When I was in high school in Germany, I had a recurring phantasy. I imagined that some fine day the anchor in the news broadcast announces that science has found proof that God exists. This was at a time when doubts started creeping in whether it was true what I had believed so strongly in childhood, and such an announcement, I felt, would settle the issue once for all.
This was in the 1960s, when science made great strides for example in space exploration. Yuri Gagarin, the first astronaut in space, allegedly said after returning to earth that he had not seen any God out there. His statement did not carry too much weight, as he was Russian, and we Germans generally did not trust any Russian during the height of the cold war…
Still, for those of us who knew a little about history and were interested in science, ‘religion’ – which meant Christianity in Germany – came under scrutiny and did not come out of it unscathed. My elder sister was one of the first in our small town who rejected officially her membership in the Church, undoubtedly influenced by her husband who did so as well. My mother was very concerned – not so much that my sister would now burn in hell for all eternity, but what ‘the people will think’. I got the message not to follow suit.
It was a big dilemma. I intuitively believed in God, a supreme, all-mighty Being, that is the cause of our existence and somehow ‘knows’ what we think, feel and do, but I could not reconcile what religion told me about this God. I could not believe that he is so unfair, even cruel, that he would let me burn forever in hell only because I had skipped Sunday mass.
The fear of hell had been real for me as a child. I had skipped Sunday mass once when I was 9 years old and was terrified that I could die before I had confessed my ‘sin’ to the priest. I was sure that in that case, I would go straight into hellfire. (Skipping Sunday mass was a cardinal sin for Catholics at that time with hell as punishment).
Now, being older, this fear had left me. Eternal hell after a life of a few years simply did not make sense. This claim seemed rather a tool to frighten people into falling in line with the doctrine. Furthermore, why would the creator of all human beings punish the majority of them with hell because they believed in another religion? Why did this God not let everyone be born in a Christian family if he wants everyone to believe in the Bible? Or be born into a Muslim family if he wanted all to follow the Quran? It did not make sense and I was not interested anymore in religion, even more so when I read in the library of my uncle, who was a priest, about the violent history of the Church for example in South America or in Goa.
Fortunately, courageous men like Voltaire and others struggled hard and succeeded to restrict the power of religion. Secularism was introduced, blasphemy laws were repealed, and now science flourished in Europe. However, there was no connection to religion. Religion did not foster science. Science flourished in spite of religion, not because of it. Or did it?
Here, maybe we should finally define ‘religion’.
Strangely, there is no clear-cut definition. The common denominator is usually that religion is about the belief in and worship of the Divine, God or whatever name one wants to give it. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism are the major religions. Minor ones are Jainism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Taoism, etc. Yet why are all these different traditions put into one basket and called ‘religion’? Is this justified?
‘Religion’ comes from Latin and means ‘to bind’. It was first used for the Catholic Church. Later, when the Turks were at the gates of Vienna, Islam was also called ‘religion’.
Why was a new term introduced? Was the term Christianity not clear? It surely was as it referred to the followers of Christ. What else needed to be conveyed? To what had the follower of Christ to be bound?
Since Christianity and Islam both have fixed doctrines contained in certain books and both claim that only their doctrine is true and whoever does not believe this will burn in hell, it can be safely assumed that the term religion indicated that the followers were bound to the exclusivist doctrine of Christianity or Islam respectively – over many centuries even at the threat of death if they tried to loosen the bond. They had to ‘religiously’ stick to the tenets given by the clergy, like going to mass on Sunday or praying five times a day at specified times.
In exchange for this loyalty to the doctrine, the believers were left in peace from blasphemy laws and promised heaven after death. Further they were assured that they are on the ‘right’ path when there are ‘wrong’ paths as well. In short, God loves them, but not the others.
Where does Hinduism fit in in this scenario? Actually, it doesn’t fit in. It does not bind its followers to a fixed doctrine. It not only allows a free enquiry but encourages it. No blind belief in unverifiable dogmas is demanded. Yet in the 19th century, the term religion was now used for the ancient traditions from India, China and Japan, as well. And intriguingly, all those traditions got an ‘ism’ added: Hindu-ism, Buddh-ism, Tao-ism, Jain-ism…
Usually an -ism is associated with a narrow doctrine, developed by one person like Marxism, Stalinism, Maoism or has otherwise a negative image like Nazism or “Islam-ism”, which is meant to be seen as different and worse than Islam. That Juda-ism, which always was at the receiving end of Christianity and Islam, also got an –ism just would confirm that the –ism is not as ‘noble’ as the ending of the two “only true” religions.
Did the west try to obfuscate the fact that the Eastern traditions, foremost of all the Indian, had profound philosophies at their core and portray them also as ‘belief-systems’ with unverifiable dogmas at their core? For millennia these eastern traditions have lived harmoniously together without fighting each other but rather debating each other, in stark contrast to Christianity and Islam.
One thing is clear: Christianity/ Islam on one side and India’s traditions on the other are two very different categories:
One group makes unverifiable claims about the truth, demands blind belief in those claims and threatens with dire consequences, while the other group freely enquires into the truth by inner exploration, debates, guided by the ancient texts and saints who had experienced being one with all.
For one group the goal of life is to reach heaven and avoid hell after death by religiously sticking to the doctrine which is taught. The other group sees the goal in realising the blissful truth that we are one with all in the depth of our own being while we are alive.
One group depends on conversion and indoctrination to gain followers, while Hinduism is Sanatana (eternal) Dharma (righteous way of living).
Every Christian or Muslim had forefathers who were not Christians or Muslims. At the start, often the sword was used to convert, as the ‘truth’ of the dogmas was not self-evident and even went against common sense. Later, indoctrination of children and blasphemy laws kept the followers subdued.
The reason why conversion is necessary for the dogmatic religions is simple:
Suppose a community on some island is completely unconnected to the modern world. They will never become Christians or Muslims because they need to be told a story from the past about God sending his only son to earth 2000 years ago, or about Allah sending Mohammed as his last prophet some 1400 years ago.
Yet if these islanders deeply enquired into what is true and how to live a righteous life, they might come to similar conclusions like Sanatana Dharma, as it does not depend on some event in history. It requires deep enquiry into That what truly is – eternally.
Yet let me go back to my personal discovery of a connection between science and ‘religion’.
