a peaceful life rather than trying to convert people and spread insecurity among the masses?
6. Look at your brothers Akbaruddin Owaisi and Imran Masood who are counting on the huge Muslim population to incite religious hatred and spread barbarism? Which religion was responsible for over 300+ communal riots in India since independence? Did you forget everything while putting thoughts on paper?
7. Also please start reading news where your brothers commit crimes everyday all over the world in the name of your very “peaceful” Islam: – go through in full detail for each country where Muslims keep killing non-Muslims for their love of Islam, Quran and the pervert prophet – news from your own people – this is the news that you spread out of India – this is what islam teaches
How come it is Islam everywhere that gets into trouble? Doesn’t that mean there is something fundamentally wrong with your religion and should cease to exist for the greater good of humanity?
There are many more. We face the problems of Islam everyday every minute every second all over the world. Life has become hell because of 1.3 billion Muslims on this planet.
You should know your actions speak louder than words so rather than venting out your anger with the nicest and bestest education you got in India, perhaps you should work more on enlightening your people to leave Islam and move to Hinduism for the sake of peace and let them know that God is one and all that you have written above. You don’t know who Allah is, you don’t know who Jesus is, it doesn’t matter what religion you belong to, you don’t know your God personally, its just about giving a different name and starting a beautiful and peaceful life. If you don’t, then all that you said above is a blatant lie trying to convince yourself that you have done your job for Islam by lying.
– a Hindu a Sikh a Jain a Buddhist a Jew a Confucious-ist a Shintoist (I am everything except a Muslim and a Chrisitan (Christians are still party ok outside of India))
Inder Varma,
I’m an Ivy League educated Law Student, born and brought up in the United States. I have studied Islam and Hinduism extensively, and plan to continue this process throughout my life. Your arguments are born out of anger, personal experience, and frustration, and hence do not intellectually and reasonably counter mine. I understand what you are saying, but I think you fail to address many of the points I have made.
[…] Source: Maria Wirth Blog […]
Sarva dharma sambhav I heard was coined by Mahatma Gandhi and is not in the ancient scriptures.
Yes, all religions were allowed in India, because Indians never imagined that people who called the truth by a different name could have bad intentions. Before saying all religions are the same, please know the basic tenets of them. Please see
There are several more articles on this blog that would clarify this issue, like
Lets all be Hindu fundamentalists,
God in India,
the Problem with God,
Difference between Hinduism and Christianity/ Islam, etc.
Maria Wirth
This is very beautiful to read. Hindu population will be extremely happy, whereas the Christians and Muslims will not accept it. Conversion of Hindus to Christianity and Islam is still happening in various parts of India either by helping them from their poverty like giving them food, dress and better education to their kids and on fine day they just stop it abruptly claiming they dont have funds to help them and the minimal funds they have can only be used for Christians. This will make these vulnerable people to get converted.I personally know many families who have been converted like this. But then I did not mind it because otherwise nobody else would have taken care of them. We all know how corrupted our politics and government offices are there are nobody to help people living in poverty. So, if someone asks them to convert to a different religion for better living standards why not?
Whatever you have written about the concept of Hinduism is absolutely true.. but who or how many the so called Hindus actually live by that?
Its the same applicable with Christianity and Islam (Apart from conversion) nothing mentioned in their holy books are implemented. Both these religions does mention about love to humanity and to lead a peaceful life. As days progresses people are more materialistic and like to take advantage of situations to their liking and hence this hatred.
If not this seed of hatred is buried in these religion the religious heads representing their religions cannot lead a luxurious life. All religious leaders at present are leading a very highly luxurious life despite all holy books wants them to lead a very simple one. They believe in creating followers for themselves and lead very luxurious lives by cheating his/her followers in the name of the religion.
Its the so called protectors of the religions who have always brought shame to their religion than that of the rival religion.
Take out hatred towards all religions if you can! I dont think most of them who commented above can ever do that… they are all very adamant believers of their own religions and though they claim they have immense knowledge and respect towards other religions the hatred towards other religions is very much evident in their words that were typed out. If you can change yourself then slowly the society will change some day.
Very Well Expressed Thoughts on Hinduism, it is matter of concern we Indian especially Hindus do not care for our religion.
[…] Another Intellectual Moron:- Being Secular in Modi Age. He has a problem calling all liberals as Maoists, but no problem calling any Hindu as extremists. Because he is secular he is blind to the difference between Abrahamic religions and Sanatana Dharma, wolves and sheeps, and hence rants:- "India should never be a Hindu nation, a religious counter to Pakistan, and that religion should remain a personal matter, scrupulously scrubbed from government offices and the public sphere. So, yes, I was not pleased to see Narendra Modi visit the ghats of Varanasi for a Ganga aarti although I am happy with his directive to fans not to touch his feet.". He can find a cure for his illness here:- Maria Wirth's blog […]
nice blog
plz visit my blog on hindu god and goddess
[…] Lets all be Hindu Fundamentalists. […]
‘@ VTA
Whenever jihadist cant defend their faith they would blame everyone else.
1) that they did not understand Islam.
2) true meaning of Quran. Pathetic scenario.
Ivy Lawler, you need Madrasa education to broaden your Quranic knowledge.
You are trying to defend a barbaric religion with your jaundice mind. You need to study your Quran before accusing Maria of being biased etc.. Maria did not misquote, has been very kind to your religion.
Muslim fundamentalist are barbaric and no way it can be compared with Hinduism.
*Verses of violence from Quran*
Quran (2:191-193) – “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing…
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if
they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc
Quran (4:89) – “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”
Quran (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle or language of merciful God.
