Author: Maria Wirth

I try to put it as concise as possible: Hindus are common-sensical people and do NOT believe that the Supreme Being (God) loves only a certain group of people and considers all others as inferior and even sends them eternally to hell, if they don’t join that ‘certain’ group(s). Another point which is special and probably most important: Hindus believe that the Supreme Being (Brahman/ SatChitAnanda) is formless yet it sustains and permeates all forms. It means that the Supreme is within all of us. To claim that the human being is one with the Supreme Being is not allowed…

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This was a question on Quora to which I replied the following: I was baptized as a Christian (Catholic) in Germany when I was only 3 days old, but if somebody asks me whether I am Christian, I reply that I am Hindu though I did not do any ritual to ‘become’ Hindu. Conversion means to change into some other state. Christianity and Islam do it big time. They force perfectly normal human beings into blindly believing some unverifiable dogmas that do not add to their spiritual wellbeing. For example, even as children they are told to believe that the…

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“Such a huge festival and so peaceful, this would be impossible in Germany. There would be alcohol and brawls”, a German student told me once during a previous Kumbh Mela in Haridwar. The present Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, has attracted so far over 600 million visitors. And the final Shahi Snan (Royal Bath) on Mahashivaratri is still to come on 26. February. 600 million pilgrims streamed into a city of 1.4 million inhabitants! It is inconceivable. And absolutely stunning, how well organised and how clean the place is. No other country could manage this feat of hosting over half a…

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The German philosopher Hegel (1770 – 1831) didn’t have a high opinion of Indians, in contrast to most of his German colleagues. He even claimed that the character of Indians is “cunning and deceitful and that moral and human dignity are missing”. (By the way, he never was in Bharat). Yet he wrote this about Indian women and he meant Hindu women: “There is a peculiar beauty in Indian women, whereby their face is covered with pure skin, with a slight, lovely blush, which is not just like the blush of health and vitality, but a finer blush, like a…

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एक सभा में,  जिसमें हिन्दुइस्म से संबंधित विषयों पर चर्चा हो रही थी, मैंने कुछ छात्रों से चाय के समय पूछा कि “क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि हिंदूइस्म क्या होता है?” थोड़ी असहज सी शांति छा गई. कुछ देर बाद एक लड़की ने कहा “हिंदू बहुत सारे भगवानों / देवताओं को पूजते हैं “. मैंने पूछा, किसने बनाए इतने सारे भगवान / देवता? अब सन्नाटा छा गया. किसी ने कोई उत्तर प्रेषित नहीं किया. “क्या आप में से किसी ने ब्रह्म् के विषय में सुना है?” मैंने पूछा। “मेरा मतलब स्रष्टा के रचयिता भगवान ब्रह्मा से…

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In June 2024, i discovered by chance that the below article had been hacked. it had disappeared and replaced with a long paragraph critical of India. i put it up again. yet when i posted the link on Facebook soon after, Facebook removed my post…. it seems the truth about the cruel colonial rule should not be known. Madhu Kishwar had invited me to her channel to talk about the above topic, after I had tweeted that 2 tribes in Namibia filed some years ago a class action suit against Germany for atrocities during its colonial rule there from…

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In recent weeks, two big American influencers, Russel Brand and Candace Owen, declared that they got baptized. Others, who are Christians like Tucker Carlson, keep stressing the importance of Christianity for a healthy society. Jordan Peterson explained why atheism is irrational. And of course, he is right. There MUST be a power greater than humans behind this miraculous, vast universe. Even though I criticize Christianity, I consider it for normal Westerners (not clerics) much preferable to believe in Jesus and his Godfather than to be rootless atheists or communists, as long as these Christians don’t buy into the dogma that…

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I wrote this article in 1990 for a German magazine. It was very well received, and the chikitsalaya in Coimbatore received lots of requests from Germans for study and treatment. Moreover, a German Hospital owner was inspired to start an Ayurveda department in one of his clinics in Kassel. I got the idea to translate the article into English, after seeing, how Ayurveda and Baba Ramdev are criticized at present on social media. Baba Ramdev has benefitted so many people. What he has achieved so far in encouraging healthy living is admirable. He should be praised, not hounded. Please keep…

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In the first week of March, it seemed to be a free-for-all in attacking India in general and Hinduism in particular. What had happened? Here is what I gleaned from news sources. In an isolated area in the state Jharkhand, 300 km from its capital Ranchi, a 28-year-old Spanish/Brasilian woman and her 64-year-old Spanish husband had pitched their tent. They had travelled all over the world for some years and had come from Bangladesh on 2 motorbikes. At 11 pm on Friday night, 1. March, a police patrol saw 2 foreigners by the side of the road. Due to the…

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How do I come to the conclusion that certain forces want to prevent humans from knowing their divine Essence and connecting with it? By observing what happened over time and especially in the last 2 decades. When Vedic knowledge reached the West over 250 years ago, it was praised as the greatest gift to humanity. Philosophers praised it, but also scientists, like Erwin Schroedinger, Max Planck and several others. Schroedinger often ended his lectures with “Atma is Brahman” and Max Planck said: “I regard consciousness as fundamental and matter as derivative from consciousness. Even still in 1982, when Fritjof Capra…

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