Meanwhile, I had stopped going to mass. When I told it to my mother, her reaction was, “And what if you go to hell?” “I won’t go to hell”, I replied. If there is a God, he surely won’t be so petty-minded to insist on a specific way of worshipping him. I also had had some inkling that indeed, there may be a God. An article on modern physics had explained that all is basically one energy and the different forms in this world are not really solid or separate entities. Strangely, this made sense and I felt: If there is a God then that one energy must be him.
Yet in the 1970s, we students at Hamburg University were so ‘modern and progressive’ that we would have rather bitten our tongues than admit that we believed in God. Yet it was ok to be interested in Buddhism or Transcendental Meditation (TM) or Bhagawan Rajneesh, as Osho was called then.
I even took initiation into TM. The Beatles had paved the way. I loved those 20 minutes of meditation in the morning and evening. Yet there was a lot of negative reporting in German newspapers about TM at that time. The Church had set up commissioners for sects, and warned one can go mad by meditating. Parents were asked to keep an eye on their children so that they don’t fall prey to the brainwashing of those sects. Maybe, this negative propaganda had its influence because I stopped meditating after two years.
Even more than TM, the Hare Krishna ‘sect’ was demeaned and ridiculed by the media. Their followers were portrayed as weird, mad chaps. Hinduism already had a bad image. I had learnt in primary school that it was about a terrible caste system and untouchables. Now the media did their best to make it look even worse.
In December 1979 I planned to go to Australia with a stopover in India. This stopover became a turning point in my life. It lasted meanwhile 37 years. The reason why I stayed on in India ironically was because of the much maligned Hinduism. I realised the amazing depth and breadth of Hinduism and wondered, why it was portrayed so wrongly as a primitive, oppressive religion when it is actually the best option for mankind. The Dalai Lama said that India has great potential to help the world. He is right and the negative propaganda in the west is wrong. Hinduism is least dogmatic and closest to the truth. If it binds at all, it binds or rather unites (yog) the individual with the Divine.
Back to my stopover. I visited the southern tip of India, Kanya Kumari. A little off the coast on a huge rock, there is a memorial for Swami Vivekananda. At a bookstall there, I bought ‘Jnana Yoga’. I had not heard of Swami Vivekananda, but wanted to learn about Indian thought while in India.
Swami Vivekananda had swum to this rock to meditate in December 1892. His guru, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, had died in Calcutta six years earlier. The young man had realised that under British rule his countrymen had purposely been cut off from their culture. He wanted to wake them up, give them back their self-respect and pride in their Hindu tradition.
On this rock, he decided to participate at the World Congress of Religions in Chicago in 1893, and present Advaita Vedanta, one of the highest flowerings among the different Indian philosophical systems. Advaita Vedanta is explained in the Upanishads, the last part (=anta) of the Vedas, and postulates that essentially, everything is a Whole (a-dwaita = not two).
Swami Vivekananda became the star of the World Congress. He got a standing ovation, and was asked to give a lecture tour in the US. He was sought after by influential persons, including scientists like Tesla. But the Christians went after him. In his own words at a lecture at the Victoria Hall in Madras after coming back to India:
“There is not one black lie imaginable that the Christian missionaries did not invent against me. They blackened my character from city to city, poor and friendless though I was in a foreign country. They tried to oust me from every house and to make every man who became my friend my enemy. They tried to starve me out.”
Why did the Christians do this? Did they fear that people realise that Advaita Vedanta makes far more sense than their dogmatic belief-system?
I read ‘Jnana Yoga’, and it was fascinating. Swami Vivekananda expressed clearly what I vaguely had felt to be true. For example that all is interconnected or rather: ONE. Everything in this creation including ourselves is permeated by the same great intelligence, like waves are permeated by the same ocean. The waves may be convinced that they are separate from the ocean as they have a distinct form and name. But ultimately all the waves are nothing but the one great ocean and nothing is lost when their form is lost. Similarly, though we may consider our person as separate from others, in truth we are the one consciousness and nothing of substance is lost when form and name are lost.
Further, Swami Vivekananda claimed that the so called reality is not really real. It is a sense deception, in a similar way, as at dusk a rope is mistakenly seen as a snake, even though in reality there is only a rope. Truly true, he claimed, is our inner being (Atman) that permeates everything and makes all appearances miraculously shine forth. It is infinite, eternal. It is not an object that can be seen with the eyes or thought of with the mind.
“Brahman is not what the eyes can see but That whereby the eyes can see. Brahman is not what the mind can think but That whereby the mind can think…” declares the Kena Upanishad. It is however possible to be Brahman. Rather, we are it already – “Ayam Atman Brahman” (the individual consciousness is one with the universal consciousness) is one of the Mahavakyas (great uttarances) of Vedanta.
Now this ocean analogy of all being one sounded almost like that article on modern physics which I had read in high school. How come? Did the scientists discover this independently or were their theories inspired by the Vedas? Had the scientists reflected on the profound insights of the Indian rishis?
Indeed this had been the case. The great scientists who were responsible for replacing Newton’s paradigm of a universe full of separate ‘things’ with an interconnected, homogeneous Whole were inspired by Vedanta: Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Pauli, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Tesla and others, all knew about and reflected on India’s ancient wisdom.
The Church was surely not amused that the brightest brains in the Occident endorsed Indian wisdom and she might have schemed to blacken this image by teaching schoolchildren all over the world that ‘Hinduism’ means a bad caste system and sinful idol worship. I heard already in primary school about ‘untouchables’ which left a lasting, negative impression about Hinduism. The Brahmins, it was claimed, were the worst. Little did I know then, that the Brahmins had taken great pains to memorize and preserve the Vedas for posterity, and the atrocities of the caste system come nowhere near the atrocities by Christians and Muslims in the name of their god.
In 1982, an international conference on the “convergence of ancient wisdom and modern science” was held in Bombay and I wrote about it for a German magazine. The program for the conference explained that India was purposely chosen as the venue as the scientific theories propounded were based on ancient Indian insights. This was as explicit as it could get: Indian wisdom helped scientists to formulate their theories.
Fritjof Capra, Rupert Sheldrake, Karl Pribram and other scientists explained that new research in physics, biology, neurology and other subjects clearly pointed to a convergence between ancient wisdom and modern science. Scientists, while searching for the substance of things, had stumbled upon a homogeneous ONE energy. Matter and energy are interchangeable and the three dimensional space and the linear time have become the four dimensional space-time–continuum that is beyond human imagination. There are no separate objects or separate existences. Everything is related and is in perpetual movement. Fritjof Capra likened it to Shiva Nataraj – the dancing Shiva.