Western liberals sacrificed critical thinking avoided the existential truth to the god of political correctness, To bring other religion down to the level of Islam is dangerous and give oxygen to the
Disagree? Study your subject matter, we can have another discussion
[…] […]
[…] Lets all be Hindu Fundamentalists. […]
Sir, a brief explaination for Arjuna killing a brother > Once there lived a rich merchant who was very nice to his employees and always ensured their well bieng so that they can enjoy working under him. But he had an arrogant son who would torture them and molest their wife and rape their daughters. Since they had no choice to earn a living other than working for that merchant, they tolerated everything and never complained to him. However, soon some employees stopped coming to him. After learning the problem, he requested his son to stop his behavior but his son did not listen him and continued his hineous acts. Fed up, the merchant took out his gun and shot him. For him wellness of hundred employees was more important than his one son.
ummmm are you stupid? Don’t think too hard I’ll answer it for you, YES Try googling hindu fundamentalists in India and see what violence they have done to Christians and Muslims!
another idiot day dreaming about hindu fundamentalism. nicely ignore their own past, present and future. this guys is a muslim, and muslims are responsible for 95% of the religious extremism we see worlwide today. name a country where there are muslims and there has not been an incident of religious extremism.
ignore such people. had we been hindu extremists, not a single stupid abrahamic cult would have been able to step into our land. it is our temperament that we bear such idiots on our land.
This is an interesting article, and at first I thought the suggestion to convert to fundamental Hinduism was ironic: a means of promoting tolerance over intolerance. Basically “god is a good man” and good people promote diversity and tolerance and avoid hurting others, being cruel or intentionally robbing, exploiting or violating others. Intolerance arises when one group or belief system is promoted as superior over another and those opinions become crystallised. Many people feel more secure to be part of a group and the fear of exclusion as well as inherent blindness and prejudice can drive a group to become a mob that loses its conscience and feels entitled to crush or destroy another person or group to impose its own opinions and force submission or conversion. Extremism is dangerous as it creates a sense of division and superiority, which often wrongly justifies violence. Racism, religious intolerance, homophobia, cruelty to animals, sexism and war arise from such a divisive mentality that promotes one group as good and superior and “the other” as bad and threatening. Less ego and more critical reflection is needed to stop self-promotion and foster greater harmony, acceptance and understanding between people. Jesus, Krishna, Buddha and Mohammed all strove for this Utopian ideal. Any person or group that wants to promote itself as superior or “the chosen one” will do so at the expense of diminishing the significance of other groups and people. Colonization promotes the views and practices of one group at the expense of enabling diversity. Darwinian law reveals that diversity enables a species to survive. Hence let us appreciate the basic rights of good Athiests, good Hindus, good Jews, good Muslims and good Christians. Humanity requires an open mind that sees difference as interesting and valuable instead of threatening and dangerous.
Dear Maria,
I had been going through your blog and I am extremely upset with the views you are expressing.
I am also upset with the gang of followers in your blog and twitter – for whom your comments are like ghee to the fire.
You apparently sound as if you understand the essence of Hinduism – Yet you are unable to grasp it!
Hinduism is a pluralistic religion (If it can be called a religion in the first place). The Vedas & Upanishads might actually be different ideas – though considered to be a continuation of Sanatana Dharma. Hinduism does not have any boundaries – One can be a Vaishnavite or a Shaivite, have anyone as Ishta Devata – be it Sun God or Ganesha! One can even be Atheist or Agnostic and still remain Hindu. We are not condemned for not following rules – because we do not have any single rule.
So how does it matter – if someone believes in the gospels of Catholic Church and gets some peace, or one finds the Islamic teaching very uplifting?
WHAT FUNDAMENTALISM ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? It sounds like fanaticism to me. If you try to understand Hinduism and India – you must understand that we had always been a pluralistic society. We do not mind if our neighbours have different faiths. This is a country where we celebrate Unity in Diversity – That is the very essence of our country. FANATICISM is not a hindu concept. The idea of our religion or our ideas are perfect and yours are not is a foreign idea.
It is ironic that groups like RSS who proclaims to represent Hinduism has no idea about the religion. Their concept and ideology is borrowed from the evils of Christianity and Islam. Fundamentalist Organizations like RSS believes that India must be for Hindus and other religions must succumb. Don’t you understand how silly this whole thing is? Since when Hinduism became such narrow minded singular religion of one true god???
You are suggesting that Hindu fanatics should actually stoop to the same level of Islamic and christian fanatics? Such a shame !!!
Hinduism is a peaceful religion of co existence and harmony. I am proud of my religion – but that does not in anyway mean that i will ever support the merchants of divisive politics and communal hatred- be it Islamic Fundamentalists, Christian Fundamentalists or Hindu Fanatics!
It is a shame that you claim to comprehend Hinduism – but you fail to actually understand the very essence. Apparently you are under a spell of “Maya”. I hope you will have a change of heart and you will refrain from putting ghee to the fire in future.
I do not want my country to suffer from communal hatred- We have coexisted in harmony with several other religious beliefs for a very long time. I believe that the forces of good are always more powerful than the forces of evil. In the battle of Durga and Mahishasura – the evil demon had to succumb. In today’s India – the peace loving Hindus will always strive against the false hate mongers like RSS (whose behaviour is akin to Mahishasura or Ravana). Narrow minded communal ideology is not in anyway part of Hindu faith. Please spare us this hatred!
‘@Sourobh, i fully agree with you that ” Narrow minded communal ideology is not in anyway part of Hindu faith.” That’s why i appreciate Hindu Dharma so much and i wonder whether you really read and understood what i wrote.
appreciating the openness of Hindu Dharma does however not mean that i can’t mention the narrow mindedness of the rigid dogmatic religion, in which i grew up and which i know as an insider.
i compared the basics/ fundamentals of the 3 religions. could you point out where i am wrong? RSS follows, too, those fundamentals. it is a pity that the dogmatic religions have managed to malign Hindu organisations in the perception of even Hindus.
