Author: Maria Wirth

The Pioneer newspaper had recently an editorial titled “culture wars”. It considered ‘the Kashmir files’ movie as a “part of the culture wars” and that the ‘real purpose’ of the movie was to promote the BJP agenda. The BJP agenda, so is implied, is to create a Hindu rashtra Yet not only an Indian newspaper disparaged the Kashmir Files. The Time Magazine had a headline: “The Kashmir Files: How a new Bollywood movie marks India’s further descent into bigotry.” It made me wonder who are the players in the “culture wars” and why a dominant Hindu culture is usually projected…

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This was a question on Quora already 8 years ago. Meanwhile there are many more attempts to associate Hinduism wrongly with violence. Here is my updated reply from 8 years ago: Hinduism is the only religion of the three major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism) that never used a sword to spread, unlike the other two. The reason is simple. It is the only religion that does not divide humanity into “us, who are right, versus them, who are wrong”. It is the only religion of the three, which does not claim that it alone is true and others need to…

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In the first part, I showed that German philosophers were VERY interested in ancient Indian manuscripts which were often looted by missionaries. What about German scientists? Were they also interested in Indian knowledge? Yes. Very much so. Famous names are among them: Einstein, Max Born, Max Planck, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Weizaecker and Wernher von Braun. These scientists of the early 20th century knew about Indian philosophy and did not hide their knowledge of Vedanta. Schroedinger ended his lectures often with the Upanishadic quote “Atma is Brahma”. But these scientists did not disclose if they got concrete help from ancient manuscripts for ‘their…

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Germans became interested in India rather late, but when they finally came in touch with ancient Indian manuscripts and their translations, Germans became VERY interested. Heinrich Heine, (1797 – 1856), a German author, wrote after listening to lectures on the Upanishads, “The Portuguese, Dutch and British have for a long time ferried huge treasures on big ships from India to their home countries. We Germans had to look on. But we will not be left behind. We take their knowledge. Our Sanskrit scholars provide us with this wealth from India right here in Bonn or Munich.” Many Germans intellectuals became…

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This was a question in an interview. Since the interview is quite long, I post here my reply to this question: In my view, the caste system is unfairly misused to demonize India and Hinduism. A study of history would show that it has been misrepresented, probably with the agenda by the Church to convince Hindus and the world that their tradition needs to be replaced with the “true religion”. All over the Western world, children hear in school that the core of Hinduism is a terrible caste system (apart from many gods), which of course is not true. I…

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In December 1985, I was sitting at the back of a small temple at the outskirts of Chamba near Tehri when some boys discovered me and, typically for Indian kids, who are never shy, started asking me questions.  “Where you are from? Do people there also know about Ram?” “No, where I am from, people don’t know about Ram”, I replied. They looked disappointed. Only then I realised that the crackling of loudspeakers that I heard from a village downhill, was in preparation for the Ramlila. A year later, I attended the grand Ramleela in Varanasi over 30 evenings and…

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A German friend sent me a YouTube video about an Indian, Santosh Acharjee, who had a near death experience. He is telling his experience to a Christian interviewer, Randy Kay.  It was posted 2 months ago and had already over 2,8 lakhs views. I guessed he would advise everyone to “accept Jesus”, because it is one of the propaganda methods of the Church. There are several videos like that. They try to make people believe that the “loving God” whom people encountered during their time out of the body, is Jesus Christ. It’s a powerful tool for them. They tell…

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Recently on twitter, Hath Yogi (@hathyogi31) wrote a thread on major myths about Hinduism that needed to be debunked. The first point was “Hindus are idol-worshippers”. I wrote the following comment: Several Hindus reacted, “We ARE idol-worshippers. Why should we care what others think? We have the right to worship idols”. They are right and they misunderstood me. I did not mean to debunk idol-worship but to debunk the false “label”. The problem is not with the worship of a representation of the Divine, called idol in English, but with the extremely negative connotation which Christianity and Islam have…

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Excerpt from my open letter to Pope Francis which is also valid for Muslim clerics. “Maybe Your Holiness is under the impression that Hinduism is a depraved religion and Hindus would do well to accept the Christian God instead of their multiple Gods. Such an impression would be completely wrong. There is no other religion that is – unjustly – denigrated as badly as Hinduism. Sorry to say that Christian (including Catholic) missionaries are in the forefront of this vilification campaign. Few people in the west know how profound India’s ancient tradition is. Long before ‘religions’, as we know them…

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If you have not been born into a Christian family, there is absolutely no good reason to accept Christianity. And if you have been born a Christian, you should reflect, what is helpful in your belief and what is harmful for you and for humanity as a whole. Let me explain: I was born in a Christian family and the belief in God, the Creator, who knows us and loves us, was helpful as a child. My mother taught me a brief prayer which rhymed in German. Translated it goes: “Dear God, I am small, my heart is pure, let…

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