So it was now scientifically approved that our senses deceive us and that nothing that the senses perceive truly exists –in tune with the ancient Indian concept of Maya. And science is considered as the highest authority regarding the truth. Is this view justified?
Psychology also got a major facelift at the conference thanks to transpersonal psychology. It was a new branch that was based on the Hindu concept of Atman – the transpersonal or transcendental essence in all human beings. The core of Vedanta are the four Mahavakyas of the Upanishads, which proclaim that Atman (the individual consciousness) is one with Brahman (the universal consciousness), like in “Ayam Atman Brahman”.
Finally Sanatana Dharma got its due, I felt. The comforting knowledge of unity would surely not stay only in the heads of some scientists but would influence the lives of the common people. After all, according to Hinduism, the goal of life is to realise what we truly are – not a separate person but Satchitananda, – blissful awareness.
My optimism was wrong.
If anything, there were even greater attempts to hide the profound philosophy and the contribution of India to science since the early 1980s and to prevent the common man from appreciating the Hindu way of life.
Let’s take transcendental psychology. At the conference in 1982, Swami Muktananda gave a presentation of the non-dual tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. The participants were taken to his ashram in Ganeshpuri. It was not made a secret that he was the guru of Christina and Stanislav Groff, who organised the conference on behalf of the Association of Transpersonal Psychotherapy.
Yet today, in the internet age, Wikipedia says about “transpersonal psychology” at the start:
“Amongst the thinkers who are held to have set the stage for transpersonal studies are William James, Carl Jung, Robert Assagioli and Abraham Maslow. Commentators also mention the psychedelic movement, the psychological study of religion, parapsychology, and the interest in Eastern spiritual systems and practices, as influences that shaped the early field of transpersonal psychology.”
Not a word about India. Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism, which deserved to be mentioned before all other contributors, is missing. The long Wikipedia piece ends with a revealing remark:
“According to Cunningham, transpersonal psychology has been criticized by some Christian authors as being “a mishmash of ‘New Age’ ideas that offer an alternative faith system to vulnerable youths who turn their backs on organized religion (Adeney, 1988)”.
Those Christian authors do not offer arguments to rebut the new (ancient) theory of a transpersonal self but call it names: “mishmash of new age ideas”. They fear that vulnerable youth turn their back on organised religion.
Why do they threat this scenario? Obviously they do not even try to evaluate whether the ‘I’-feeling could indeed be transpersonal and the same in all: whether the new theory could be closer to the truth is not an issue for them. Loyalty to the ‘revealed truth’ overrides it. The mind is stuck in a straitjacket.
A pious Christian cannot allow himself to think freely. The Christian doctrine is the unquestionable truth for him. Of course this applies not only to authors but also to scientists. There may be self-censorship regarding the theories they propose.
Can a pious Christian archaeologist even consider that human civilisation started millions of years ago? How would he explain that God sent the Bible so late to humankind? He would be in serious trouble. A genuine dialogue between science and religion within his mind cannot happen. A Hindu in contrast would have no problem; on the contrary, he is encouraged to think in huge timeframes. Even one mahayuga (cycle of the four yugas) lasts 4,32 million years and there are many much greater cycles.
Could Schroedinger, Heisenberg, Einstein and others have pushed the frontiers of science and even done away with the reality of individual persons if they had been pious Christians? Probably not.
Yet strangely, even today western scientists consciously or unconsciously close their eyes to the huge contributions of India to science. For most of them, the world ends in Greece.
In an interview with National Geographic in 2015, the Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist Steven Weinberg talked about great scientists. He went back to Archimedes, Aristotle, Ptolemy, Galileo, Newton and Leibniz, but not a word about India. Is Weinberg ignorant about the contributions by India or why would he not mention for example the Baudhyana sutras which contained the Pythagoras Theorem long before Pythagoras was born, or Aryabhatta who was a path-breaking mathematician and Astronomer of the 5th century CE? Why are Indians not credited with the work they did, but their insights were often lifted and appeared under western or Arabic names? The infinity Foundation is documenting the Indian knowledge of science and technology in 20 volumes and substantiated many such cases.
The interviewer of Steven Weinberg also did not ask about India, but he did ask about “the golden age of Islamic science”.
Weinberg, a Jew, clarified that the scientists were not doing Islamic science, but science and many leading scientists during this golden age were actually irreligious or hostile to religion. He might have said this from personal experience, too. In our modern times, scientists with Jewish names are clearly overrepresented, yet nobody ever suggested, least of all those scientists, that we live in “the golden age of Jewish science.”
Al Jazeera aired a documentary on the great Muslim scientists recently, yet if one looks closer, the source of many of the inventions those scientists are credited with, for example the decimal system or algebra, is India. In India even the steel (Wootz) of the famed Damascus sword was produced.
Dogmatic religions never fostered science. What sadder example can there be than the burning of the great Nalanda University by Islamic marauders in 1193 AD. The collected treasure of the best minds was turned into ash and thousands of students were killed. Voltaire rightly said, “Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
Yet times are changing. The awareness that we would be better off without dogmatic religions is growing. Christianity is losing its hold over the mind of its followers in the west. And Islam is more and more scrutinised, too, in spite of media trying its best to out ‘Islamophobia’ as unacceptable.
But let’s find out why science flourished in India in ancient times and why Sanatana Dharma did not obstruct it. The reason is simple: Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism is based on science, or rather, it is science. Veda (from Sanskrit) means knowledge and science (from Latin) means also knowledge. Science is defined as knowledge gained from observation and experimentation. The rishis added one more method – knowledge gained from inner exploration. This inner exploration or meditation lifts Hindu Dharma actually above science and the arrogance which scientists often show towards Hindu practices is unwarranted and stems from ignorance.
“Science is also a religion. It also depends on belief”, a friend who holds a doctorate in physics said once provocatively. He has a point. The scientists believe in theories that seem to explain what they observe. Yet they don’t know for sure whether they are true. For example mainstream scientists still hold that consciousness is a kind of by-product of the brain. They may have to revise this theory ultimately.
Maybe one could say that science is in between Christianity and Islam on one side and Sanatana Dharma on the other. It is not rigid as the dogmatic religions are, because it is open to change if new insights emerge. But it is lacking the most important knowledge – the knowledge of That which alone is true.
Scientists have discovered the oneness of all, but for them the oneness is dead, without life. The rishis have discovered the oneness many thousand years earlier, but for them this oneness is alive and knows itself. So far the rishis have never been proven wrong in areas which were tested, like the age of the universe or even the distance between the sun and the earth.