Can’t you see, it’s an agenda? Is it a small thing that both religions want to rule the world and claim openly that if you don’t join them, you will burn for ever and ever in hell? Such claims are dangerous and have the potential to incite hate. if you open your eyes and look around in the world, you would see the truth of it.
Dear Maria,
First of all, I would be glad if I am wrong on how I judged your tweets and your blog posts.
I do not have any favourable opinion on “burning in hell – if you do not belong to my club” kind of attitude either. I have written about my understanding of Religion (In the context of Indic ideas and others) in my blog (
However, your opinion on RSS eludes me. You sound as if that because Christian & Islamic preachers are fanatic in their approach – we must also adopt similar views in order to safeguard our religion?
For those who are scared that Hinduism will be lost – this piece by Gandhi might offer some light:
“Nothing can equal the seeds sown by our ancestors. Rome went, Greece shared the same fate; the might of the Pharaohs was broken; Japan has become Westernized; of China nothing can be said; but India is still, somehow or, other, sound at the foundation. ”
To come back to the context of this discussion – recently the RSS spoke about Mother Teresa. They spoke about conversion . Well, I do not deny that Mother had been a controversial figure during her lifetime – but so was Gandhi, and recently Nehru. My argument is – the goodness and achievements of Mother Teresa far exceeds her drawbacks. Why should anyone cast aspersion on her? Those who would like to do that should at least perform an iota of sacrifice of what she did – to be able to deserve to judge Teresa and her intentions. Otherwise I would call this audacity.
On Conversion
Do you think conversion really matters from a spiritual or intellectual level?
Secondly, by definition, conversion is a strange concept for Hinduism – for no one can actually be converted to Hinduism unless one is born a Hindu. But to take an example – probably you are much closer to Hinduism even though you were not born in the Hindu fold (intellectually) as compared to many other people who, trust me, have never heard about Brahmn. For many Hindus – the religion has become restricted to rituals and superstitions. Most Hindus do not actually have the interest to read Vedas or Upanishads. They are happy with Puranas – because it is easy. I am by no means demeaning the Puranas anyway.
To come back to the point – Conversion – i believe – is beyond my comprehension. It is like applying cosmetics or wearing some attire. Therefore – Hinduism does not have such a strange idea. I am unable to understand the Homecoming Conversion of RSS that is taking place.
Is religion defined by number of club members. The more the number the better the religion?
Regarding Conversion in India
Have you noted that most people who are converted (and now reconverted back) belong to the lower strata of society. (As per the laws of Manu – the lower castes). Did you note that missionaries had been more successful in converting them? So does it mean that they are so naive that they can be hoodwinked easily?
I think – the basic problem and the worst social evil of Hinduism is the Caste system. We might have high flowing philosophy and we might try to say that the original idea of caste system is benign – it became corrupted later – but the fact remains that our present society is still deeply affected by it.
In the absence of Christianity and Islam in ancient India – millions started to follow Buddhism. The Buddha said that there can be no differences of people on the basis of varna system.
The poor and downtrodden of India – belonging to the so called lower castes not only face economic deprivation but they are social outcasts — they have no dignity. Therefore they convert to other religion – mostly not because of their great understanding or fondness of the new religion – but to avoid this discrimination.
To them I would personally tell – please convert to other religions – the religion that gives you a life of dignity.
Tell me Maria – if I am wrong?
Your perception on Maria article is out of context Hinduism accepts all religion and believe that all leads to God and all Gods are same. Now will Christianity or Islam accept this, the answer is NO..
Hinduism accepts views from one and all because Hinduism is a way of Life.
Now coming to RSS Chief views on Mother Teresa this should not have created a controversy it is a fact that conversion is a part of Christianity so why should Secular minds object to this remark from RSS Chief.
I request you to kindly listen to Mr.S. Gurumurthy speech at various forums on Hinduism you can
browse this on you tube it is worth listening to him. Also if you follow Kanchi Maha Swami Divine Thoughts at Swami Dayananda Saraswathi it is worth listening to him to understand Hinduism.
It is matter of concern we Indians especially Hindus do not care for our will find
every other News Channels calling Hindu Nationalist and so on because it is a fashion today
to abuse insult Hinduism so that an Individual gets recognition by saying this. This is because Hinduism accepts criticism and Hinduism does not believe in conversion by force or lure by promise of monetary gains.
We INDIANS live peacefully whether it is Hindu Muslim or Christian but the so called SECULAR
minds do not want this tranquility in INDIA.. Also take a look at USA UK Germany or any other country do we hear the voice of Indian Hindus for treating them as MINORITY there? the blacks are discriminated in USA this is happening for so many years but no word about these atrocities by the SECULAR minds in INDIA.
If a Hindu Individual says eighty percent of INDIANS are HINDUS then he is called by all names
this happens only in INDIA because HINDUISM accepts all religion and it is tolerant to all such views/criticism. Reading BHAGAVAD GITA will help find SOLACE that is HINDUISM.
Most educated, anglicised and unfortunately quite articulate Hindus today are mentally conditioned to acquire certain biased and rigid views without thinking and without realising the inherent contradictions in their thinking, which they put forth with the authority of Gospel. Example, “no one can actually be converted to Hinduism unless one is born a Hindu”. So how did the millions of Buddhist natives of India become Hindus in the first millennium? How did the people of South East Asia become Hindus?
“The Buddha said that there can be no differences of people on the basis of varna system”. Can you cite a reference before making this claim? Buddhists accepted the caste system and had no problem with it, because it was not a problem. Caste was made a problem by the British, as will be clear from a reading of Columbia U scholar Nicholas Dirks book “Castes of Mind”. We automatically equate low castes with poverty, without realising that most Brahmins are among the poorest of your people and your Maharajas ( Scindia-Gwalior, Gaekwad/Baroda et al) are low caste, officially entitled to reservations.