Would it not make sense for modern scientists to take their claim seriously that the underlying all-pervading, pure consciousness – satchitananda – is the eternal truth, and names and forms are more like virtual reality. The truth is not something abstract, cold, and theoretical. It is the conscious, loving essence in all.
It follows that everything is sacred, everything is permeated by satchitananda. So is it really so incomprehensible when Hindus worship rivers, trees, the sun or the cow who gives so much to human beings and herself is so peaceful with the most beautiful eyes? Is it not arrogance and hypocrisy on the part of western scientists, when they rush to debunk as superstitious unexplained happenings, which Hindus consider as wondrous, yet keep mum when miracles are ascribed to Christian ‘saints’ like to Mother Teresa recently?
Are Hindus not far more on target when they see Divinity in all? Is it not true? Is it ‘more true’ to see the sun only as a ball of helium? Or water only as H2O? The Aerospace Institute in Stuttgart conducted research which indicated that water has memory. Does it not mean it is alive?
Or take the cow: Now scientists discovered that the indigenous Indian cows give better milk then for example Jersey cows. Traces of gold were confirmed in the milk of Indian cows which is useful in Ayurveda. Swami Ramdev is setting up special cow research institutes, to confirm the long held Indian beliefs about the usefulness of even the cow urine for example. How long will western scientists mock Indians worshipping the cow or using her urine as medicine?
Great scientists like Einstein did not demean spiritual practices but were aware of the huge amount of knowledge that they are NOT aware of. Lesser scientists quickly ridicule what is unfamiliar to them. Or are these scientists caught in their fixed Christian belief system and cannot think beyond it?
According to Indian texts, we live presently in a dark era, the Kali Yuga, where people are materialistic and their mind power is weak. They wrongly think that they are only body and mind. Many thousand years earlier, in the Satya Yuga, Treta Yug and Dwarpara Yug, human beings had a better connection to the spiritual dimension of their own being. For them “Aham Brahmasmi” was more real than it is for us today.
Yet the realisation of true knowledge won’t come by thinking. It comes by sinking into the vast intelligence from where thoughts emerge. Intuition springs from there. And somebody who can tap this intelligence naturally can bring superior knowledge into his mind and express it.
When the mind is stilled by dropping thoughts, the divine dimension of one’s being shines forth. True inspiration and intuition come from this level, and true happiness as well. It is this, our true nature, which we are all seeking in our pursuit of happiness. We won’t find lasting happiness among the names and forms.
And how to drop thoughts? In the Vijnanabhairava, one of the texts of Kashmir Shaivism, 112 methods are described. Maybe they are already patented in the west and come to India in the form of seminars held by foreigners charging hefty fees? The participants from the English speaking Indian elite would not notice, as they still, like under British rule, don’t learn anything about their tradition, not even about their ancient history.
The Chandogya Upanishad describes how the sage Uddalaka prodded his son Svetaketu to know “That by knowing which everything is known” and how he helped him along with valuable questions and metaphors. Today, scientists like Hawking, also search for ‘That by knowing which everything is known’ but they still have a blind spot. They don’t search where it is to be found: Within their own consciousness.
And no, I don’t dream anymore that the anchor in a news broadcast announces that scientists discovered proof that God exists. I realised that scientific proofs are valid only within assumptions that have been proven already not to be absolutely true. The apple falls down, ok, but ultimately there is no apple…
“I am” alone is self-evident. It is the truth that needs not to be proven. This truth is our greatest treasure. It is supreme, blissful Intelligence. It is within all of us. In English one could call it ‘God’.
by Maria Wirth
Interview with Steven Weinberg
PS: Since my book “Thank you India- a German woman’s journey to the wisdom of Yoga” got very good reviews, but hardly anyone knows about the book, I would like to let you know that it is available under the below link of the publisher for Rs 349. It’s also available on Amazon.in (they charge more). On amazon.com only the Kindle version is available.
(actually i was advised by someone who likes my book and wants more people to read it, to add this para to my articles)
Guru Acharya Maria ji, Your writing and explanations are very simple and logical in their construct. They are just wonderful and enlightening. A typical ignorant Hindu, when in Europe, I was confronted with several questions on Hinduism and India by colleagues and friends. I wish I had found my guru (yourself) earlier. However I am glad it is better late than never. As an Indian and a Hindu, I feel deeply indebted to you. Just as you love India, I feel compelled to say that Germany is the country that I like the most and in there one of my favourite places is Oberammergau, which I first happened to visit in 1990, just by chance (the passionsspiel was on). Have read your other blogs on the problems being faced by Europe and Germany and feel saddened. Going around this world I see Narayanan in most common people and feel connected with them. However I cannot fathom, why ‘educated’ people still hold on to their ‘unsubstantiated belief’ and try to ‘shepherd’ more people into it , like what I see in the poor neighbourhoods of LA. Though I guess they are not very successful. I don’t think I have seen more Churches in any other place on earth and as many homeless and ‘lost’ people than in this city. I am concerned about what is happening in India with poor and simple people being converted and wonder how can it all be stopped. Looking forward to your next blog. Eternally grateful.
PRANAMS Dear Maria,
Excellent Blog, which I hope reaches many a sane minds to motivate to undertake the ultimate journey of life.
Wow, indeed a wonderful article with wealth of information for one who cares to read, knowledge for one who takes the next steps to think with open unbiased mind.
Thanks and regards
thank you, Ashok. Glad when the posts touch a chord. had to laugh when i read the start of your comment….
Fantastic post as usual, Maria Ji. Its been a while since we had one from you. Your testimonies will inspire & awaken many Hindus from slumber. Namaskar!
Very good article! I’m surprised your quest for Truth hasn’t lead you to Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Please feel free to look up the website http://www.sathyasai.org
Reblogged this on Floodout Your View and commented:
While the main aim of Westerners are to defame the legacy of India and her customs, one West born Bharatian reveals the very truth of West atrocities towards India and concrete facts of India and her expertise in Science thousands of years. Thanks Maria ji for elightening the rest of the World and unware Indians of their legacy.
“Yet strangely, even today western scientists consciously or unconsciously close their eyes to the huge contributions of India to science. For most of them, the world ends in Greece.”
– True Maria ji, the Westners very deliberately did this wrong propaganda aginst India and hid the very intelegence of Indians thousands of years ago, to the rest of the world. Truth is like a ball, the more you press into the water, it will try to emerge to the surface of water, so is the case of Indians and Indian legacy. The days are not very far from realising this fact by the rest of the world. Patience is the key here.
Thanks Maria ji for elightening the rest of the World and unware Indians of their legacy.
Yes, an excellent article written with deep invi tion and love. Still, most Indians follow rituals without a profound knowledge of the deeper meaning behind. However , an acceptance of all methods performed with faith is also the core of Sanatana dharma, so obvious in co existence of numerous faiths, rituals , festivals, and traditions. What irks is a rise of loudness and ostentation in many ceremonies , marriages, etc. This is due to a lack of a proper education system, and misrule of politicians.
Yet, it is heartening that there are many who carry on the spiritual legacy forward through studies and personal experiences resulting from meditation. This growth in consciousness ness which takes place in the sadhak is extremely scientific and leads to a common conclusion comprising unity, largeness, peace, equinamity, surrender, inner knowledge, etc earlier people by and large followed the jnani purusha and it resulted in social harmony and meaningful rituals. I pray and wish that India soon realises itself, so that the science of religion is conveyed to the entire world. One way is to open more centres for the study of the Gita which is the essence of word and action , as scientific as could be. At least those who wish to join can find a place to do so.
It is very brave of you in confronting the West by pointing out the prejudice they foster for ages. It will not make a dent on their prejudicial way of thinking but even worst, you are still guilty of keeping yourself and Hindus in the dark by not going a step further. In all your writings so far there is not a single essay where the greatest Rishi of our time, Swami Dayanand, has ever been mentioned, even though you are aware of him and his works. – http://www.vjsingh.info/books.html
“Swami Dayananda Saraswati is certainly one of the most powerful personalities who has shaped modem India and is responsible for its moral regeneration and religious revival”. Subhas Chandra Bose.
Light of Truth
this following comment is from Maria Lozano. For whatever reason it did not show up under comments, so i post it:
Wonderful, Maria. Thank you so much for this comprehensive article on science and “religion”, which reminds me of my experience attending a conference of neuroscientists here, how all in the public were delighted..except for me, because they were really missing the point by, as you said, considering the consciousness as a subproduct of the brain. It seemed to me a bunch of children excited with their discovery.
One of the (many) things that pains me more about the treatment that the West has traditionally given to India and its traditions is to realise that, in most of the cases, it seems to be exactly a bunch of (ignorant) children thinking themselves to be superior and disregarding and disrespecting the “elders”, the real knowledgeable ones. What is behind? Of course, vested interests, And behind? Dharma vs Adharma. And behind? The motion created between Dharma and Adharma to sustain the universe. And behind? The One and Only to which Advaita points out, Who far from being reached by speculations, needs us to be very well grounded in Dharma. Let´s then clearly side the Dharma, that is the way that will lead us at the end to rest in our Satchitananda.
Namaste Maria,
Thanks for a well researched article. It can do much for restoring well deserved dignity into the masses of India that are still operating with an ‘orderly (servant)’ mentality of past several centuries.
Bot you & I appear to be of the same vintage, age wise. I have always believed in Vedic teachings as inculcated in me by my father, late Dr. Fatah Singh, who was a highly distinguished scholar and a living personification of ‘Veda’.
India, up to a few centuries beyond the Indus Valley Civilization, has had a glorious past. At present, the masses are showing valid signs of an alarming ethics & self-reliance deficiency. Why? Reasons are plentiful, but am not into dwelling on excuses. Where do we go from here is more important. With that in mind, I have recently published a book “Success Is Natural – with Practical Benefits of Spirituality”. It is directed at non-scholars. I would be happy to send you an unofficial PDF if you are interested. I would appreciate seeing your views posted at Amazon and possibly a few joint events/workshops http://amzn.to/2mySFIm
very well written keep it up Jai Mataji
Wonderful article in search of truth. A balanced article in all aspects. I really congratulate the author in the death of knowledge and impartiality. We require many more articles from the author.
Prof. P. Venkatesan
Dear Maria Wirth
A wonderful article and your in depth knowledge feel of Sanatana dharma makes us feel proud and at the same time feel guilty of not studying it. Feel so elated that being a German / Christian you are exposing the western truth and feeling for Hindus not being mentioned by scientists speaks volumes about you. Please send link of your old blogs, would like to read.
Yours truly
Wonderful articulation of the reality of unmanifest. What a great service you are doing to keep the dharma alive for the betterment of humanity! My namaskarams.
Hinduism prods us to seek and experience the unmanifest for ourselves. It gives tools to do it. If found untrue, you are encouraged to reject it. Personally, while I have a long way to go in experiencing the unmanifest Brahman, the milestones promised in the scriptures are coming true…Through mediation, my thoughts & force of emotions have come down, able to forgive easily, life moves me to tears…Its like, If you have a map to a destination and on your way the landmarks are coming to be true, it reinforces your resolve that the destination (one connected unmanifest) ought to be true as well
Wonderful article. Well researched. Thank you.
Namaste, Rohit, am happy to know you wrote a book and highlighted the practical benefits of spirituality. you surely have a good background with your father having been a living personification of Veda. how wonderful.
however i have to excuse myself from reading the pdf, as i have several things in mind to write or do and don’t get down to it, i am sure you understand. thanks
Thanks for your response. Best wishes.
Dear Maria,
India has never taken from anyone but has only given to this world. be it science,yoga, martial arts, family happiness etc.
You are very right in saying that western scientists have not given due credit to Indian rishis or vedas for so many inventions. the rishis spent their life for the betterment of world and its people, they never patented any discovery or invention.. you will find the details information about this in Capt Ajit Vadakayil’s Blogs. specially his blogs on hinduism which have more than 72 part where he explains most of the western inventions are lifted from vedas and selfish people have patented as their own.
Google this:
Giving is indeed more fun. Now our attention must be where to go from here. http://amzn.to/2mySFIm
This is first time I am truly and honestly left speechless. All I can say is wow, not because I learned something New, but I was reminded of our own heritage, which I have read in the past . For this my one thousand numan. All I can say is keep on writings and keep us reminded. Thank you. Wide grin. 😀
Ps I do look forward to your articles.
thank you.. please check some of the earlier posts on the blog. they are still valid, not outdated
Now our attention must be where to go from here. – attention and goal is very clear. India will take its rightful place as the world no: 1 superpower in less than 20 years. Times are changing its payback time now.