Hinduism survived through the centuries, not because of its scriptures or intellectual heritage, but because the people, the poor, the rich, the educated and the illiterate, all wanted it. Indians lived in a fragmented, non-urban world, where they could practice their local version of Hinduism without interference. Hinduism meant something valuable and good to them, otherwise they would have easily converted. The modern world is a homogeniser and unless your roots are strong, that continue to inspire and strengthen your belief, you are going to get blown away.
Ghar Wapsi, however bizarre an idea it may appear because of its similarity to Christian and Islamic proselytisation, is one reflexive response to that change, by a few.
I am really sorry Maria that you couldnt understand Christianity yet. May be cause you were born in a family where it was more about rituals. Do you know the God mentioned in the Bible is the God who created the creation. Nowhere did He say that those who follow me should be called Christians. In fact as the people turned to idols and worshipped created things like trees, other gods of clay he had to choose one nation so that He could send His son JESUS for everyone to reconcile with Him. And the only thing to be one with Him is just to believe in Jesus. Thats it. So me one religion where you earn salvation without doing anything. All religions state basic rules to be followed so that one can earn salvation. But its not that what God said. He gave it freely and we just need to accept. And thats why whats unique about Christianity is its about God reaching to people out of love but in every other religion its about man trying to reach God. If you dont believe in your silence you can ask Jesus if you are real let me know. You will surely meet Him. To believe Him or not is upto you but for sure He has hand out everytime to reach you.
I am really sorry Maria that you couldnt understand Christianity yet. May be cause you were born in a family where it was more about rituals. Do you know the God mentioned in the Bible is the God who created the creation. Nowhere did He say that those who follow me should be called Christians. In fact as the people turned to idols and worshipped created things like trees, other gods of clay he had to choose one nation so that He could send His son JESUS for everyone to reconcile with Him. And the only thing to be one with Him is just to believe in Jesus. Thats it. So me one religion where you earn salvation without doing anything. All religions state basic rules to be followed so that one can earn salvation. But its not that what God said. He gave it freely and we just need to accept. And thats why whats unique about Christianity is its about God reaching to people out of love but in every other religion its about man trying to reach God. If you dont believe in your silence you can ask Jesus if you are real let me know. You will surely meet Him. To believe Him or not is upto you but for sure He has hand out everytime to reach you.
I am a Christian and I live in India too. You pointed out people are converting people by force and with any means. If that was the case today more than half of India would have been converted. But no its just the love of Jesus that is being shared with people. People are dying in the streets of poverty. Yes christians are sending money so that one can eat and live. Didnt Jesus say Love your neighbour as yourself. If by feeding a hungry person you say conversion than no one would like to argue with you. What about girls that are being trafficed. Isnt it our duty to rescue them. What about orphans with no ones care. We love them. God loves us so much and out of this love our love flows for people. Financial blessing is His. He has given me money not just to enjoy but to share it with people who need it. You said in the bible belt people were hypocrite. But didnt Jesus said to love people. Why couldnt you love them even when they were hard to. God is not defined by what people do. He is absolute. If you have failed to be a Christian you will also fail to be a Hindu because soon you will discover same problems with Hindu people. Your problem is you are trying to find peace in religion which is not there. Try seeking God and you will find peace. And for your kind information try entering a Hindu temple by saying you are a Christian. Let me see who will give you permission. Even Hinduism disowns other religons.
Samuel, can’t you see that you are made to believe a story that is not connected to the absolute truth? Truth is That which is real, now, for ever, all pervading, indiscribable.
let me just mention one serious grievance against the Church: the claim that those who are not baptised burn for ever in hell. if this is not hate speech, what is? is this claim not absurd? Hindus will burn for ever in excruciating pain, Muslim maybe a little less now after the II Vatican Council? Atheists, too, of course will burn. The Vatican “clarified” this, after the Pope had hinted that they may actually not burn? and this in the 21st century??
if you can bring the Church to drop this one claim, a lot will have changed for the better. no problem with worshipping Christ or singing carols.
Samuel, kindly put on your thinking cap and carefully read all of what you have written again. If it still makes sense to you, it’s clear that the thinking is not working and it’s time to replace the cap. Regards.
Hi Maria,
Nice to see your honest reply back. What you stated I will agree cause Yes, that kind of preaching you will hear from some churches. But Is God there in those churches? Is the pastor preaching what God has told him or is the person speaking out of his knowledge.It is out of his knowledge to influence people.
But we go back to the truth as you say. The real truth in the scriptures. It just needs to believe in Jesus to wash our sins. Thats it. People are baptized so as to publicly proclaim that they have believed in Jesus. Even if you dont get baptized God wont stop loving you. I will say you again dont just believe anything people say. How can we know the truth if you dont dig at the source. You can get the truth in the Bible. Once you see things there, I think you would say me the opposite.
And who are we as a person to hate someone. Aren’t we created by the same God. Don’t I have mistakes.But has God stopped loving me for a moment. No. So how can I give a hate speech against you.
To your last statement a lot has changed in the churches. If you can just walk into the right one, you will see the transformation. Yeah the right one where Christ is honored not the ones where religion is followed. How do you know where Christ is honored. A church which follows the greatest commandments of all – LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.
I just wish you give it a one more chance to find if what I have said was true or not. You searched for truth before. You can do it again but with a different perspective and I am sure LOVE will hit you back like no other place.
Across all the world only Church is a place where to enter you dont have to reveal what is your caste, creed, race or anything. And what is a church. Its the body of Christ. One family that loves Jesus and loves People.