Brilliantly written article covering so many issues relating to sanatana dharma.
resp. madame , an excellent article , just as any of your other articles ;
it shows your in-depth understanding of Sanatana Dharma ,
your concern that this Dharma should reach the entire mankind ,
and your anguish over the non-recognition of this land’s ancient achievements ( or proclamations of scientific facts ) ;
it seems your love for this land and this Dharma is more than anyone else’s born here ;
sure you were here in one of your previous births !
further , i want to bring to your kind attention a certain detail :
the proper noun ( in first case ) ( in proper Sanskrit )
for the Ultimate Reality is NOT Brahman , but Brahma
& that for the Self is NOT Atman , but Atma ;
please see these lines :
Ayam Atma Brahma ( = This Atma is Brahma )
Aham Brahma Asmi ( = I Am Brahma )
Praj*nanam Brahma ( = Praj*nanam is Brahma )
Sarvam Khalu Idam Brahma ( = All this Is verily Brahma )
Satyam Jn*nanam Anantam Brahma ( = Brahma is SatyamJ*nanamAnantam)
Atma va arey drashtavya: ( = Atma is to be visualized i.e., realized )
Sa Atma Sa Vij*neyaha ( = That is Atma , That is to be realized )
Atma guhayam nihitosya janto: ( = Atma is in the cave, heart , of the living beings )
in innumerable lines wherever you see , when these Entities are mentioned to the reader , the proper names are Brahma and Atma ;
and a proper name should ever be the same , irrespective of the language used ; ( Brahma in Sanskrit can not be ‘brahman’ in an english translation )
some translators had the habit of adding a terminal -n and thus the improper forms brahman and atman came into usage ( it is disrespect to the Deva Bhasha , actually );
some say that the roots of these words are Atman and Brahman ; but we should remember that when we tell a name , we just mention the name but don’t go to the root ( e.g., when you ask my name , i say ‘prasad’ ; it is ridiculous and improper if i tell you the root from which my name sprang up );
yes , there is one occasion where Atman and Brahman are used ;
it is called sambodhana-prathama-vibhakti in Sanskrit ;
that is , when you are face-to-face with these Entities and then you address Them thus :
Hey Atman ! , Hey Brahman !
last , there is this word Brahmaa ( ending with a long vowel and belonging to masculine gender ) ; it is the name of the Chaturmukha ( four-faced ) Creator God of the Trinity !
i hope you receive this post in a good sense ; in fact , i am nobody compared with you regarding any aspect of Dharma — knowledge , understanding & insight , expression & explanation , exposure to great souls , and sincere & determined sadhana ;
sincere regards .
thanks a lot for the correction and explanation. i wished i had your knowledge of Sanskrit. Thanks also for adding that Brahmaa with a long a stands for Brahma of the Trinity. i was wondering because sometimes i read Brahma (i think also in texts on Kashmir Shaivism) when the big Brahma was meant which so far i thought is spelt as Brahman.
best regards
So many wrong claims here, I have lost count even though I partially agree with the sentiment of the article regarding ignorance of India’s contribution to world & also about Hindu religion yet the article makes many wrong claims e.g. Cow milk & urine related, planets circling the sun in Rigveda etc.
Hey Maria ji,
Thank you for enlightening us with such amazing facts about Hinduism. I like to read about relationship between science and mythology and this blog is really thirst quenching. I want you to be my mentor and tell me about the connection between science and God, space, mythology.
Thank you for this wonderful article and Isay this not out of racial pride but as a human committed to truth.
I would also request that perhaps someday you explore the obvious lacks in the Hindu society which puts sincere seekers away and which is a product of individualistic greed, ignorance of Snathan Dharma and even politics. These lacks have been allies to those western critics and cChristian missionaries who have used them often to keep sincere seekers away.
Thank you Maria.
pls check also this article on my blog
you will have to explore yourself the connection….
best wishes
Dear Ms.Wirth,
The Upanishads actually reflect very scientific concepts.The first Upanishad Ishavasya itself is enough.The first verse whereby the ultimate truth is expounded–Everything in this universe that moves and moves not( changes and changes) in this ever changing world is enveloped by energy( Isha). Now even the black holes are said to have gravitational energy .
It is difficult to define the concepts of Hinduism but these could be considered as under:
Everyone of us is God.There is no you and me.It only appears so.Newton’s Third Law of motion or Law of Karma proves this.We hit someone and get hit back .
We can directly experience this by our own effort,without the need of a book or a prophet.
This truth,that is to be experienced is the aim of our life.
We are all searching ( while pursuing some pleasure or another thinking that it will be everlasting) for the same except that it’s erroneously being looked for externally.
The external world( a mere projection of our will) keeps us enthralled and thus we are stuck here till we are slapped in the face again and again which makes us sincerely look within where the everlasting bliss exists.
We are complete and don’t need anything or anybody( except for the body and its needs–giving the devil its due).
There is a YouTube video wherein a British Scientist is talking about the Upanishads as scientific facts.
Paramahansa Yogananda’s God Talks To Arjuna and The Second Coming Of Christ illustrate the Sandhya Bhasha( twilight language) or an esoteric exposition of the truth .All symbols,known erroneously as Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism-even by Hindus themselves-are replete with marvellous facts.
I hope someone writes a book only on Sandhya Bhasha to dispel wrong notions about Hinduism.There is a book on Buddhist Tantric S.B. but not on the same in Hinduism.No Sanskrit philosophical book is understood unless one learns this esoteric language–which is not taught anywhere except at an enlightened Gurus’ feet–these Gurus no longer exist.
With Best Regards,
Madam Maria, Today,29.03.2017, I came across an article of yours shared in WhatsApp. I am really grateful for the insight you developed about Indian ancient culture. I have learnt that in fact, the oldest language was vedic which when spread on the globe by ancient rishis changed into Hebrew, Arabic due to local slangs. Even slokas of Rigveda are reflected in Zend Avesta. After seeing the gigantic glyph of maha sakthi yantra in Oregon, US, at least acceptance of universality of the sanatana dharma could have been done by the liberal-minded westerners. I have chosen the path of “nirguna nirakara brahman”, by being desire less, transcending over likes or dislikes of sensual acts of tastes,flavours,fragrances, being detached in outlook(witness role),in all states of pleasure or pain; and I am realising how much blissful it is, in only ‘responding’ but not ‘reacting’ state of “sakshibhuta”! I,for sure, have entrenched in the truth that ‘I am Deathless, present name and form are my transitory material manifestation of my true eternal existence of ‘supreme Consciousness’!
Do you write? Could you elaborate on your blog? You do not sound convincing.
We need two things today – bring the sense of pride in the learned sons and daughters of this soil about our dharma and tradition; and secondly, nudge the population towards the tenets and practices of dharmic living both at a personal and social level…
Your blogs definitely serve the former, and I am thankful that I got introduced to you and your blogs thanks to Whatsapp.
On the latter, I reckon, “saucha” is a good starting point, and hopefully we move towards “santosha”.
Reblogged this on empty space and commented:
Amazing… It strikes a chord with me.
We need two things today – bring the sense of pride in the learned sons and daughters of this soil about our dharma and tradition; and secondly, nudge the population towards the tenets and practices of dharmic living both at a personal and social level…
Maria’s blogs clearly serve the former.
and 3rd point, try to make those who left Hindu Dharma see the folly to condemn it as primitive and see the folly to even believe that Hindus burn in hell…
Great article Maria. The readers can enjoy LISTENING to Vivekanads’s ORIGINAL voice and speech in 1893 Chicago conference.
A few years ago, I was reading an article on the first parliament of world religions conference held in Chicago in 1993, written by a British journalist. He underscored the underlying conspiracy of the Christians to prove to the world how stellar is Christianity and how poor are other faiths and more importantly how the Christians could devise a plan to convert others out of their faiths. Alas. The plot back fired on them. The reason? Swami Vivekananda. The highlight of the conference remained his tall presence and how americans flocked to his speeches. So much so, in order to keep all attendees in the conference stands they purposefully made Vivekananda to speak towards the end of the day. That way they all remained till the end.
Absolutely briallant piece.
Allow me to humbly submit that I am totally lacking knowledge and exposure to sacred Hindu scriptures except a few kands of Ramayan, adhyays of Bhagwad Gita and Gayathri Mantra recitations on our festivals, yet I am convinced you are doing more good to Hindus themselves than a legacy our saints could achieve.
You are re-connecting us to the tremendous value hidden in the Hindu beliefs. You are connecting us to our roots in a way our kids can understand.
OSHO did it thru his talks. But he went beyond and talked of many Oriental beliefs like Tao and Buddhism, Tantra etc. And often became so deep, as to lose appeal to those with just a trivial curiosity.
Maria, Your work and writings can only be callled exceptional. Pls keep it up.
Hopefully it will help re-connect Hindus with Hinduism.
PS – I hope, one day, to be able to go buy your book of your posts and thoughts, off a Bookshelf !
Thank you.
sometimes i also think to bring out a small book ( i wrote 2 in German many years ago), but don’t quite find time and don’t know how to go about it… maybe later.
Recently NYT article published an article mentioning that scientist has discovered the benefit of deep breathing. This was known as “Pranayama” to Indian rishis since 5000 yrs. The same article has neither mentioned about pranayama nor given any credit given to Indians. Physics has already reached the dead end after discovery of Higg’s boson. Without unified field theory Westerners are more happier now to reign the supremacy of Abhrahamic religions or atheism (left liberals). The inner and outer world discovery will still remain mystery for science until the darkness of monotheism and atheism prevails in this world.
the way she has described her expeience is wonderfull
Agree with Maria. Brahman is the ultimate reality, the supreme soul. Whereas Brahma is the part of trinity who makes the srishti or creator along with Vishnu the sustainer and Siva the destroyer. Brahman has no physical form or gender.
Continue writing with keeping in mind largely the Germans as the target readership, the theme should be different for them when compared to Indians. Or better write small articles for Sunday Magazine sections on the German newspapers or other European papers. One day in future the compilation of articles can be printed as a book.There is a lot of hunger out there for spiritual knowledge in the world, having worked and lived in five different countries I know that for a fact.
Nice article
Name’s SrikanthRangdal. I am working from scratch on rediscovering the ancient Indian philosophy with modern perceptive.
Your facts in this article were very useful. Thanks.
glad to know
[…] https://mariawirthblog.wordpress.com/2017/03/03/science-and-religion/ […]
A very educative, researched posts…i am brahman and that’s benefits i got here your point very easily…thanks for your view and hope to discuss some other problems and solutions which is not mentions here right now..
Go through of my blog and must read once there a post ‘guaranteed success’..just see you can relate it to very easily..a big thanks of you again .
“Swami Dayananda Saraswati is certainly one of the most powerful personalities who has shaped modem India and is responsible for its moral regeneration and religious revival”. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
“The Chandogya Upanishad describes how the sage Uddalaka prodded his son Svetaketu to know “That by knowing which everything is known” and how he helped him along with valuable questions and metaphors.”
‘Eken Vignaten Sarvam Vignatam Bhavati’ Sanskrit Sloka.
A great blog to read. Please keep this going.
Life it’s a trip of Self discovery, and we all have a unique journey, and a destination, and it may seem different, but at the same time as the mystery of life disclose out, along the Way, underneath the veil it seems to be the same destination, whatever the Path you take, which brings to mind Ibn Arabi’s famous verses:
My heart can take on any form:
A meadow for gazelles,
A cloister for monks,
For the idols, sacred ground,
Ka’ba for the circling pilgrim,
The tables of the Torah,
The scrolls of the Quran.
My creed is Love;
Wherever its caravan turns along the way,
That is my belief,
My faith.
Thank you for pointing out, and sharing your Journey.
Thanks for sharing your efforts to define religion. You may be interested to read about how Margaret Chatterjee attempted to define spirituality: https://abravenewscience.wordpress.com/2017/07/12/exploring-the-concept-of-spirituality-i/
[…] Source: Science and religion […]
Absolutely brilliant. Pranam.
[…] (Note: This article originally appeared HERE) […]
Hi Maria,
Great article. Wish I could write like this. I have a vast knowledge of ancient Indian texts but some of points I come to know from this article only. Wish you the best.
[…] (Note: This article originally appeared HERE) […]
sorry, saw this comment only now. it had landed in junk. thank you for the appreciation.
Thank you. Please check out some more articles on my blog. Even if written a few years ago, they are still valid.
Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful. Maria Mam, with this understanding of Hindu Phenomenon, you have made thousands to know what is Aatma & Paramatma. I request you to undertake some studies in Dwaita Philosophy, i.e. propounded by Aacharaya Madhwa(Sri.Aananda Thirtha). In my experience, as a Brahmin(by birth), this knowledge of Hindu Philosophy, even mentioned by Aachaarya Madhwa,never comes to a person without HIS blessings.This maight be, due to the Good Deeds in this birth or the Good Deeds of your previous birth.Mam, you are a Blessed Soul. May God Bless You with a real happy & healthy long life. Looking forward to more of such revelations.