And yeah Maria the Vatican is not the authority of Jesus on earth. They may run an institution of Catholics the world over. But the authority of Jesus resides in us. And how do we get that authority. From the scriptures. The Bible. Thats the only authority for us Christians in this world. God speaks to us through His word and through our prayers.
See Christ died for us once and for all. We dont need any one else to reach God. Christ is our reconciliation with God. When we earnestly seek God He will reveal Himself to us. Why would He ever try to hide His face from His creation. His presence is always with me. And thats my greatest joy and peace and so I have shared it with you.
Dear Jibananand,
You have presented your points well – But I think there is some explanation needed on Buddhism and Caste System. I am afraid you are probably not much aware about Buddhism.
The Buddha, himself born into the warrior caste, was a severe critic of the caste system. He ridiculed the priests claims to be superior, he criticised the theological basis of the system and he welcomed into the Sangha people of all castes, including outcasts. His most famous saying on the subject is : ” Birth does not make one a priest or an outcaste. Behaviour makes one either a priest or an outcaste”.
There is an ancient Buddhist legend describing how Ananda, the Gautama Buddha’s disciple, asks a tribal girl for water.
Read more on this here:
Rabindranath Tagore adopted the play “Chandalika” on this legend. Symbolically Tagore’s adaptation explained the misery of the outcasts and how they were influenced by the concept of dignity and equality.
Chandalika was a girl belonging to the lowly Chandal family. Everything was fine for her and her society until a Buddhist Monk passing by asked her for some water. She was shocked and said that she is a Chandal (Untouchable) and she was therefore not fit to offer him anything. The monk explained that She indeed can and there is nothing lowly about her. This was the moment of self – realization for her ….
Jibananand – you have also inquired
“how did the millions of Buddhist natives of India become Hindus in the first millennium?
How did the people of South East Asia become Hindus?”
As I am not an authority on this subject _ I’ll not argue on this. But I think we have to study about the Decline of Buddhism in India, The Rise of Bhakti Movement, Concept of Advaita and Philosophical convergence of Buddhism and Hinduism. To the extent that Buddha not only became a GOD but also an AVATAR of Vishnu. One factor that contributed to the demise of Buddhism was the diminishing of Buddhism’s distinctiveness with respect to the rise of Hinduism. Though Mahayana writers were quite critical of Hinduism, the devotional cults of Mahayana Buddhism and Hinduism likely seemed quite similar to laity, and the developing Tantrism of both religions were also similar.Furthermore, Hinduism borrowed elements from Buddhism. Vaishnavites eventually frowned on animal sacrifices and practised vegetarianism (a requirement of Mahayana texts), while Shaivites came to downgrade caste-distinctions as not relevant to religious practice. Furthermore, the prominent 8th-century CE Hindu philosopher Shankara developed a monastic order on the Buddhist model, and also borrowed concepts from Buddhist philosophy.
More on decline of Buddhism in India
Encyclopedia Britannica
I would just like to add- No one had to be converted to Hinduism. Similar to the present interest of westerners in Hinduism. No one is converted artificially. They read, understand, comprehend and absorb Hindu ideas and with that if they like the rituals they borrow them too. This is the real conversion – the education of the mind. Not baptising someone in an incredulous ceremony!
I think more or less I have answered the questions you raised.
Good Day
Dear Samuel,
Regarding your comment “And for your kind information try entering a Hindu temple by saying you are a Christian. Let me see who will give you permission. Even Hinduism disowns other religons.”
Your assessment is not correct on this.
There are very few Hindu temples that is solely for Hindus. I repeat – very few.
Most Hindu temples are open to all. One does not need to tell the temple authorities that the person is not Hindu considering Maria is German and looks European. I do not think anyone objected to Maria’s visit to temples.
I love visiting places of worship. But I do not think I have very good experiences in catholic churches. Whenever they raise their hand or kneel or do a host of such stuff – I am compelled to do the same even if I do not want to as the other people of the congregation will keep looking at me . And that religious stuff the priest gives to eat at the end – it is only for Catholics too. In Hindu temples no one is forced to do namaste, and prasads are available for everyone. I am not complaining here or making a comparison to show Christianity in poor light. I would have felt better had there been no such compulsions in catholic churches. And somehow I like catholic churches more for the decorations and the choir music. The same can be said for some other religious places – like in a gurudware one needs to cover their head etc. But in Hindu temples – there is no restriction what so ever apart from removing shoes.
Thank You
Hi debsourobhobh,
Your comparision of Hindu temples with Catholic churches would be correct. But Christianity and Catholicism are different. When I talked of churches I meant Bible believing churches whom the world calls Protestant churches. Catholic churches are far different in ideology than Protestant churches. Catholic churches have the practices of Roman idol worship which is similar to Hinduism and therefore you will find the same things as in temples there. None of the things you found out in Catholic churches would you find in Protestant churches.
The Buddha’s recorded reactions to the caste system do not indicate that he repudiated it. He was in fact quite proud of being a Kshatriya, although in the Madhura Sutta of the Majjhima (II 85), he maintains that all four castes are equal. In the Assaldyana Sutta of the Majjhima (II149) and the Madhura Sutta, Majjhima II 87, the Buddha only refutes the claim of higher castes to superiority and only on metaphysical grounds: that after death, they shall be reborn in accordance with their karmas and not in accordance with their caste (jati). You can read scholarly (not modern political/polemical or literary) works on Buddhism & caste, to understand that Buddhism was not a reform movement against the caste system and that the Buddha’s doctrine did not aim at transformation or improvement of the social conditions. In fact, most of the Buddha’s disciples during his lifetime were Brahmins. Please understand that the caste (as Jati) system was not a big deal and worked with out problem for thousands of years, including under Buddhism and Islam. It became a problem when the British decided to reinterpret and exploit it for their own good.
I am glad that you can see that there is no bar, scriptural or traditional, to conversion into Hinduism, although it is without ceremony and certainly without external pressure.
Warm Regards..
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Go further great references here
Prediction of Islam and Muhammed in Hindu Vedic Scriture (Bhavishya Purana) –
The thing about the Hindus, is not that there is no extremism. But that most hindus will readily admit an unending multiplicity of mutually contradictory even exclusive absolute truths.
And also very similar absolute truths claiming to be mutually exclusive.
This simply comes from the maturity of a culture that is easily fifty thousand years old, by a recent DNA study of the ancestry of the hindus
Hinduism is a divine religion many great scholars from west like Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Voltaire and many others have recognized it and praised the Vedic scriptures. Read some really interestin content on
Why do Hindus need certificates from others about their religion? The answer is that most Hindus have not read their scriptures and have very little idea about their own religion and core beliefs. So, like illiterates, they are happy if a foreigner tells them something good about their religion, even if it is like someone describing the sun by saying it is really bright.
The last Hindu nation,Nepal, has been oblitirated by the combined forces of Indian Christians using Maoists as a cover.Still Hindus waste their time discussing about politics which invariably is about the Catholic mother and Son,Sonia and Rahul..
Maria’s writings are always bold and beautiful.
Great thoughts.
Dear Maria, you are blessed with simple & lucid presentation of analytical sharpness. Respects.
[…] Source: Lets all be Hindu Fundamentalists […]
Reblogged this on rave|rant|reflect.
Karma phalam is not in our hands, that’s true.
But the message for easy life is to abstain from karma phalam.
Like taking pride in the karmaphala. It is the king’s / Government’s duty to take care of its intellectuals and eventually rewarding and awarding them. The best of them do not aspire for awards or rewards in the far end and also do not take pride in what ever they have achieved/discovered. They realize that it is play of time and if not for him/her, someone somewhere would have achieved this a moment later may be.
I interpret from both of your comments,
To have an easy life, don’t abstain from your duty, (the result of which is not in your control and) and don’t get attached to the result of your actions.
The above is not a commandment but more of an advice.
This doesn’t free an engineer from being precise in his calculations (duty) and he shall be bothered about execution only during execution (part duty part result) for his project to be useful for many (result). She/he may move on for the next project.
Hello Maria
It is mind blogging to see comments pour in here at your blog you had ignited a debate and it is really fascinating to see various views thoughts being shared here. Finally I believe Hinduism
is a place where one can sit and debate if you believe in God or not they are all treated without any discrimination.
I am glad to share with all Hindus who believe in our culture and God to search for Mr.S.Gurumurhty speeches on you tube on and also of Dr. Subramanian Swamy speak
about Hinduism its culture on Bhagawat Gita etc. Listen to their speeches and you will
be flooded with a wealth of information in this regard.
I really appreciate Maria Wirth words and msg. As a hindu I am worried. Hindus are slammed by so called anglisied big wigs. some media honchos and are more pro pak than India.
whats going wrong? New York Times says we r intolerant. Its sad
It is a sad fact that most Hindus do not know the fundamentals of Hinduism. Hinduism has most elaborate theoretical exposition of issues that have confronted the best of human minds, since ancient times to modern scientific era. Just refer to numerous Upanishad {s}. Hinduism is the only belief system that encourages questioning, doubt and investigation. Thanks to Maria for her lucid and clear headed writings. On these subjects, a helpful link is here
Shreepal Singh
Shreepal Singh true very true thanks for your post
How stupid. So now the Maoists are Christians! So it was also a Christian plot to Maoise China and murder and send to re-education camps hundreds of thousands of Christians?
Hats off to Maria wirth for succinctly summarising all the major religions of the world.
I believe that all the leaders of the various faiths wanted to uplift the masses around them and to show the path of goodness.
It is their descendants / disciples who gave their own interpretation to spread their kingdom at the cost of humanity.
innocent people for no reason or rhyme pay for the wars and the fights.
No one opted to be born in a Christian , Muslim , Budhist or Hindu family….however, once born we all consider our religion / teachings to be superior to others….
Are the making of common man and fostered by the religious leaders for their own benefit.
I am lucky to be born in a Hindu family and feel sorry for the fighting that is going on in the name of religion, forgetting what the teachings were by their respective leaders.
I only pray that reason prevails with all the fundamentalists and make this world a better and a peaceful place for humanity to grow and attain their full potential…..
Here comes the cat out of the bag — ” Across all the world only Church is ……”.
Maria, you have equated Islam and Christianity as far as attitude towards non-believers is concerned. But I beg to differ a bit. Christianity is worse– in the sense that it is cunning and stabs you in the back. It is sugar coated. YES. Christianity is sugar-coated Islam.
Hindu society has suffered enough historically for taking such positions.
Don’t our scriptures teach us to see humanity in its entirety — then how do you see Maria as a foreigner more so when she is putting things in perspective so logically.
frankly, if i have to choose only betwen the two, i prefer Christianity, as it present at least it does not kill anymore for heresy and is better for women than Islam.
many of those who convert to Christianity will lose faith again like in Europe, if not now, in some decades… but the connection to there culture will be gone. this would be tragic.
U r mistakened. Not Christian Moaist but Muslim Inspired Moaist. And the Son & his paternal pedigree r not christians nor hindus.
Priya Atma Bandhu,
I thank you for Such a Valuable and meaningful article.
Priya Atma Bandhu,
Your Insight About Aham Brahmasmi and Brief Explanation is 100% True, Happy to Find Someone Who Understood Adwaita as it Should.
I come across Lots of Swamiji or Spiritual Practitioners who Never Utter such Statements in order to Protect Ritualistic Traditions for their own Vested financial interests & Hierarchical belief.
People are always struck in Kindergarten stage of Spiritual Learning, even at the age of 70, they dont want improve or upgrade as their material objectives are more important and feel God and Devotional Services are only meant to achive them.