Thank you, Warm Regards,
Pradeep Kathavi.
Bangalore, India.
Very nice article…One should read to gain knowledge….
Superb! Would like to meet you some day.
A great explanation in simple language. Hat’s off for you mam.
Great article madam, we Hindus thank you for letting us know what other country citizens think about our rituals and beliefs. Yes you are right god cannot be soo cruel to leave his followers in hell jus for skipping one day sunday mass in their whole lyf. On the other hand hinduthva will give freedom to everyone. But we should follow what is right and should avoid wrong things by using our brains to make our God happy.!!!
Ms Maria Worth. Madam Na maate and Pranam. So read your views. Got truly enlightened, your reading our scripture is waste, am impressed. God bless you all
Excellent piece. Ma’m Many thanks for an eye opening blog. It is a great service that you are doing to Hindu way of life. Let this be read by all to spread the awareness.
Reblogged this on nytanaya and commented:
I am happy to reblog this wonderful post from Madam. Her post is very informative and elaborate. A wonderful soul she is. Atma Namaste.
[…] Science and religion […]
Well written. Thank you.
Maria…Thank you. I am falling short of words to express my exact feeling after reading this article.
Its an eye opener….Thank you once again!
Wonderful piece. I don’t think you miss out anything.
Thank you & GOD Bless
[…] https://mariawirthblog.wordpress.com/2017/03/03/science-and-religion/ […]
Very informative & core from subject view point.
Thanks a lot madam.
“The apple falls down, ok, but ultimately there is no apple…” That’s true enlightenment. I think the western world highly influenced by Christianity is taking the path of modern science to arrive at the same conclusion. Movies like “The Man from Earth”, Inter-stellar and “Lucy” are small interesting experiments in this direction.
Very well explained
Brilliant exposition
What a detailed clear and wonderful article Maria
I completely agree with you that we Indians have no idea of the depth and scientific reasoning performed by our ancestors and documented in the scriptures
It is a shame we still believe western knowledge is the best
Congratulations to you on being able to offer recognize Santayana Dharma in its entirety and magnamity
Proud of our culture and proud of you
Wonderful. Please send your writings to foreign newspapers. This should, rather must, be disseminated.
Excellent as usual.. a very crisp description of Hinduism especially useful for the western minds and the Luytens in Delhi
Subject has been handled competently with a in-depth understanding expressed with clarity.
[…] article was originally published on Maria Wirth’s blog . It is being reproduced with the author’s […]
श्रधेय माँ……….
Very well written..hats off to you. As you rightly pointed out many Indians are still having the hangover of British rule and are so disconnected with the rich knowledge and wisdom. It is heartening to see the passion with which you wrote this article, which proves that Truth has no geographical, national or religious boundaries. All it takes is for the person to be fully connected to the inner conscience.
An excellent article an eye opener and inspirational.
thank you
Yes. That is the reason I reblogged. Thank you.
Thanks a lot for the appreciation of the articles. It’s Wirth, but, the spell check makes it “Worth”….
This is my first encounter with Maria Worth, through her writing. I am spellbound by her incredibly profound, yet so simple logic.
Her lofty scholarship is so humbling….so purifying….
As always a great read and a majestic contribution. Indians by design or habit don’t take credit for anything. For them existence here is an experience gaining and karma clearing exercise. So who takes credit doesn’t bother them generally at all.
Beautiful article inter relating science scientists and eternal truth of Indian spirituality! Worth reading by everyone interested to know the difference between religion and Indian spirituality , and also who want to scout for permanent solutions the world is looking for!
अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण एवंज्ञानवर्धक जानकारी को साझा करने हेतु आपको साधुवाद
Brilliant article.Exposes the superficiality of the organised religions.The scientists will have to accept that what they observe n experience externally is not the truth but what they realise after search of अन्तःकरण ,मन बुद्धि चित्त और अहंकार ,their interplay n intuition that occurs after stilling the mind is the sole truth.
Upanishads and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are pure science.
Crores of Pranams to you Madam,
Sanathana Dharma has been crushed by Money power of the Western and also due to INNOCENCE OF SANATHANA DHARMA FOLLOWERS .
I think now there’s a Strong Awareness in the Hindutva, and also the Strong Divine Power of Hindutva will bring back the lost Glory
What a fascinating read. Sanatanis are proud to have you as a kindred soul.
Shat Shat Naman.
You bring awakening, self realization, deep thought and give confidence to those of us who are still unsure, half hearted, distracted, influenced by western materialist ways.
Ya devi sarva bhooteshu shakti roopena samsthita, Namas tasyai, namas tasyai, namas tasyai namo namah…
We pray that your shakti & buddhi resides in every life form & lifts them higher on their path to enlightenment.
If realization for some has to first engulf the West to be validated and then come a full circle to where it all began, we see the smile on all the deities with their eyes closed as if they say “ASTU – so be it”. Only we humans percieve it as waste of time, energy, life, feel the pain & struggle.
We pray you have very good health and you prosper to spread this light all around the globe and Keep doing your great work with greater vigour whatever the fruit, just enjoy spreading the light in everything you do.
thank you
Hare Krishna
Excellent article, Maria! Thank you!
“Indians are not believers, Indians are seekers,” someone once said. Nowhere else could Sanatan Dharm be present and preserved than in Bharat-India.
All Vedic Knowledge aims at realising Atma, the Self or Pure Consciousness, and then realising the universality of that Self as Brahm, The Totality.
Transcend all the non-Self! And what remains is Atma, pure Consciousness. And then realise that CONSCIOUSNESS IS ALL THERE IS.
Consciousness matters!
Because it is the basis of all that matters.
Believe in something by self experience that touches the soul if you rather than believe in something that only touches the physical body or mind.
You f you are that level believer then you are the Bramhin and you are the son of god.
Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says:
Knowing something by reading is good
Knowing something by listening to experienced people is better
Knowing something by your own experiences is best.
Just like the way you are perceiving this physical experience with your physical body senses, unless and until you realize self as not body nor mind nor will power etc layers but as an ever existing soul you cannot find or realize GOD.
Thank you Maria ji to get me educate about what exactly does it mean to “Religion & ISM”. And with a lot of context with wisdom
thank you