It was paramanada reading your article.
Shree Krishna Krupa Kataksham Praptirasthu:
Why do Christians need to Spend so much Money for Conversions and propagation, Why do the give negative and False information about Hinduism.
Dose Jesus have Anything to Do With Christianity, He Was Disowned in the name of Blasphemy…..Later Torchered to Death….200 years after his Emancipation, Romans started using his name for their own Relgious Political Advantage..
thank you. nice to know it’s appreciated
Ahh! Another gem by Maria. I really envy you sometimes for the kind of knowledge you have. Wonderfully written.
P.S. – Is there a way you could increase the font size? The present font size is quite small and causes a little difficulty in reading.
i have no idea how to increase it. i write it on the laptop. usually i post it from font size 12 in Word on to wordpress and on the laptop it’s ok to read, can be increased or decreased anyway. don’t know how it is on the mobile.
are all my articles so small from my blog? or is the reason that i posted the link on facebook and there it got smaller?
Wisely worded with true spirit. Unbiased or say balanced approach. Let the readers figure out their views. For me Convincing.
A very well written thought. Also to be considered here is the fact that in Sanatan Dharma its all inclusive aspect is very pertinent. Whether it is the plants, trees, mountains, caves, animals, rivers are all us. They are all worshipped in one form or another. Also it teaches us the Devine aspects of “Vasudeva Kutambakam”. So how can such a religion ever turn into a fundamentalist monster.
Good reading.. enlightening blog.
Dear Maria
Sharing with the tweet from Rajiv Malhotra below
Rajiv Malhotra?Verified account @RajivMessage 18h18 hours ago
Rajiv Malhotra Retweeted No Conversion
European Churches admit that white youth not wanting to become priests. So attracting poor converts as priests using white wife & EU visa.Rajiv Malhotra added,
No Conversion @noconversion
Become a Christian Pastor for a foreign church
get a foreign wife …common in Kerala
41 replies 674 retweets 534 likes
Reply 41 Retweet 674 Like 534 Direct message
Thank you. In my native place, and two other places nearby,
there are or were Indian priests. However, since it is a Catholic area, no German wife for them.
Lord Krishna said: God does not decide what each person should do, nor he induce people to act, nor does he creates fruits of any action. Each person acts according to his/her Vasanas (Past and present perceptions of mind).
( Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5:14)
1——Lord Krishna did not interfere with the free will of Arjuna. Arjuna has the right to accept everything Lord Krishna teaches as well as the right to reject everything Lord Krishna teaches.
2—–God is never portrayed as a task master in Hinduism like in other religions.
3—-You and I have problems in this life due to the Karmic Debt we have inherited from our previous lives.
Lord Krishna said:
God is not responsible for anyones sinful (Papa) activities or pious (Punya) activities. People are mistaken about this Since their knowledge is covered by ignorance.
( Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5:15 )
What makes Bhagavad Gita, the most important scripture in the world?
Bhagavad Gita gives everyone of us absolute freedom to do whatever we want.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna never judged or ordered; He only explained to Arjuna the pros and cons of every issue and was left to Arjuna whether to follow his teachings or not.
Lord Krishna did not even influence the free will of Arjuna. Arjuna had the right to accept everything Lord Krishna taught or reject everything Lord Krishna taught.
In fact, at the end of Mahabharata, Rishi Veda Vyasa has to teach a very disheartened Arjuna, the whole of Bhagavad Gita again.
It advocates selfless actions (Nishkama Karma). It teaches the importance of annihilation of desire and ego.
The beauty of the Bhagavad Gita is that it requires of a man complete change of consciousness rather than mere changes in lifestyle or in outward appearances.
It advocates a balanced life.
It never ever asks anyone to run away from life.
Instead it asks everyone to fully participate in life.
Not even once Lord Krishna said
You will go to hell,
If you do not follow me or obey what I say.
Like what we read in other religious scriptures
We are living in Kali Yuga. Here is no values for virtues.Might is right.If we are living where rakshasas are absent whatever u say,whatever Gita says are correct.Why Bhagavan Krishna advised Arjuna to take arms to fight unjest relatives? It shows that we should fight injustice and the rakshasas who bend upon destroying us.That is why MW is for Hindu fundamentalism !!
Dear NP Nayar
What you say is right I had quoted from Bhagawad Gita that is all to share with all the importance of what is said in the above two Bhagawad Gita Quotes to show what Hinduism is all about.
Hindu thoughts are are always with Gita ! But survival is the question now.A CHARGING BULL CAN NOT BE TAMED BY MUSIC.WE MUST TACKLE IT BY THE HORNS !
Written with very simple , short yet with great clarity.
Look forward to your writings on the subject .
I also feel we need to describe Hinduism as a way of life & a religion.fundamentalism is opposed to the very basic principle of Hinduism
Please check some older posts on my blog. They are not really old. Very much valid.
Maria, I like the depth of your knowledge about my beloved faith. Hinduism is about the way all living beings find their way to God. All other belief systems included. Let us strengthen our thoughts.
Indeed, most Hindus do not understand dharma. And the word fundamentalist is used to descibe dharmic people who speak up for themselves because of adopting the European mindset. Dharma is a word to indicate the universe and its nature. Its not a belief, its a search for answers to its existence and ours within it.
keep smiling
Do you mean to say Brahma (??????) , which is different than whatever you have written as Brahman (????????) Please study well before posting such articles. Nowhere hindu believes that Brahman is ultimate god, its just a cast of people.
in English, “Brahman” is used in “Ayam Atma Brahma” to distinguish the great Brahma(n) from the creator Brahma.
you also need to be clear what you mean by god if you use it as a Hindu. pls see
Hindu fundamentalism is universalism. Nothing fundamental here in true sense.
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Very true mam
But other religions dont want to understand the simple things of co existance and survival on this Earth .
Excellent article. love your writing. Very informative.
Concept of Hinduism in a nutshell. Very well explained. Thank you
a soul awakening article …i wish all sanatanis can understand this…. long live maria….sarve bhavantu sukhinah sarcey bhavantu niramaya maa kashchit dukh bhagbhavet..
What a simple, beautiful and cogent essay on God, faith and religion. Please keep writing and sharing these thoughts.
Maria at her best as usual !
Great article as usual by the great lady Maria. All may read and ponder. Thank you ma’am. I take a bow!
Thank you. Nice to know it is appreciated
In less than 1000 words Maria has hit where it hurts..
Thanks mam for describing the essence of Islam, Christianity and Hinduism so lucidly and briefly .People need guide and interpreter like you. Even most Hindus are not aware of the true essence and meaning of their Dharma.Spreading the true messages and teachings of Gita,Upanishdas and Vedas are need of the hour. God bless you! Very very thanks.
It sums up very beautifully in a shortest way.
As there are no words in Hindi language for English words like “Pin drop silence” and “piano”. The same way there are no equivalent words in English language for the Hindi words “Dharam” or `Dharama` and “Darshan”. The alternate available words used to just indicate the nearby meaning of these words are “Religion” and “Philosophy” however these worlds do not give the exact meaning of the worlds `dharam` and `darshan` respectively. Both the words `dharam` and `darshan` have the vast and ultimate meaning of life style and thought process in its natural and just form and do not have any name to be called by. In fact there exists no Dharam which is called as HINDU. The word HINDU was actually coined by Arabs a few centuries back for their own convenience for the people living in Indian subcontinent who followed a particular refined and time tested style of living. None of our dharam granths (religious holy books) does describe any name for such kind of living style or the people. Because there can’t be any name or different forms of the `Dharam` like the Hindu, Islam or Christianity. The `Dharam` in its real essence is the way of life which has evolved naturally i.e. inline with nature and thus is JUST without any foul.
Thank you Madam, for clearly explaining. It is clear that we have to approach all these religions with clear mind otherwise everything is lost. We all have our own reservations as we are fed from childhood and the false community which we fear. All are born atheists.
Extremely well written . With a very cogent analysis of three religions your dedication is irrefutable.
Excellent ?
Nice piece of work and authentic research
Very correctly narrated the inclusiveness of Hindu Dharma…
Hindu philosophy well explained. Good job. People should understand that birth is not in our hands. Just because I am born to a Hindu parents, which is not in my hands, should be aware that its the wish of the Brahman and try to find the truth in that path. Same way it applies to others. Because, Hindu believe in the doctrine ekat sat, vipra bahuda vadanti. Thats why, one should understand that birth is not in our control and we are free to choose any path to find the truth. But it shouldnt be by force. If force is used, the whole world will be a battel field.
Maria wirth; a true Hindu. On shanti.
Ultimate one and even need of an hour too.
Many Hindus, too, dont know these fundamentals of their religion
So true. The tragedy is that without the truth of these fundamentals at the core, all the rituals etc become nothing more than superficial trappings of a variety of superstitions and cultural habits.
Very True from core.
Ur right Ms. Wirth. Hinduism doesn’t discriminate against non believers. All are allowed into the Hindu fold whether they believe in God or not. That’s the beauty of Hinduism
Thank you madam for this definition
????? ?????? ????? ?????? fundamentalism
Beautifully said, Fundamentals of Sanathana Dharma is for the overall well being. So we should be happy to be called the Fundamentalist. Bcas we care not only about human beings, we care about all beings.
So well explained thank you for your valuable words.
Harihi Aum.
Respected Maria Wirth,
Please visit download all books (English, Sanskrit and Kannada languages books) free of cost read them one by one slowly as and when you happen to have some time. The website is a treasure trove of pristine and pure Shankara Advaita Vedanta teachings. You will find the real teachings of Hinduism or Sanathana Dharma. Website contains about 47 small and big English books
Harihi Aum.
Respected Maria Wirth,
Please visit download all books (English, Sanskrit and Kannada languages books) free of cost read them one by one slowly as and when you happen to have some time. The website is a treasure trove of pristine and pure Shankara Advaita Vedanta teachings. You will find the real teachings of Hinduism or Sanathana Dharma. Website contains about 47 small and big English books
Please listen all these lectures of Smt. Manjushree Hegde with out fail. You will be immensely benefitted in understanding the Hinduism and it’s core teaching of Vedanta. Please listen them as and when you happen to have some time
Courtesy Hishi Ryo
For those who are interested in genuine Adi Shankara and Indian Philosophy. A list of fine, high-quality talks by Smt. Manjushree Hegde.
Regarding Genuine Adi Shankara Vedanta including Sri Suresvaracharya:
1.) Shankara: The Acharya
2.) Swami Satchidanandendra Saraswati
3.) Two talks on Sugama by Sri Satchidanandendra Saraswati Swami
4.) Upadesa Sahasri
5.) Concept of avidyA (Ignorance)
Sri Suresvara’s Naishkarmya Siddhi Lectures 01-05:
01 –
02 –
03 –
04 –
05 –
God and The Origin of The World in Hindu Philosophy – 01
God and The Origin of The World in Hindu Philosophy – 02
2.) Nyaya: The Indian School of Logic & Epistemology
3.) Vaisheshika: The Indian School Of Ontology And Natural Philosophy
5.) Yoga: India’s Philosophy of Meditation
Exclusive lecture series in English by renowned Speaker Smt. Manjushree Hegde.
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Shaankarasampradaya Nirnayaha
Adhyaaropaapavaada prakriyavisheshaha
Shaankaraprasthanasya prasthantharebhyo vailakshanyam